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    अग्रवाल समाज की विरासत (Hardbound)

    Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹359.00.
    इस पुस्तक के अंदर लेखक ने दिल्ली, हरियाणा व पंजाब में अग्रवाल समाज के महानुभावों द्वारा विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में फैली विरासत का सुंदर व्रणन किया गया है। 900 साल से लेकर करीब 100 साल पहले तक के दुर्लभ तथ्यांे का समावेश है। विभिन्न काल में रहे अग्रवाल राजा, मंत्री व सामंतो की ऐतिहासिक जानकारियाँ लिखित है। नामः मोहित अग्रवाल (गर्ग) जन्मः 19 मई 1995 (दिल्ली) शिक्षाः एम.बी.ए. (भारती विद्यापीठ, पूणे), बी.बी.ए. (इन्द्रप्रस्थ विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली) पिताः श्री रोशन लाल अग्रवाल माताः श्रीमति राजबाला अग्रवाल निवासीः गांव करोड़ा, जिला कैथल के लाला नरूमल गर्ग के चौदहवीं पीढ़ी के सदस्य। लेखन कार्यः 2004 कक्षा पाँच से कवितायें लिखना आरम्भ। 2010 कक्षा दस के पश्चात् कहानी व अन्य लेखन कार्य। 2013 से अग्रवाल जाति पर शोध लेख लिखने शुरू किये। प्रकाशनः 2013 परिवार के इतिहास पर पुस्तक ‘दादा नरूमल प्रतिबिम्ब’ का प्रकाशन। 2017 ‘लाला नरूमल गर्ग वंशावली’ का प्रकाशन जिसमें 17 पीढ़ी व करीब 3000 परिवारों की वंशावली संकलन। भारत के सबसे बड़े वंशावली वृक्ष के रूप में हरियाणा के अग्रवाल इतिहास पर पुस्तक ‘हरियाणा का गौरव अग्रवाल समाज’ का प्रकाशन (2019) उपलब्धिः मात्र 19 वर्ष की आयु परिवार के इतिहास पर पुस्तक लिखी। वर्ष 2018 में वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड यूनियन द्वारा सम्मानित। अग्रवाल जाति के इतिहास पर शोधपूर्ण पुस्तक लिखने वाले पहले युवा अग्रवाल शोधकर्ता बने। 5 अक्टूबर 2013- समर्पित कार्यकर्ता- अग्रोहा विकास ट्रस्ट (दिल्ली) सम्मान- जून 2015 में इंडिया बुक ऑफ रिकार्डस में सबसे बड़े वंशावली वृक्ष बनाने के लिये। 25 अक्टूबर 2015 को नरवाना में परिवार मिलन समारोह में सम्मानित। 2016 - मारवाड़ी सम्मेलन दिल्ली द्वारा सम्मानित। 11 अगस्त 2018 को अग्रवाल सम्मेलन, दिल्ली के अध्यक्ष द्वारा सम्मान। 27 अगस्त 2018 को दादी सतीसेवा ट्रस्ट करोड़ा द्वारा सम्मान। 13 अक्टूबर 2018 को अग्रवाल पंचायत, फतेहपुर पुंडरी द्वारा सम्मान। 14 अक्टूबर 2018 को अग्रवाल युवा संगठन, निगदू (करनाल) द्वारा सम्मान। 17 मई 2019 को पंजाबी युनिवर्सिटी पटियाला के वाइस चांसलर द्वारा सम्मानित। 11 सितंबर 2019 को दिल्ली के पूर्व मेयर जयप्रकाश अग्रवाल द्वारा सम्मानित। सामाजिक कार्यः अध्यक्ष लाला नरूमल गर्ग सेवा संघ (दिल्ली) सचिव-उत्तरी दिल्ली वैश्व महा सम्मेलन मीडिया प्रभारी-दिल्ली प्रदेश मारवाड़ी सम्मेलन (गणगौर शाखा)  
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    10X Your Sales Effectiveness Now: By Tightening Loose Connections

    Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹134.00.
