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    And Star is born

    …And Star is born is the true story, struggle and journey to stardom of celluloid actors. The book, in words of the author Dinesh Verma, is dedicated to those who failed many a times, but never lost heart till they got success because they knew the Rome was not built in a day.

    Some succeed because they are destined

    Some succeed because they are determined

    This book is book the latter. It features the stories of Indian celebrities who have achieved the apex in the face of great disappointment and failure. They were written off by the critics many a time but every time they have came back with a bang.

    The way to success is not an overnight journey. Failures are inevitable and rejections are obvious. It is about hitting the iron again and again until it breaks, keeping the spirit indomitable unless you explore the invincible. This book brings to the readers stories of all those who have made it big in the Bollywood.It includes the struggle story of those who got cinema in inheritance and saga of outsiders for who the road was impregnable.

    Read it on to know how Amir Khan evolved as the perfectionist Khan, how tough it was for Raj Kapoor to set up the plinth of what is known today as the ‘first family of Bollywood’. It covers the journey of the angry young man Amitabh Bachchan, the rejections he encountered, near fatal accident he met, corruption allegations he battled and how he earned it all back on the eve of being pronounced bankrupt. Stars of Bollywood exemplify determination and dedication and are living legends. Each of them has worked extremely hard to make it where they are today. We bring to you their inspiring journey to motivate you to hit the milestone in your life. It mentions the days of penury spent by A.R. Rahman, the struggle taken up by Asha Bhosle with a child in her womb, Jackie Shroff’s days in a chawl in Teen Batti and so on.

    The book is a valued possession, a memoir of your loved stars and can definitely be a great gift of wisdom for your loved ones.

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    डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी ने अपने लंबे आध्यात्मिक जीवन के अनुभवों के द्वारा लोगों के सवालों के जवाब देकर मानव-जीवन की सफलता के गूढ़तम रहस्यों को उजागर किया है। डॉ. त्यागी जी ने कहा है, "मनुष्य अपनी उन्नति एवं अवनति के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेदार होता है। वह जिस प्रकार के संकल्पों या विचारों का निर्माण करता है, वैसी ही परिस्थितियों का निर्माण उसका अवचेतन मन (आत्मा) उसके लिए करने लगता है। अच्छे विचारों का निर्माण करके एवं उन पर ईमानदारी से अमल करके व्यक्ति देवत्व के शीर्ष पर पहुँच जाता है। किंतु यदि उसकी दिशा गलत हुई अर्थात् उसने गलत विचारों का चयन किया तथा उन पर दोषपूर्ण ढंग से अमल किया, तो परिणाम भी विपरीत ही प्राप्त होंगे।" "आपका अवचेतन मन या दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो आपकी आत्मा ज्ञान का भंडार है। अपनी आत्मा से संपर्क करके आप हर उस चीज के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, जिसकी हमें कभी भी और कहीं भी जरूरत होती है। आप जीवन में भरपूर समृद्धि और आनंद प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रमुखता से अधिकारी हैं और आप इसे सहजता से प्राप्त भी कर सकते हैं।" डॉ.मुरारीलाल त्यागी की कृतियाँ आज सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय और सर्वाधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली कृतियों में शामिल हैं। उनके द्वारा लिखित बैरिस्टर, ऊँची दीवार, म्लानमना, विदाई,बीमार कौन, दुःखान्त, संकल्पजयी, एक कदम और, वह कोई और, नया डायरेक्टर, मन उदास क्यों, बदलती लकीरें, हीरे मोती (संपादित), नई तालीम (नाटक), प्यारे बच्चों (नैतिक शिक्षा), सामाजिक सन्त पं. तिलकराज शर्मा, चिन्ता से चिन्तन तक आदि पुस्तकें बहुत लोकप्रिय रही हैं। वे गत 60 वर्षों से 'प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारीज ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े हुए हैं तथा ज्ञान में चल रहे हैं और धारणा युक्त जीवन जी रहे हैं। उनकी वर्तमान उम्र 87 वर्ष से भी अधिक है। वे गत 55 वर्ष से 'कल्पान्त' मासिक भी प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं जिसमें कवि, साहित्यकार, समीक्षक एवं अन्य विद्वानों की चर्चा की जाती है। यह कृति हमें सिखाती है- सुखी जीवन के चमत्कारिक रहस्य - तन-मन और धन के साथ आत्मिक शांति पाने का सहज और अचूक दिव्य ज्ञान, समस्याओं, निराशा, चिंता, आलोचना और व्याधियों से छूटकर समृद्धि एवं खुशियाँ पाने के सरल सूत्र। सत्प्रेरणा से परिपूर्ण एवं जीवन को आनंदमय बनाने का सतत् प्रवाह प्राप्त करने के लिए 'मेरा' सुख 'किसके हाथ प्रसिद्ध मनीषी एवं आध्यात्मिक वक्ता डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी द्वारा दिए गए मर्मस्पर्शी सवालों के अनुभवसिद्ध जवाबों का अनुसरण अवश्य करें।  
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    Cancer is such a dreaded disease; the name itself in stills fear! Oncologists are no less than God and God’s Angels to those afflicted with the disease. However, the Medical Oncology Practice is fraught with immense pressure, which can affect patient care. This book offers a miraculous yet practical solution that has the power to turn around Oncology practice and prescription completely! This Path-Breaking solution will help medical oncologists create BSA-based prescriptions in just 2 minutes flat for the first time ever! This is not merely a book but a movement to help all Medical Oncologists to join hands and make India: “The country of 100% Digitized Healthcare Practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no time by 2025.” Hit the Buy Button NOW to take your practice and your country to a whole new level! Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Pharmaceutical Distributor by Profession and “A volunteer Platelets donor” by passion, along with A motivational Speaker for “Donating Blood and Platelets”. Till the date of publication of this book (17/06/2021), he has donated Platelets 178 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. Having worked with many Oncologists, Hemang knows how challenging it is for them to create BSA-based error-free prescriptions. He requests all Medical Oncologists to join hands to Digitize Healthcare for humankind. And now he is on a mission to make India “The country of 100% Digitize healthcare practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no-time by 2025.”
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    If you want to know how to grow and sustain in your personal life or/and business by leaps and bounds, this book is yours. The book contains all the facts and answers all the questions that you might have. It addresses all the problems that you might be facing as an entrepreneur or as a student. Mr. Harish Miglani picked CA as career choice and completed exams in very first attempt in the year 2006. After becoming Chartered Accountant in 2006, he started giving coaching to CA students in 2009. At the time of his practice and coaching to students. Mr. Miglani observed that there are people in the society who are intellectual, disciplined, but there is something that hold them all. This book is a big attempt to transform all these people.
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    Have you ever wondered that you could shape your body with the correct fat percentage and good health full of vigor and energy, causing others’ envy? Then keep reading. different methods to achieve your desired results in fat loss.
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    A Walk with Me: And Never Lose Your Health Again

    Now You Can have the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS of Your Dreams Much Faster Than You Ever Imagined Ever wished that you attain a life full of Health and Happiness that makes others feel envious of you?  Then keep reading. The market is flooded with materials making superfluous promises to attain your wishful health parameters through doing this thing or that thing. But they never tell you the real cause of those non-uniformities and badly miss the vital information related to sustainable maintenance of your body parts. Can we afford to remain ignorant about the functioning of our body and wish for a healthy life? The book “A walk with Me” focuses on listening to what our body tells us from within. Through the journey of this book, you will discover: General view on the organs of our body and their role in our day-to-day life. The practical tips and tricks which can help take care of the wellness of these body organs. The truth behind some of the common diseases and the modalities to address them. The role of Yoga and meditation in bringing peace, progress, and prosperity in our life. Vital information about sleep/rest /exercises in our life for making it healthy and happy? How to make your life free from stress and depression? This book will make its readers aware of the functioning of the body and mind leading to transforming their lives altogether. A unique specialty of this book is the usage of the Hindi language at certain places, making it easy to grasp for an ordinary person. This book is a must-read for all those who dream of living a healthy and happy life. Certified Transformation Coach for Mind Power Workshops Certified DMIT Counsellor Certified Yoga Teacher Approved by The Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy, Govt. of India (Certified at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai AND at Yoga Niketan, Vadodara) Former Senior Manager, Corporation Bank (Now, Union Bank of India) Former District Secretary, Rotary International Dist.-306 Former President, Rotaract Club of Nadiad His Mission: To educate, intimate and escalate Hundred Thousand people to live st Independent, Healthy and Happy lives by 31 December, 2028. He is conducting workshops Offline and Online to fulfil his mission. He is considered as a Cool and Calm Coach and Expert in Experiments  
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    Poonam Kalra's practical handbook redefines health as a holistic treasure of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and provides a roadmap to lifelong health, offering simple yet transformative shifts in your lifestyle. Uncover the wisdom to listen to your body, experiment with personalized approaches, and embark on a unique journey toward vitality. Let this book be your daily companion on the path to a vibrant and fulfilled life. Your health, your true wealth. An example and a catalyst for transformation, Poonam Kalra is a celebrated motivational speaker, popular YouTuber and the best-selling author of two inspiring books. A passionate advocate for holistic health and a positive attitude toward life, she has touched the lives of countless individuals. In her seventies, Poonam continues to lead by example, proving that a fit, full, and healthy life knows no age boundaries. With her unique perspective and unwavering commitment to helping others live their best lives, Poonam Kalra is a beacon of light in the world of self-improvement and well-being.
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    This book is a guide to Modern astrology with Luck activation remedies, based on Vedic sutras. Even though various descriptions of Vedic sutras are found in standard texts, the method of prediction and providing remedies are not given in to readers and to provide deep comprehensive Knowledge as well. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to ascertain whether you will get what you want in your life or how your immediate future is going to be. Right from the language to the astrological diagrams, no effort is spared to make this book reader-friendly. It is like a self-help book. You can take your horoscope with you and start making your Luck favorable. This book will not only make you learn Astrology, but will also help you in knowing Yourself, Your God Gifted Powers, your Lucky Gemstones, which will make your luck stronger.
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    Beauty n Beyond: The New Era

    Beauty is one of the prime essences for existence in today's world. Beauty cannot just be restricted to genetic inheritance rather it is more about grooming those assets we have been blessed with. The book has been written by Dr. Mridu Miglani, a renowned dentistry and cosmetology expert with 15 years of practicing experience and Gopika Dhupar, an eminent cosmetologist and makeup artist. Their collaboration has created this masterpiece which they have named 'Beauty n Beyond - The New Era'.  The book is good for everyone who wants to have a ravishing and glamorous appearance. Some of the secrets revealed in this book includes that of flawless skin and hair nourishment. Beauty treatments have been suggested based on the circulating trends. Scope and effects of new age make-up treatments like chemical peel, botox and fillers have also been elaborated. Read the book and apply the tips suggested to give that new appeal to your personality. Who says cosmetics is an affair restricted to riches, authors present here some great remedies and beauty enhancement tips that are readily available in every household. Take that one step towards looking beautiful with the copy of Beauty and Beyond in your possession.
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    This book will enlighten you about “how to make you and your family live more happy, meaningful and fulfilling life.” It is a launching pad for complete health and wellness. The reading of this book will make you secure from the onslaught of diseases and open the floodgate of health-related opportunities for you and your loved ones and empower you to throw all the health-related woes to the wind.

    This book is unique in the way it has broaden its scope beyond information. It has transcended the boundary of information and has been successful in providing life-enriching experiences to its readers. Complete Health and Wellness is what it guarantees for sure.

    Hemang C.Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by education, entrepreneur by Profession and by passion “A volunteer Platelet donor”, a Motivational Speaker for “donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of the publication of this book (12/04/2021), he has donated Platelets 174 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. And now he is on a mission to make India “the country of the Millions of Real-life heroes” by 2025 where there will be zero incident when any operations/surgeries will be delayed due to unawareness of Healthcare Education and non-availability of Blood/platelets.

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    Book                              :         Diabetes Jaye Bhul, Rahe Cool Author                          :         Dr. Bhagwan Sahay Sharma, Dr. Ajay Gupta, Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Mr. Dinesh Verma ISBN                              :         978-93-86276-60-5 Binding                        :         Paperback Publisher                     :         Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Number of Pages      :         189 Language                     :         Hindi Edition                          :         2018
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    It will not be a hyperbole to say that this book contains all the knowledge about Gemstone that worth knowing. This book is a self-help book in many ways since it provides insights of recognising corrupted and fake gem and the characteristic features of a genuine gemstone. After reading this book, you will be able to make an in-depth analysis of gemstones, understand why most of the people fail to get results from gemstones and the key elements that need to be taken care of while purchasing Gemstones. An expert Gemologist, a keen observer, an institution himself in the world of gemstone, Mr. Anshul is endowed with so many qualities. His passion for proliferating happiness, good spirits and a sense of safety amongst people through gems led him to kick-start Brahma Gems' in 2011. His foresightedness has driven him to enrich his entrepreneurial skills and enabled him to successfully broaden his gemstone business in all parts of India and abroad.
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    Academicians believe that the only thing that hinders students/aspirants from getting the job/course of their dream, is Group Discussion. GD is like a snake sitting at number 99 in a Ludo game. You think that you are just one step away from you success, and the GD comes like a snake; makes your attempt unsuccessful.

    Finally, this is the book , that will give you iron-clad guaranty of excelling in GDS. You will:

    → Get the reasons why institutes and organisations conduct GDs, how they are constructed and what exactly do evaluators look for in a candidate

    → Discover how to act like a pro with excellent insider advice right from how to give the best impression to demonstrating your abilities in a brief time.

    → Come to know about the essential questions about a GD like what does it actually mean, how it is conducted and how your performance is evaluated.

    → Learn how to make a great first impression, how to display what the moderators want to see, and how to stand out from the competition.

    → Get a list of topics that are generally given in GD to discuss.

    Whether you’re looking to get your favorite course or your dream job, with the assistance of this amazingly simple and effective step-by-step guide you will stand out from the competition, get noticed and crack the GD