    This Book is for all young chaps who want to make a career in sales. This is also for all those who are already good at sales, but are stuck in some orbit. In addition to these, the book is also for those who read “sales” in water-tight compartment.The experiences of the author that he has shared in this book will prove to be the treasure trove of learning for both young and experienced salespersons. The book explains in a playful way what the most important things in sales are and how to get mastery over it. Chander Shekhar Sibal has 3 Decades of experience in Service Sales Marketing & P&L management. He has done PGDM from IIM Lucknow, Noida Campus. As a successful sales person, the author has had the opportunity to meet numerous people who have impacted his thinking in various ways. It is not like that he always wanted to work in Sales or that he flew to the top. Indeed, he too has had his share of ups and downs and he has tried his level best to use each as a stepping-stone for better things. In the healthcare industry, he is known as Medical Equipment Industry Expert.
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    अपने शरीर को स्वस्थ बनाए रखना हमारा प्रथम कर्तव्य है और अब तो पूरे विश्व ने मान लिया है कि इस कार्य के लिए नैचुरोपैथी से बेहतर कोई दूसरा उपाय नहीं है। इसके महत्व को ध्यान में रखकर ही भारत सरकार ने प्रतिवर्ष 18 नवम्बर को "नैचुरोपैथी दिवस" के रूप में मनाने का निर्णय लिया है। इस पद्धति में किसी भी दुष्प्रभाव के बिना केवल आहार और विहार के माध्यम से शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने की व्यवस्था है। इस पुस्तक में नैचुरोपैथी के सैद्धांतिक और व्यावहारिक, दोनों पक्षों पर व्यापक प्रकाश डाला गया है। आज का समाज स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित समुचित जानकारी के अभाव में जिन असाध्य रोगों यथा: कैंसर, पक्षाघात, हृदय रोग, डायबिटीज़,उच्च रक्तचाप,मोटापा आदि का शिकार बनता जा रहा है, यह पुस्तक इनसे बचने और साथ ही इनके उपचार में विशेष भूमिका निभाएगी। शारीरिक विकारों से ग्रस्त मानव समाज को यह पुस्तक एक नई संजीवनी प्रदान करने में सक्षम सिद्ध होगी। दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से हिंदी में एम.. तथा एक प्रतिष्ठित राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंक के वरिष्ठ प्रबंधक पद से रिटायर कृष्ण लाल अरोड़ा एक बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी हैं। समाज सेवा के क्षेत्र में भी ये अपने निरंतर योगदान के लिए जाने जाते हैं। आज के समय में नैचुरोपैथी की असीम उपयोगिता को देखते हुए इनकी रुचि इस ओर भी जागृत हुई और इन्होंने इस विषय पर उपलब्ध पाठ्य सामग्री का गहन अध्ययन किया। साथ ही इस क्षेत्र में कार्यरत कुछ प्रमुख संस्थानों के प्रतिनिधियों से मुलाकात कर उनसे व्यापक विचार-विमर्श भी किया। इन माध्यमों से प्राप्त ज्ञान तथा स्वय पर किए उसके सफल प्रयोगों को ही इन्होंने सार रूप में इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास किया है।
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    हमारे पीछे क्या है और हमारे अंदर क्या है इनका कोई विशेष महत्त्व नहीं रह जाता जब इनकी तुलना हमारे अंदर क्या हैय् से की जाती है। इस पुस्तक में वषो पुरानी नीतिकथाएँ आपको अपनी आंतरिक क्षमताओं का एहसास कराएँगी तथा सफलता की ओर कदम बढ़ाने के लिए आपको प्रेरित करेंगी। आप अपने सपनों रूपी पहाड़ों की ओर आगे बढ़ने के लिए इनको एक प्ररेक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। ये कहानियाँ आपको साहस एवं शक्ति भी प्रदान करेंगी ताकि आप अपनी कठिनाइयों का दृढ़ता से सामना कर सकें। आइए, ये 52 कहानियाँ आपके लक्ष्य रूपी सपनों का पीछाकर आपको अजेय बनाने में आपकी सहायता करें ताकि आप सफलता के शीर्ष को छू सकें। मुकेश कुलौठिया एक उत्साही उद्यमी हैं, एक उत्सुक पाठक हैं और एक संवेदनशील वक्ता हैंभारतीय प्रबंधन संस्थान, लखनऊ तथा एम-एन-आई-टी-, जयपुर के पूर्व छात्र श्री कुलौठिया ने अपनी व्यावसायिक यात्र की शुरुआत आई-बी-एम- में अपने अत्यंत सफल