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    The Novel ’EXPECTATION’ (PRATEEKSHA) has been selected by National Book Trust, India for Sharjah International Book Fair, UAE, 2013. The heroine of the novel Sita never surrenders to the adversities, never compromises to wrong ethical values but, takes them up as the challenge faces them boldly, and becomes victorious. As a social novel, its story is very inspiring, interesting, and indulging. Raj kumari Sharma M.A. (Hindi) M.A. (Pol. Science) B. Ed. born on 7th September 1930 Jamki Chima Distt. Sialkot (Now in Pakistan). After the INDO-PAK partition, she worked first as a school teacher in the legendary land of AALAH —UDHAL, VIRBHUMI MAHOBA, and later in the Department of Education, Madhya Pradesh. For the first ten years, she served as a teacher and later for 23 years, she had been the Principal of School.
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    We all wish to lead a happy life which is incomplete without good health. The book Fitness Forever (Design Your Body)' is a boon for all those who are interested in leading a happy and healthy life. This book is authored by Gaurav Kumar and Jinnie Gogia Chugh who are international athletes and well known faces in the field of fitness. It is a scientifically proven fact that being slim is not the only criteria of being fit. One should have strength, stamina and flexibility if s/he wants to be fit in true sense. This book covers all the aspects including proper diet plans, workout schedules, breathing techniques and even rest. In a nutshell this book is a real motivational guide that will help you achieve proper fitness along with confident good looks that will bring out a more happy, calm, confident, focussed and a fit NEW YOU!!! A Fashion Photographer and a model, Gaurav Kumar is well recognised in this field. He is the winner of two sub-titles in the coveted GRASIM MR. INDIA 2006 and has many awards and achievements to his credit. He has rich knowledge about fitness and has been a role model and mentor to many. He has transformed many lives and was thus persuaded to share and spread his knowledge amongst everyone. He is a Taekwondo practitioner and has an event management firm-STAR FLARE GAURAV KUMAR ENTERTAINMENT. A writer and fitness professional, Jinnie Gogia Chugh has authored twelve books and has edited many including the best selling 'Enhance Your Child' series. A strong educationist and scholar, she writes on various topics for different magazines. Her articles and writeups are regularly published. She is also a literary agent, and compiles books. She has avid interest in fitness. Having represented India on an international platform, she is recognised as one of the elite women in fitness in the country. She has been interviewed and given coverage by almost all national newspapers and magazines, and is always in continuous pursuit of excellence!  
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    This book should not be construed as “For Senior Citizens only”, for it is equally inspiring for all age groups. The sole purpose of writing this book is to make my readers acquainted with the numerous ups & downs in life and how one can cope with it with his or her head held high and confidence level intact. The book denotes the true essence of a meaningful life. It underlines: ▪ The virtues of life ▪ The ability to face problems courageously & with determination ▪ A never-say-die attitude to achieve goals with hard work, uprightness & Integrity ▪ A sense of detachment to sacrifice materialistic individual benefits ▪ A sense of togetherness to maintain Unity amongst four generations of Chawla Khandaan at any cost Know what the lettered say about this book:
    • I am sure that the younger generation of today will learn from your experiences as to how your family fell from a life of everything to nothing but rose again against all odds to achieve top positions in social strata with their hard work, determination, willpower & dignity. I wish you all the best. –Jyoti Arora
    (Special Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India)
    • The book deserves salutes of 1000 cannons. A must-read book that has the capacity to bring in a sea change in one’s life. ------ –C. L. Chaudhary (Retd. High Court Judge, Delhi High Court)
    The author of this book Manohar Lal Chawla (popularly known as Manna Uncle among the youngsters & Manna by my loving sisters and brothers) is a retired Member, of Technical from erstwhile Haryana State Electricity Board (Now Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited), Panchkula. He retired in March 1995 and is presently residing in Faridabad, Haryana. He migrated from Montgomery (Pakistan) in September 1947 under very horrendous circumstances. The scenes of night halt at Raiwind Railway Station near Lahore fearing for their lives & subsequently lying at Old Delhi Railway Station without food & shelter are still haunting the author and his family members. He & his family members started from scratch & rose to high positions in their respective fields by dint of hard work, steely determination, perseverance, and a strong will to excel.
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    This book sheds light on the reasons why treatment in allopathic and other systems of medicine fail when it comes to treating Joint Pain. The book very cogently proves why surgery is not always a good option and why holistic treatment is the need of the hour. This book is among the "rare few" books that connect the mindset & occurrence of the disease and prescribes loving yourself.
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    How to Get Rich this Year


    This Book discusses at length the life-changing concept and scientifically-proven facts. You would find yourself closely connected to the facts, stories and ideas mentioned in this book. The Book will encourage you to explore your own potential and inspire you to achieve your ultimate goal, i.e. Getting Rich. This book discusses 20 golden secrets about getting rich and shows how money is a learnable skill and how you can be kind, loving, generous, healthy, spiritual and really filthy RICH. In addition to these, the book lays down a process to help you emerge from the clutches of negativity and develop a positive approach towards Getting Rich.

    Harshhaa is a speaker, trainer and the creator of “Get Rich This Year Framework”. She is also an author of the book titled, “Wealthy Inside Wealthy Outside". She holds her graduation and post-graduation in Finance from SRCC, Delhi University. She is a Gold Medalist in Insurance and Risk management. She has a rich experience as an entrepreneur and as a corporate professional serving retail banking, investment banking and management consulting industry. She has invested over a decade of her life learning, using and coaching how to grow rich in life. She coaches and helps Sr. Executives & Entrepreneurs to move past their Money roadblocks and to have more productive, professional and absolutely fulfilling personal lives.

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    Basically, the book, how to Have Victory over Vocabulary, primarily seeks to guide a learner about how to learn, retain and recall the learnt words, idioms and phrases by applying a unique technique of memorising them.
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    How to Write off Your Pain?

    This book is the ultimate guide for people of all age groups, who want to prevent joint and muscle pains, due to incorrect postures in their daily lives. This self-help book enables one to learn about simple tips on lifestyle modification, and prevention management of musculoskeletal repetitive stress injury (RSI) through basic exercises, and ergonomics at home and at work. This will enable readers of the book to lead a healthy and pain-free life. Dr. Ridwana Sanam is a leading Consultant Physiotherapist and Woman Entrepreneur, well known for her work in the field of Clinical Physiotherapy and Education. She has completed numerous courses, such as Kineseo-Taping (Japan), Band & Ball (UK), Manual Therapy (Singapore) and Dry Needling (AIIMS, India). She founded KRV in 2007 and incorporated KVR Healthcare and Physiotherapy Pvt. Ltd. in 2011. Having treated lacs of patients across India, as well as from neighbouring countries in South Asia and Middle East, she has amassed vast clinical experience in her decade-long career. She is well versed in the latest technology and techniques in physiotherapy, and through her direct treatment of patients over the last 10 years, she has prevented more than 50,000 surgeries of Osteoarthritis, Slip Disc, and ACL Tears. In addition to committing herself to the effective diagnosis and treatment of injuries, she is also a firm believer in the prevention of injuries by adopting simple techniques for an ergonomic and healthy lifestyle. She developed this interest during the course of treating several patients where injuries were preventable. Dr. Ridwana Sanam was appreciated and awarded by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in 2013.
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    How to Get the Courage and Power to Live a Life You Love ~ Poonam Kalra Poonam Kalra’s much-awaited second book, a brand new high-impact motivational life path offering 'Iconic Living,’ is out NOW! A complete motivational guide, the book offers courageous wisdom and priceless nuggets on the power of nurturing and developing your mind & body to live the best life possible. This book is a celebration of life in the grandest way possible. Written by an inspirational woman who has held age hostage, it shows you how to expand your universe and live life to the fullest by keeping your body, mind, relationships, habits and thoughts fit and sound. Filled with a treasure house of tips, tools, techniques and anecdotes the author has personally tried, applied and verified before sharing, every word in this book is life-altering and guaranteed to impact your life with amazing results. Unlike other books that focus on one area of life in isolation, this book shares how to create a balanced life to live in complete harmony 360 degrees. This book is a gift to humanity and shows readers how to live their best life, stress-free, no matter their age, gender or station in life. With this book as your guide and friend, nothing and no one can stop you from living your best Iconic Life filled with Joy, Wealth, Health and Success. This Book is Unique as: • It is written by a woman who has shattered all myths & barriers related to age and set an example. • It shares Priceless Secrets to improving every area of your life. • It shares practical tools and exercises to build your mind, body, confidence, personality & relationships. • Everything shared in the book is Result Oriented and Tried & Tested. A simple action could change your life forever. Make Your Life ICONIC. Click on the Buy Button!!! Poonam Kalra is a popular Youtuber and motivational speaker who is a role model for all ages. She is a huge inspiration as she defies and shatters all myths and barriers related to age. She proves that age is indeed just a number by looking great, being in excellent health and starting a new venture at an age when most people give up on life.
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    Starting from elementary school, Children should learn beginning concepts in algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics, and logic. In addition, they should learn how to solve problems by applying knowledge of math to new situations. They should learn to think of themselves as mathematicians—able to reason mathematically and to communicate mathematical ideas by talking and writing. We hope that you will find this series a valuable tool for developing and reinforcing your child's interest and knowledge— and that you and your family may develop appreciation for "Why such knowledge is important?". Anita Verma is an accomplished author, who had written books on child development. She is somebody who is well-appreciated for her counseling sessions. She is highly inspired by her younger daughter. Kids always remind her of a Quote by Sam, "Don’t watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep going."
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    The fears we don't face become our limits. Have not we conditioned ourselves since childhood to see things and live in a certain way? - If our parents fought, we grew up thinking that it is normal to fight and have - trouble in relationships. - If we saw people around us being dominated by their boss and giving up easily, we believed that this is how work life is supposed to be. - If we saw our friends and relatives popping up pills every now and then, we started taking our health for granted and began to accept stress and anxiety as a normal part of the routine. But is accepting any of this as a part of our normal routine? Or, should we raise an alarm and make a conscious choice to change it? We will know that something has to change for our life to change. This book teaches us as to how to - Unlock the foundation of untapped courage and motivation - Feel the aura of abundance around you and achieve what you long for - Get rid of pressure and shock of fear - Create a life of their wish almost effortlessly - Heal people with serious conditions like Depression, Anxiety, Piles, Asthma, Bronchitis, Gluten Allergy, etc. and empower them mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Peyush is a Celebrated life & business coach, psycho-therapist, Author, and blogger, Widely admired for her extraordinary skills of helping people overcome their barriers & Accomplishing life-changing results. The Driving force behind the Success and happiness of Countless many, she is rightly popular as the 'Queen of transformation' today.
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    ‘Life Through A Lens ‘ is Khushi Jain’s book . The book unravels Khushi ‘s evolution as a poetess . Khushi has dealt with everyday topics which touch her heart and soul . Her style of writing is simple , lyrical and mindful of metre . Her perspective is fresh , relatable and keeps the reader engaged. Khushi is a vivacious and social 15 year old girl , born and brought up in Delhi . She has friends in all age groups . She is currently studying in Springdales School , Dhaula Kuan , New Delhi .She is a literature lover and reads a lot . By the age of 11 her love for reading translated to writing especially poetry . She wants to be an orator par excellence . She has deep interest in computer and technology and aspires to be an entrepreneur when she grows up .
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    Women with breast cancer can't afford forgetting the details and intricacies of treatment. So just like a chapter in a book breast cancer is a chapter in your life. The book is but a compilation of some musings over author experiences in helping patients recuperate from breast cancer. It is an effort to help those millions of women in India who develop breast cancer and fail to get any support to fend for themselves. During her internship in the surgical disciplines, she was overwhelmed by the vast majority of cancer patients and was determined to pursue surgical oncology. During their rigorous training in the Government Raja ji Hospital, Madurai while pursuing her Masters in General Surgery, the resolve just got firmer. She joined as a senior resident doctor in the Department of Surgical Oncology in the Gastrointestinal Oncology Services unit at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre in November 2008. In February 2009 after clearing the DNB CET she joined the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre for super speciality training course in DNB Surgical Oncology recognized by the National Board of Examinations. During the DNB programme, she had rotational postings in the division of Breast, thoracic & soft tissue services, genitourinary services, gastrointestinal services and head & neck services in the department of surgical oncology. She is presently Senior Consultant of Breast Oncology at the Max Institute of Cancer Care, Shalimar Bagh. She is adept with the recent advances in breast oncology like Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, Breast Conservation Surgery, Oncoplasty, Axillary Surgery, Prophylactic Mastectomy, Skin Sparing Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction and chemo port insertion including arm port.
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    Live It Up: Priceless Secrets to Your Best Life