कार्यकाल से की। एक दशक के उपरांत उन्होंने अपने मन की आवाज सुनकर वर्ष 2017 में एक उद्यमी के रूप में अपनी यात्र का आरंभ ‘मुस्कुरा दो प्रा-लि-’ नामक एक कंपनी के साथ किया जो कस्टमाइज्ड टी-शर्टस, अवार्ड तथा मार्केटिंग गिफ्रटस के व्यावसाय से जुड़ी थी। मुकेश एक उत्साही टोस्टमास्टर हैं जिन्होंने वर्ष 2016-17 में अपने जिले का नेतृत्व किया जिसने सभी मापदंडों पर रिकॉर्ड तोड़ते हुए विश्व में अपना शीर्ष स्थान बनाया। उनका दृढ़ विश्वास है कि इन कहानियों में जीवन को परिवर्तित करने की क्षमता है। कहानियों ने ही उनमें असली नेतृत्व कला का विकास किया तथा सफलता के पाठों को पढ़ाया जिनका प्रयोग वे अपने भाषणों में भी करते रहते हैं। दीपक शर्मा सेना के एक वीर सिपाही के सुपुत्र हैं। इस रूप में वे युद्ध की कहानियाँ, बलिदान तथा विजय की के किस्से सुन-सुनकर बड़े हुए हैं। अपनी व्यावसायिक यात्र के दौरान उन्होंने कई संस्थाओं में कार्य किया किंतु 39 वर्ष की आयु में उन्होंने एक अच्छी तनख्वाह वाली नौकरी को छोड़ दिया और एक प्रशिक्षक तथा व्यावसायिक वक्ता बन गए। आज वे पूरे विश्व के लोगों को प्रशिक्षण देकर उन्हें प्रेरित कर रहे हैं। वर्ष 2016-17 के दौरान वे टोस्टमास्टर्स इंटरनेशनल के जिले के विकास निदेशक भी रहे और उनकी मुख्य भूमिका में रहते क्लब ने विश्व में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किया। उनका विश्वास है कि सफलता एक ऐसा ताला है जो कई चाबियों से खुलता है। यह पुस्तक इन्हीं चाबियों को आपके सम्मुख प्रस्तुत करने का एक विनम्र प्रयास है।
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    प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘वृक्ष लगाएँः ग्रहों को अपने अनुकूल बनाएँ’ में इन तथ्यों का विस्तृत एवं स्पष्ट विवरण दिया गया है। यह पुस्तक आपको बताएगी कि अपनी राशि का वृक्ष लगाकर आप किस प्रकार सुख-समृद्धि एवं अलौकिक आनंद प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इस पुस्तक का अध्ययन करके आप स्वयं ही जान सकते हैं कि कौन-सा ग्रह आपके अनुकूल है, और कौन-सा ग्रह नहीं तथा प्रतिकूल ग्रह को केसे शांत किया जाए। दुनिया में ग्रीनमैन के नाम से जाने जाने वाले ख्यातिप्राप्त पर्यावरणविद श्री विजयपाल बघेल इस पुस्तक के लेखक हैं जिन्होंने अपना पूरा जीवन वृक्ष सम्पदा के लिए समर्पित किया हुआ है। पेड़ के आध्यात्मिक, औषधीय, पर्यावरणीय, सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक महत्त्व की पौराणिक मान्यताओं को पुनःस्थापित करने के मिशन का संचालन असंख्य पर्यावरण प्रेमियों को जोड़कर कर रहे हैं। सैकड़ों अंतर्राष्ट्रीय, राष्ट्रीय तथा प्रादेशिक स्तर के सम्मान एवं प्रशस्ति पत्र पाने वाले श्री बघेल इस युग में ‘हरित ऋषि’ की भूमिका निभा रहे हैं। पेड़ों के प्रति अगाध आत्मीय संबंध रखने वाले ये लेखक वृक्षों के आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व को विज्ञान के साथ जोड़कर अपनी अनुभवी लेखनी का प्रयोग लोक कल्याण के लिए साहित्य लेखन द्वारा भरपूर कर रहे हैं। इस पुस्तक के सहयोगी लेखक श्री दिनेश वर्मा जाने-माने लेखक, समर्पित समाजसेवी, अपनी पुस्तकों के प्रकाशन के माध्यम से पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए निरंतर प्रयासरत रहने वाले एवं मानवीय गुणों से परिपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व के स्वामी हैं। वे हमेशा इस दिशा में प्रयत्नशील रहते हैं कि समाज में रहने वाले सभी व्यक्ति, स्वस्थ, शांत एवं प्रसन्नतापूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करें। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक भी इसी दिशा में किए जा रहे उनके प्रयासों का एक भाग है। इस पुस्तक के एक अन्य सहयोगी लेखक श्री विनय कंसल ‘पर्यावरण श्री (मानद उपाधि)’ एवं कई अन्य पुरस्कारों से पुरस्कृत तथा सुविख्यात पर्यावरणविद् हैं। आज धरती का प्रत्येक व्यक्ति किसी-न-किसी कारण से त्रस्त, परेशान तथा तनावग्रस्त है। इन समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए मनुष्य पूजा-पाठ, ज्योतिष, ग्रह-शांति आदि का सहारा लेता है। क्योंकि वनस्पति सहित सम्पूर्ण प्राणी जगत एवं ग्रहों सहित समस्त सौर-परिवार प्रकृति के ही भाग हैं, अतः वृक्षों से तथा ग्रहों से हमारा अटूट रिश्ता है।  
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  • This book is a sure-fire way to all business owners, regardless of their size of business. The book will help them know about Search Engine Optimization in totality and the hacks to improve their business performance through SEO. In addition to these, they will also come to know why SEO has not worked in their case, and how they can make this work for them optimally. The book does also reveal the myths about SEO and educate the readers about its miraculous results if put to use judiciously. Abhishek Jain is a professional Blogger, Organic Digital-Marketing Specialist and a Keynote Speaker who has an expertise in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and helps you to bring your website on top of search engine result pages. Abhishek is blogging from past 7 years on the topic of digital marketing at He has been featured on Huffington Post, Apnic, BlogX spoken at platforms such as INGAF (Ministry of Finance), BlogX, & various other forums. Abhishek and his enthusiastic organic digital marketing team is helping small and medium sized businesses from India and 6 other countries including USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, UK and Israel to grow their business via SEO. He is helping SMB's to scale up their business with organic leads by building strong internet presence through the power of Search Engine Optimization without spending anything on ads.
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    Recent Development in Rice Mill Industry

    Original price was: ₹99.00.Current price is: ₹89.00.
    This book, as its name suggests, contains all the recent development in rice mill industry. The book is for all those rice mill owners who are worried about the rejection of sample of their rice. The book provides all the information about rice milling that worth knowing. In addition to these, the book does also talk about the ways the broken percentage of kernels can be reduced. Right from the content to language, the book is readers’ friendly and a must-buy for the rice mill owners. Jatin Garg is a commerce graduate from Delhi University. He has done masters in Ceramic application from Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. He is the CEO of a leading Vitrified abrasive manufacturing firm based in North India, Delhi. He is working on twin mission—first is to ensure higher productivity in AUTOMOBILE/ANCILLARIES manufacturing plants by giving grinding wheel which GRIND, but do not BURN and that too with double the speed that is being given by VITRIFIED wheels being used today. And second is to give service to manufacturers of machines being used in AUTOMOBILE, BEARING and TOOL ROOM industry.
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    • Do you overthink and over-analyze things? • Is stress and anxiety a regular part of your life? • Do your thoughts overwhelm you? • Do you want to have a clear mind, and enhance your decision-making ability, creativity, and         Productivity, so you can use your mind to your best capacity? If Yes, then by practicing the simple and practical tools given in this book, you'll be able to cultivate a new mind, and that too by devoting just three minutes a day. Dr. Saloni Singh is the Creator of a Neuro-integrative program 'Unshakeable' to cultivate a calm mind. She is a Gynaecologist turned Life & Parenting Coach, a mental & emotional well-being expert. She's been coaching and training people for 11+ years, globally, to help them become mindful and cultivate fulfilling relationships. Try the simple & efficient tips shared by Dr. Saloni in this hand-book and share your experience with us.