    Priceless secrets to your best life by PoonamKalra Stop whatever you are doing. Read this NOW! Stress is the #1 cause of Disease, Death& Relationship Breakdowns! Not choosing this book could be your biggest regret! Written by an Inspiring Womanwho has held Age Hostage; This book shows you how to live yourBest Life, Stress-Free no matter your age, gender or station in life. It teaches you how to create all-around 360-degree prosperity in every area of your life with easy to implement tips, tools and techniques. Unlike other books that focus on one area of your life, this book shows you how to create a Balanced Life to live in complete Harmony. This book is so full of Positivity that the cover alone is enough to uplift your mood. In between the covers, the book is filled with Priceless Secrets of Health& Nutrition, Success &Wealth, Mental Health & Peace, Relationships and Personality Development. A complete Motivational guide, the book offers you priceless nuggets on Confidence-Building, Effective Communication, andPersonal Grooming&Styling. This Book is Unique as: It is written by a woman who has shattered all myths & barriers related to age and set an example. It shares Priceless Secrets on improving every area of your life. It shares unique tools like the Portable Sauna in thehealth section, Speak out your Anger in the mental wellbeing section, Record yourself in the personal development section. Everything shared in the book is Result Oriented and Tried & Tested. The health section is fortified with actual meal plans and easy healthy recipes. A simple action could change your life forever. Live it up Click on the Buy Button!!! Poonam Kalra is a popular Youtuber and motivational speaker who is a role model for all ages. She is a huge inspiration as she defies and shatters all myths and barriers related to age. She proves that age is indeed just a number by looking great, being in excellent health and starting a new venture at an age when most people give up on life.
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    The Book 'Make Your Child A Responsible Citizen' provides information about the values and skills that will help your child develop strong character and become a good citizen. It suggests activities that you and your school-aged children can do to put those values to work in their daily lives. It contains some valuable tips for working with teachers and schools to ensure that you act together to promote the basic values that you want your child to learn and imbibe.

    Dinesh Verma, the author of this book and director of Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., is a prominent author and social worker. He has authored various books like Vriksh Lagayein: Grahon ko apne Anukool Banayein, Diabetes Jayen Bhooll, Rahen Cool, Don’t Die with a Book Inside You(in Press), Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education, Pre-School Child, Parents I need You, Now I am Adolescent, etc. in which most of the books have been selected by NBT, GOI for International Book Fairs.  In 2012, he was awarded with 'Avantika Rashtriya Sewa Samman'. Further, in 2013, he was honoured with two awards—'Avantika Shiromani Samman' and 'Shabd Sadhak Samman'. Recently, he is honoured with 'Atal Bihari Vajpayee Avantika National Award' and 'Cascader award' by FICCI Cascade.

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    This book, as its title suggests, shares 9 most common mistakes which people do and you should avoid so that a door handle can elevate your interior along with their solutions.The book describes mistakes one by one, such as selecting the door handles without keeping in mind the interior style, opting for door handles that do not go with one’s door styles, getting lowest-priced handles, selecting sharp-edges handles, etc. and how to overcome these wrongdoings.Simply put, the book proves how a perfectly selected door handle can do wonders to enlighten and elevate your interiors, provided it is gelling with your interior space.

    Akshat Bansal is an Architectural Hardware Expert with almost two decades of experience. Soon after his engineering, he joined his family-owned hardware business, and today he is blessed with the opportunity to work with some of the most prominent Architect and Interior Designers of India. That he is neck-deep involved in his hardware business can easily be understood from the statement of his wife. “He eats handles, sleep handles and dream handles”, she says about the author . Even her daughter suggests him to take some time off, out of his hectic schedule and think except hardware.

  • This book is an insightful gift to humanity in today's stress-prone lifestyles. Written by a therapist who has been there and felt these emotions, this book tells you that "you are not alone!" Further, beyond understanding and empathy, it also gives you practical exercises and positive coping techniques to navigating feelings of anger, frustration, invalidation, unproductiveness and unworthiness. Written in a conversational format of 5 open letters, this playbook is an absolute must-have &will prove to be your go-to friend for fostering & safeguarding your mental health as & when needed.  A Counseling Psychologist with a Master's in Psychology complemented by a Diploma in Positive Psychology and several Certificate Courses in various other areas of mental health Yashi Sonthalia currently works as a therapist and is a popular mental-health advocate. Through her webinars and social media platforms, she works toward normalizing mental health conversations & propagates the principle of self-compassion and building a healthy relationship with oneself.
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    Mankind: Origin, Journey to the Present and Future

    The pre-historic connection of the African continent with peninsular India in the Gondwanaland day led the author to think whether the earliest inhabitants of India came from Africa. The present worldview, however, rules it out by assuming that Gondwanaland disintegrated long before the humans arrived in Africa. This view, however, cannot convincingly explain how primitive Man spilled all over the world in the later years, crossing the huge oceans in between. The present book is an attempt to solve this puzzle on the basis of available evidence. The invention of machines in the 18th century by humans, though lauded as the greatest achievement, has also resulted in ever-increasing pollution and destruction of nature in the name of development. The cumulative effect of all this after centuries of progress has brought us to the precipice where global warming and its ugly effects are bringing the planet to the brink of a catastrophe. The only way to reverse this effect in the author's view is to ascertain that the majority of our population retains agriculture as their livelihood. That is the only way global warming can be reversed. The book is based on rational thinking and scientific reasoning. Alok Bhattacharya: The author is a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Banaras Hindu University along with a few years of research experience in Canadian universities. He started his career as a scientist in a CSIR Lab, then moved on to industry as an R&D Scientist and retired after a successful career. He has published in national and international journals of repute, was an invited speaker in the Calcutta session of the Indian Science Congress in 1995, and has authored books on advanced research topics. He has traveled widely and has an active interest in current social issues. His book "Global Warming" has been published by Rupa & Co. in 2008
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    While 20 years back, couples fully trusted and booked their honeymoons through travel agents, who hardly travelled and hardly knew anything about the destinations, today, that has literally turned seems to know everything about destinations, as well as how to book almost everything online. This is especially true for young couples, who want to be in full control of their trip, and in fact crave for the sense of power and gratification that designing their entire Honeymoon gives them. This new found power has actually led to a lot of couples making a ton of mistakes while planning their special once in a lifetime trip. The funny thing is, that on Facebook and other social media, you only get to see smiles laughter and stunning moments. The successes are all up there, but just behind them lie the many failures and mistakes. It is only when clients come back to discuss their next trip, that we get to know about their honeymoon disasters. This set me thinking, and finally led to my writing this book about 20 disastrous mistakes that couples make while planning their honeymoon. The aim of this book is to take you on a fun ride, and give you a solid manual and guide to make your honeymoon perfect in every detail. If you want your honeymoon to be made in heaven, you really need to read this book.
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    Money Generating Buildings 2.0

    The Untold Secret of "MONEY GENERATING" BUILDINGS to build your next Dream Home virtually for FREE!   Are you a corporate, a builder, or a person who is planning his next dream home?   This book gives you the complete know-how about making it possible. It gives you a detailed understanding of approaching your new next building and how it can become virtually free to you just by small manageable steps and understanding of the process.   Your relationship with your building design and build process is as essential as you would bring up your child. It could have fabulous or devastating results depending upon your mindset. The book is a straight forward story like actual case studies to open up your mind on making your next building success on the above lines.   You will discover....
    • Scientific ways to turn your office or home building into a money generating building.
    • The Techniques of Huge savings, least maintenance, and high performance of your building.
    • Complete knowledge about how to choose eco-friendly building materials and construction practices.
    • How to unlock the potential in your building?
    • The process and understanding about how your building can pay you back.
      Rohit Surendra Nagia is North India's leading Architect for the last two decades who has credit for building more than 400 homes/offices/buildings with Green specifications. Graduated from the prestigious college of architecture C.E.P.T. Ahmedabad in 1997, he was responsible for designing I.I.M. Indore, Medical Council of India, Delhi, and I.I.T. Gwalior. He is an avid researcher in low-cost architecture. As a qualified trainer and evaluator, he makes sure that the built forms are sustainable, energy-efficient, and require low maintenance.   So Tempting title that I can't miss to read for my Dream Home. ~Dinesh Verma C.E.O. Pendown Press
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    You can use this as an instrument of motivation to keep yourself progressing towards your mountain-like dreams. These stories should also give you courage and strength to stand in the face of adversities. Let these 52 stories help you to become unstoppable in pursuit of your dreams and succeed.
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    This book is the story of a person, who is presently on the top of politics in India. He was born in a very simple family, a mediocre in studies, having a very common personality but the uncommon in him was his diligence, will power, discipline, brotherhood and his desire to accomplish something special by following his doctrine of Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas. (Everybody’s company will help in everybody’s growth) This book contains all such information about Modiji which is not only authentic but also inspirational for the public. The main purpose of writing this book is not only to understand the life of Modiji but also to adopt the qualities possessed by him especially his Simplicity, Determination, Boldness and Brotherhood. The purpose of this book is also to publicise these qualities in the society.

    Sh. Dinesh Verma, founder and director of Gullybaba publications Pvt. Ltd. (Estd. 2000) which has the credit of publishing more than 1000 books by now. He has earned good name as a renowned writer and a social worker. Most of the books written by him were selected by NBT, Govt. of India for International Book Fairs. His most discussed book “Don’t die with a book inside you” is coming shortly before the book lovers. In 2012, Mr. Dinesh Verma was conferred with the “Avantika Rashtriya Sewa Samman” award. In 2013 he was invited by the then President Sh. Pranab Mukherjee and in 2018 he was invited by Shri Giriraj Singh, the then Health Minister, Govt. of India. Sh. Dinesh Verma ji is a versatile genius. He is a well known writer, batch centre and certified practitioner, strategist and publishing coach. Sh. Apporv Shah is also a unique personality. He was basically engaged in his professional line of printing. But soon he realized his instinct of creative writing and entered this line also. He also prepared an apple shape book but did not stop here. He created a record of preparing the smallest book of India. After accomplishing all these tasks, he prepared a book in the shape of ‘cut out’ of Shri Modiji which was very much liked by the book lovers and proved to be superhit. At this structure, he came into the contact of Sh. Dinesh Verma ji and had the chance of writing another book on Sh. Modiji.

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    This book is a collection of beautiful 'nazms' (poems) of four young women who they have expressed their feelings and emotions in a very touching manner. It contains five poems of Sweta Rai with titles 'जंजीरें,' 'शब्दों का पिंजरा', 'मेरी जिंदगी मेरा ख्वाब', 'देश रंगीला', and 'देश- प्रेम' The book includes four poems of Sneha Abhishek with titles, 'Plight', 'मैंने जीना सीख लिया', 'Happy Birthday Darling ', and 'तुम नारी हो, बराबरी क्यों करती हो' Three poems by Richa Shrivastav with titles, 'समय, ''Yolo,' and 'Pronouns' are also there in the book. Three poems by Bipasha Bharti with titles,' Feeling lonely,' ' This book is the collection of beautiful 'nazms' (poems) of four young women where they have expressed their feelings and emotions in a very touching manner. It contains five poems of Sweta Rai with titles 'जंजीरें,' 'शब्दों का पिंजरा', 'मेरी जिंदगी मेरा ख्वाब', 'देश रंगीला', and 'देश- प्रेम' The book includes four poems of Sneha Abhishek with titles, 'Plight', 'मैंने जीना सीख लिया', 'Happy Birthday Darling ', and 'तुम नारी हो, बराबरी क्यों करती हो' Three poems by Richa Shrivastav with titles, 'समय, ''Yolo,' and 'Pronouns' are also there in the book. Three poems of Bipasha Bharti with titles,' Feeling lonely,' 'सखी,' and 'मौसम' have found a place in this collection. As can be seen from the titles of the poems themselves, these poems contain these young women's perceptions about various facets and life situations that have come from the core of their hearts. Looking at how the feelings are expressed so beautifully in these poems, we can expect many more writing contributions from them in the days to come. This book is a must-read for all those who want to relish contemporary young women's feelings.
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    Now, Speak Up Lady!

    Now, Speak Up Lady! by Deepika Chawla is a must read for women of the world. In fact, I would strongly recommend her counterpart to read this book and appreciate the potential of the better half of the world who carries half the sky on her shoulders. There is something in common in all the stories, which is that all women have certain challenges which they face with grit and determination. As a woman having gone through it all, you finally return to yourself, speak to yourself, and speak for yourself ~DR. SHAYAMA CHONA Founder-President of Tamana Association (Padma Bhushan & Padma Shri Awardee) Deepika is a bright shining star who have been inspiring others to realise their potential and take charge of their lives. I have seen the impact that she has had through the “Speak Up lady” program with my colleagues and myself on many facets such as personal branding, getting rid of our own inner biases, take charge and be the change. This book is a compendium of such real-life examples and experiences that could be a practical guide on how to rise above the self-imposed limitations and lead life and career with our heads held high. ~BALAJI VISWANATHAN (Managing Director & CEO, Expleo India) A Qualified CA & a financial professional with 3 decades of global experience, Deepika Chawla is a sought-after mentor for women professionals. She is lauded for her notable work in the domains of Banking, Finance, Inclusion & Diversity, as well as people leadership for mentoring next-generation leaders across organisations & colleges. She is currently involved in facilitating women transform their lives through her unique "Speak Up Lady" Mentoring Program.
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    Sure-shot Ways to make your adolescent excel in school and life.

    Ever Wondered How Will You Feel If Your Adolescent Shows Excellence In School And Subsequently In Life? Then keep reading!

    In simple words, we may define adolescence as the period in the middle path of saying goodbye to childhood and stepping into adulthood's ladders. In this phase, a person's cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics frequently change from childish traits to adulthood.

    Are you the father of an adolescent and worried about the following?

    How will my child transform from the age of 10 to 14?

    How should I communicate effectively with my child?

    How much liberty should I give to my child?

    How should I help my child grow his confidence?

    How should I help my child find good friends and fight detrimental peer pressure?

    What should I do to keep away the media's destructive impact on my child?

    How can I participate in the child's school activities?

    How should I help my child become a successful reader?

    How should I keep my child motivated to learn and do well, both in and out of school?

    What should I do to help my child develop appreciable values and learn to distinguish right from wrong?

    What should I do if my child is facing a severe problem?

    This book by Dinesh Verma takes care of all your problems described above and provides you the tools and techniques for the best possible parenting of your adolescent child.

    Adolescence is a time of rapid and dramatic change. Parents can see these changes in the way teenagers behave, express their feelings, and in the way they interact with their families.,This period also remains a big challenge for adolescents as they require adjustments to changes in the self, family, and peer group.

    The author of the book is an authority on child psychology and has authored several books on child development, some of which were selected by Govt. of India for display in various International Book Fairs in multiple countries.

    This book helps you better understand the critical issues of adolescent development and how your role as a parent can make an essential difference in how teens develop the ability to become good citizens of society.
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    Healing quotes in their simplest version. My journey through love, pain, brokenness ..... I am an Obstetrician & Gynecologist practicing with the belief in self-love, self-respect. No medication is more powerful than this healing belief. I am an active writer on Instagram and Facebook @pearl_salutaris Grateful forever to Sujay Pusadkar for his innovative click for the cover page. Your doodle for the book is intriguing!  
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    The book 'Pre-School Child' will help you in preparing your child to learn and to get ready for school effectively. It provides suggestions for how to regulate your child's TV viewing and to choose good TV programmes & videos and how to choose suitable child care centre/s. It is for all those families and care givers who want to help their pre-school children to learn and to develop the skills necessary for success in school and in life.

    Dinesh Verma, the author of this book and director of Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., is a prominent author and social worker. He has authored various books like Vriksh Lagaye: Grahon ko apne Anukool Banaye, Diabetes Jaye Bhul, Rahe Cool, Make your Child a Responsible Citizen, Don’t Die with a Book Inside You, Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education, Pre-School Child, Parents I need You, Now I am Adolescent, etc. in which most of the books have been selected by NBT, GOI for International Book Fairs. In 2012, he was awarded with 'Avantika Rashtriya Sewa Samman'. Further, in 2013, he was honoured with two awards—'Avantika Shiromani Samman' and 'Shabd Sadhak Samman'. Recently, he is honoured with 'Atal Bihari Vajpayee Avantika National Award' and 'Cascader award' by FICCI Cascade.

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    This book is a huge step in the mission of customer awareness. This book covers several chapters on customer relevance, such as ways to design effective lighting solutions and the latest trends in the lighting industry. Through this book, the author wants to educate its readers about effective lighting design and thus enable them to offer a better lighting solution to their clients. Director of Jain Sons Lights Pvt. Ltd. (Est. 1975), his family-owned business of lights, Mr. Anubhav Jain has experience in the lighting industry of over 10 years. Soon after joining the business, he quickly realized that the lighting field has a lot of technical aspects and thus educated himself on the field of lighting technology and effective lighting design. Till now, he and his team have guided the promoters and design consultants on numerous projects.
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    "WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK? We all set up our business, manufacturing units, factories, or any other industry with lots of hard work along with passion & love. Daily, we sweat equity & more than 100% effort to our business to earn good margins & build our name and fame in our industries. We prepare plans daily to develop our business to take it to the next level. We all are already above the common people as setting up a business requires lots of money, courage and fool proof strategy. Establishing a set up to provide employment to so many people can never be an easy job. In fact, we all have been contributing to the progress of our country by manufacturing world-class products & thereby serving the world with our products. But, our dreams get doomed the day our units catch fire. Fires destroy property, cause injuries, and take lives. No matter whether it's in your own home or place of employment, educational institute, it is invariably the most dangerous stuff to our growth. It happened in 2014 to Kalpena Industries in Dankuni, West Bengal. They had set up a packaging unit with an investment of more than 100 crores and installed latest machineries imported from Germany. More than thousands of people were earning their bread & butter from this industry. But, one day in October 2014, the very scenario got changed. This plant turned into ashes and brought down the value of the plant from 100 crores to lakh; only that value was paid by the scrap dealers. This company couldn’t be able to revive from this incident and the dreams of all the people associated with the industry, got shattered. If the proper standard operating procedures & minimum fire safety equipment could have been installed, then this (unfortunate incident) could have been avoided. Manish Khatana is into the Business of manufacturing of fire Safety Equipment for the Last 5 Years and With lots of research & coaching, he has become a Blaze protection catalyst. His Career as an entrepreneur began 7 years back when he started his company Palladium Safety Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
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    This book 'Reasonable Future of Humanity' is dedicated mainly to those who are living a life deprived of those things which are necessary for daily life. Through this book the author wants to tell us all that while creating life on the Earth, the Almighty God endowed a man with an intelligent and generous nature which is still present in the existence of man. But for some reason, with the multiplication and development of people's relationships, a great degradation of morality, and misinterpretation of beautiful and useful man's nature existed for years before and still exists nowadays. 'Choogin Valeriy Vitalievich' was born on 22nd October, 1937, at Sverdlovsk in Russia. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, a Professor in the field of Mechanical Technology of Textile Materials, and an Academician in the Ukrainian Technology Academy. In July 2010, Almighty lifted his consciousness above clouds and opened his mind curtains to expand his foresight, and charged to it. Similarly, in August 2013, has lifted his consciousness much above the clouds and removed restrictions from his brain in the direction of deepening the measure of comprehensive real living conditions of the person and all living beings. In October 2013, Almighty entered the 3rd contact with the author instructing him to behave with the utility level provided to him towards mankind without hesitation.  Thus, this book is being published with the hope of the attention of many simple workers and citizens of all countries of the world.    
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    • Tips on how to make homework stress-free! • Finding the most effective way to involve parents and children in the homework. • Practical ideas for helping children to complete homework assignments successfully. Homework is important because it can improve children's thinking and memory. It can help them to develop positive study skills and habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. It can encourage them to use time well, learn independently, and take responsibility for their work. But helping children with their homework benefits the family as well. It can, for example, be a way for families to learn more about what their children are learning in school and an opportunity for them to communicate with their children, teachers, and principal as well. Anita Verma is an accomplished author, who had written books on child development. She is somebody who is well-appreciated for her counseling sessions. She is highly inspired by her younger daughter. Kids always remind her of a Quote by Sam, "Don’t watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep going."    
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    It’s a Book—scientific-based teachings of Astrology, based on facts, supported by logical reasons. It covers only the Astrological aspects needed by you in simple language. The book will save your lakhs from going to Cheat Astrologers and believe in their Ineffective Knowledge
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    Long-term investments are a must to realize our financial goals and fulfil our dreams for our children's higher education and marriages. Many people commit financial blunders which lead to financial turmoil in their lives. I have come across many investors who have either not planned for their financial milestones, or have deviated from it. You would find yourself closely connected to the facts, stories and ideas mentioned in this book. In a quest to help our clients realise their dreams, I have created this book. If every investor reads this, and sticks to the roadmap mentioned in this book, they all will achieve their financial milestones.

    Sameer Kaila is a Capital Market Expert with over 21 years of experience. To make his experience count for the benefit of families (either salaried or entrepreneurs), bankers, retirees, parents looking for investments for children, he established DhanCreators in the year in 2016, with the sole objective of creating roadmap and helping them achieve their Financial Milestones. Before starting his own venture, DhanCreators, Mr Sameer worked with Banks, Broking Firm & Wealth Management Firm. He is serving over 500+ satisfied clients.

  • I totally resonate with what is shared by the author Aaira through her book Self Love: The Power Within You. It’s written in the easiest, lucid, simple manner and it can be understood even by a novice in the spiritual field. Reading this book itself can be an act of self-love and it definitely can make you a better version of yourself.
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    This book is unique in the way that it contains simple, yet effective hacks to be a real-life hero. A blood/platelets/organ donor happens to be even more important than the treating doctor, as no doctor can save patients with his skills and expertise alone who need blood, platelets, organ, etc. The book is handy, yet adequately covers information that is worth knowing about donations. Moreover, this book is an informative and thought-provoking book that will arouses a sense of duty towards the society. No effort is spared to make this book easy to grasp and perfect from all important aspects.

    Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by education, entrepreneur by Profession and by passion “A volunteer Platelet donor”, a Motivational Speaker for “donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of the publication of this book (31/01/2021), he has donated Platelets 168 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. And now he is on a mission to make India “the country of the Millions of Real-life heroes” by 2025 where there will be zero incident when any operations/surgeries will be delayed due to unawareness of Healthcare Education and non-availability of Blood/platelets.

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    Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

    The Bhagavad Gita is the best known and most famous Hindu texts, with a unique pan-Hindu influence. This first edition of the Gita in Urdu language is an attempt written in an easily readable language for those who can read it in bi-lingual language, both Sanskrit and Urdu. I consider this a great blessing which may inculcate interest in the devotees of Lord Krishna to read, recite and learn some ways of living a simple life of surrender in the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. I come from a humble family of Village Wakura, District Ganderbal. I have completed my education in Kashmir valley, living in Jammu since 1967, served Department of Telecom for 40 years, After my  retirement in 2007, I served community through Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Jammu and continue to serve society in the service of Lord Krishna. It is my sincere hope that this work will touch many souls, transform their lifestyle and help them advance in their spiritual life.
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    'Stay Forever Young' is designed for people of all ages, backgrounds, and body shapes. The book inspires and helps readers change the way they think about diet, exercise, stress, and themselves. Most of us are suffering from certain health issues like being Overweight, Mood swings, Diseases, Low stamina, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Anemia, Thyroid, Hair fall, Skin related issues, and Dull appearance. The author himself suffered during his Childhood and overcome these ailments. The book captures the personal experience of the Author which will encourage you to stay fit and healthy. Well, healthy habits are hard to develop and require changing a mindset. This book will help in developing strong willpower and the target goal will help you to follow a healthy lifestyle. The book will boost your brainpower, squash stress, and improve your wellness while enjoying each moment. Be young, happy, and healthy forever! Vedant was born into a middle-class family. He was an underweight child and suffered from frequent bronchitis attacks and another life-threatening disease. the onslaught of diseases did not end, even when he grew up. He found himself coping with jaundice, Obesity, Uric Acid problem, Malaria, typhoid, Gout & Thalassemia. Later he became Anaemic and started having severe joint pains. The miseries and discomforts made his everyday life a battle. Well, he was a warrior! He was resilient enough to fight back. He chose to fight against illness and developed a system of exercise, diet control, spiritual healing, and stress-relieving therapies. These led to a magical change within months and gradually he recuperated his health. This book is an expression of his strong desire to help fellow beings to live disease-free healthy life. He is confident that you will surely pick some positive thoughts from the book and will Stay Young Forever.  
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    Don’t let diabetes stand between you & your happiness. Stop worrying & start living! this book not only brings to light this underappreciated connection. It is also a clear and concise guide for persons diagnosed with diabetes and all people caring for them, to effectively and easily manage stress and diabetes. An MBBS from the Maulana Azad Medical College and an MD from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Dr.Rajiva is a Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine and Diabetes with experience spanning over 40 years
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    Tarot cards have been used for centuries to figure out what the future holds and to explore hidden truths. The 78 cards are powerful tools that help you introspect yourself. They are like a guidebook that can be used to know the answers to the unknown. They help you manifest your innermost vision. Tarot cards speak a universal language and help to decode the mystery called life. Srimad Bhagwad Gita is a very dear book of India. It is believed to be the origin of all the philosophies in the world. It is the summary of four Vedas, 108 Upanishads, and Hindu Philosophy. It is universally followed and is a favorite amongst East and West philosophers. Gita provides the light needed to find the truth on the path of life. It is the key to all the answers that human beings are looking for for ages. Its eighteen chapters have explained the mysteries in the simplest, yet most intelligent way. TarotGita is the amalgamation of hidden knowledge and inner wisdom. Imagine combining the two omnipotent tools and use them to enlighten one. How strong they can be together when they individually are already supreme in their own world? TarotGita originated with the same thought. The intention is to create a tool that can be instrumental in providing an instant and direct way to understand the current patterns and explore the ones in the future. Suruchi is the author of TarotGita. She is a Tarot Healer, Astrologer, Happiness coach, and founder of Akki Tarot Reader. Her association with Tarot cards started in 2007. She believes in healing the person who approaches her using the insights from Tarot Cards. She wants to make sure that every person who comes to her for guidance, must walk out a lighter, and a happier person, with clarity regarding the problem they came with, and a clear plan as to how they will deal with it. Suruchi's gift is combining the elements of the Gita, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Tarot and gives it an Indian touch to guide people to create a positive life that is free of stress and anxiety. Through Mindfulness workshops, Tarot, and Gita sessions she helps in thinking outside the box and moving from the state of mind full to Mindful. She strongly believes that Tarot cards and Gita are instrumental in revealing the hidden things of the world and making sense of the visible ones.
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    The Complete Guide To Air Curtains

    This book raises awareness and throws light on the fact how one can select the right model of an air curtain to save money, increase hygiene level and improve his or her standard of living. The book will guide its readers on a number of tips and solutions by using 'Air Curtain'. Everything related with air curtain is discussed at length and that too in lucid language and proper illustrations at suitable places. Miscellaneous questions that may come in the minds of the readers are talked about in a separate chapter named as FAQs and answers relating to Air Curtains. No effort has been spared to make this book informative, illustrative, comprehensive, to-the-point and reader-friendly. However, some situations might have escaped attentions. We are quite receptive towards your valuable suggestions for the betterment of this mini book. We will incorporate your suggestions that merit inclusion with a sense of gratitude towards you. Mitul, is an Entrepreneur, Solution Strategist, Speaker. He is a first generation businessman who started the business from a mere seed capital of $100 and turned it into a successful manufacturing company with business across the globe. He has been exceptionally successful at designing and executing various business operations by doing Business Process Reengineering and manoeuvring “Air" to increase Comfort, and reduction in maintenance and Power costs, and hence having a positive impact on the overall profitability of businesses. He has an incredible wealth and depth of knowledge that is mostly derived from the first-hand experience while working in different industries. 19+ years of experience in working with various segments. ✔ Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a Masters in Business Administration ✔ Worked Extensively on Energy Conservation on Hot Oven Application, and have given clients an Annual Saving of more than million Indian rupees. ✔ Worked with various organisations in varied applications like Bharat Electronics Limited, JCB, Taikisha, Honda, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Metro, Airports and many more and helped them save energy and enhance comfort and hygiene. ✔ Worked on various out of the Box Business ideas, for both national and international market. ✔ Works extensively on Product Development and Innovation and has even developed “Air Curtains” for Buses in India, notable customers are Volvo and Tata Marcopolo. Mitul’s experience can be summarised as a person who has developed the organisational expertise to provide highly engineered services at optimum cost due to his microeconomic capabilities complemented with vast market knowledge, to give an ultimate benefit to the Customer.
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    The Great Savarkar: National Pariah, International Messiah in his quest for freeing Bharat Mata from bondage, Savarkar's first confrontation was with the colonials and second with the Indian National Congress for territorial integrity. He internationalized the freedom struggle by dragging British Empire in the dock of the International Court of Justice. Savarkar's deeds had created universal repercussions and global resonance, his love of Bharat Mata was proverbial and his patriotism was 360 degree pure and outstanding. The Brits had to testimonialize his patriotic zeal by an inscription of blue plaque "Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (1883-1966), Indian Patriot and Philosopher lived here". Savarkar is credited as the progenitor of the science and art of martyrology for moralizing the martyrs and their martyrdom. Remembering his poetic patriotism: Dr. Shyam Singh Tanwar, a retired octogenarian associate professor of government colleges of Rajasthan, double M.A. (History and English) with a Ph.D. from Rajasthan University under illustrious historian Dr. A.L. Srivastava of Agra. Dr. Tanwar is an enlightened scholar and has enriched and augmented his knowledge in the two summer institutes in English for college lecturers held one at Mysore (1966) and the other at Jaipur (1972), organized jointly by UGC and the British Council. Mrs. Mradulata, after doing her M.A. in Hindi from Jodhpur University (now Jai Narain Vyas University) has been associated with the research work of studying historical documents and manuscripts and has earned a social reputation of being a know-all of the analects and anecdotes related to History of India in general and Rajasthan in particular. It was owing to her historical insight and consciousness that bureaucrat-turned historian Shri Mangi Lal Mahecha, (M.A., L.L.B) could 'Rajasthan Ke Rajput' (Uthaan Aur Patan)
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    This book will prove highly valuable for • Homeowners to create & maintain the home of their dreams. • For Interior Designers/Decorators to design homes as unique as their clients, taking their assignment a notch above others. • For builders & realtors to achieve the perfect Show Flat- that feels like home to every prospective customer who walks in and helps your project become a bestseller. • For e-commerce sites & retail companies offering home décor/home improvement solutions to give their customers a solution beyond the ordinary and increase their market & profitability.  
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    Sick and tired of the regular old advice passed on from generation to generation??? No more!  This book is the gateway to a balanced life for every “Mompreneur. empowering working moms
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    This Self-help book gives it's readers courage and confidence with practical tools and techniques of winning in life. Amandeep believes every human being can become a Winner if they Chose to be. This book can be a roadmap for you to reach from where you are to where you want to go. He is on a mission to create more leaders by breaking their limiting beliefs & teaching them public speaking skills which are practical, learnable, duplicable & requires no talent. Amandeep Thind has got the distinction of being one of the most empowering international speakers world around. In his more than a decade long career in motivational speaking, he has impacted more than thousands of lives. There are several adjectives associated with this globally-acclaimed motivational speaker-Versatile genius, Trainer of the Trainers, Global Managemen Leader, A Passionate Visionary, Confident Networker, to name a few. His mission is to reach out to every Amandeep out there who is depressed or discriminated against due to their personal circumstances and looking out for help.
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    Those Powerful Moustaches, Jhumkas and Poor Me is a Satire on human behaviours and relationships catering to all ages. It's a humorous, analytical presentation that answer many secrets of moody yet relevant human psyche.. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.. Ms. Shakti Dwesar Sharma is the Ex Managing Trustee and Chairperson of Swayam Shakti Foundation that works for youth turning blind in India. Being the Founder and visually challenged herself, she, during her tenure (2004-2015) has empowered many such youths, with the sole mission of bringing them back to the main stream society, pulling them out of their dark shells and horizons. In the capacity of a responsible citizen, she pens down her thoughts on issues of national importance like skill development, employment generation, and poverty eradication. Through her philosophical insights, she counsels and motivates all around her to be better human beings and understand the core issues of life. She is also the author of 'Tearless Eyes Fearless Heads! published in 2003.
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    Unseen Wings is the intriguing and awe-inspiring true story of a young girl from a small farming village who soared into the endless skies to live her dreams despite challenges raining down on her like confetti. It is a unique yet universally relatable tale of grit and determination right in the line of life's curveballs. It will inspire you to claim your unseen wings and start working toward your dreams today! Namrita Chandi, the first woman pilot in the world to have flown in the Siachen Glacier and the first woman across the globe to have landed at the highest ALG in the world, is the epitome of strength, willpower, ethics and values. An accomplished ex-Indian Air Force Helicopter Pilot with 25 years of experience in aerospace, cross-sector and cross-functional management experience in leadership roles, as a motivatonal and inspirational speaker she inspires millions to give wings to their dreams.
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    Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Entrepreneur by Profession and “A volunteer Platelet donor” by Passion. He is a Motivational Speaker for creating awareness about “Donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of publishing this book (02/02/2022), he has donated Platelets 193 times, and the journey will continue until he can maintain good health or the law of India permits. Mr Pajwani is on a mission to make India “the country of the millions of real-life heroes” by 2025 with zero incidents when any operations/surgeries are delayed due to unawareness of healthcare education and non-availability of blood/platelets.
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    The present book covers all the essentials of traditional as well as the modern-day yoga. The chapter Pranayama has 4 yogic breathing process while the chapter on healing meditation process contains 5 meditation techniques. The chapters are interlinked in such a way so that the book itself becomes a compendium of knowledge for its readers — explaining every query, answering all the questions, opening every aspect of yoga, and underlining its every aspect. The book contains almost all the contemporary topics of Yoga along with its modern offshoots, such as Nature cure Food Therapy to handle lifestyle-related disorders, such as Stress, Depression, Anger, B.P. (low/high), Thyroid, Back pain, Arthritis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Gastro, Constipation, Asthma, Obesity, Cervical, Joint pain, Sinus, Infertility, Obesity, Acidity, Drowsiness, Lack of Concentration, IQ level, etc. This book will certainly help its readers attain good health and enlightenment through the practice of Yoga and meditation. Acharya Krishna Deo is a renowned spiritual master, poet, writer and an ambassador of peace & harmony. His vision of healthy, happy and peaceful society has united people from all walks of life. He has made his presence felt through the service projects and the programs/courses of World Welfare Mission ‘Aanandmay Jeevan—The Art of Blissful Life!’. The Life Journey of Acharya Ji Born in 1976 in India, Acharya Krishna Deo started his spiritual journey in 1995 and in a quest to search the science of divinity and experience infinite energy first hand, he visited almost all big and small religious Ashrams and holy places. Acharya Ji established World Welfare Mission in 2005, to spread Health, Happiness, Peace & Welfare around the world.