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    Secret of Smooth and Long Lasting Abrasives The booklet contains a comprehensive analysis of the Abrasive industry. The success journey of Hindustan Abrasives, owned and operated by the author, is also discussed at length. Apart from these, special features of smooth and long-lasting cutting edge Bond 2.0 is talked about effectively. The author has been able to project the picture of Indian Abrasive market as it is. The booklet contains almost all the information related with abrasive that worth knowing. Right from information provided in the booklet to the language used, it competes in the category of a must-buy booklet. Jatin Garg is a commerce graduate from Delhi University. He has done masters in Ceramic application from Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. He is the CEO of a leading Vitrified abrasive manufacturing firm based in North India,Delhi.He is working on twin mission—first is to ensure higher productivity in AUTOMOBILE/ANCILLARIES manufacturing plants by giving grinding wheel which GRIND, but do not BURN and that too with double the speed that is being given by VITRIFIED wheels being used today. And second is to give service to manufacturers of machines being used in AUTOMOBILE, BEARING and TOOL ROOM industry.
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    Reverse Ageing Formula

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    This Book is written for those who want to live Longer & feel Younger. Thus, it is a manual for all those who want to reverse their age, mind and body. The learning and teachings of the great grand masters have been shared to the core by both of the authors in a very transparent and cogent way. These learning, in an in-depth way would also come in the form of online course soon. Let's make everyone say and feel "I AM REVERSE AGEING". Ankur Hora is a Great Marketer, a spiritual geek turned Freedompreneur, a Pranic healer and a Yoga practitioner. He is married to a super healer and is father of 2 kids and on a mission to serve 100,000 freedompreneurs living a freedom-driven lifestyle. He successfully runs 2 SAP Driven team strength of 250 people and envisions to be 100Cr Turnover company by 2021. He has been trained by Best trainers like T harv eker, Blair Singer, Mac Attram, Akshar Yadav and Many more. Suman Hora is a homemaker turned yogapreneur, married to visionary entrepreneur, mother of 2 & a Pranic healer and on a mission to serve 100,000 people to help them to reverse age themselves in life. She has dared to pursue her passion and live her mission at the age of 59. She has opened her first flagship outlet by the name " Yog Chumbak". Her signature programmes life Posture Mastery Intensive and Cervical release mastery has the power to re-empower everyone with right posture and release any cervical & back pain from the core.
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    Restoration of a Vasudeva Statue in Assam

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    This book deals the history in detail of the discovery and restoration of the said Idol of Vasudeva in historical perspectives. It is also a convincing testimony of close relationship in between Assam (also of northeast India) and the rest of India in religio-cultural and economic activities. Hence, it is a unique contribution to the study of the socio-economic history of Assam.  Apart from the researchers and students of history, general readers will also be highly benefited by the book. Born at Dhing in Nagaon District of Assam, Dr. Biman Hazarika, is an Associate Prof. & HO.D., Department of History, Dhing College. He Graduated from Cotton College in History (M) and obtained Master Degree in Modern India History, from Cotton College (Gauhati University). Hazarika obtained his Ph.D from Gauhati University (2012) on the topic Narowa Groups of Sattra and its contributions towards Neo Vaisnavite Movement of Assam. He has more than 25 highly acclaimed research papers to his credit published in various National and International Conferences and Seminars. He is the life member of North-East India History Association, Indian Art History Congress, Indian History Congress, Asom Sattra Mahasabha, Asom Sahitya Sabha and many other Historical and Literary Organisations.  
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    Sleeve it Right: 7 Secrets of Shrink Sleeves not Known to India’s FMCG Businesses

    Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹134.00.
    Packaging is the first touch point for a product sale. A label speaks volume of the brand and the product. This book, simply words, is to increase your profits by optimizing your shrink sleeves requirement. It is for Indian FMCG companies who are using shrink sleeves and who intend to use them for their product containers, bottles, jars and cups made of all kind of materials. This book as claimed gives insight to many secrets and strategies employed by the shrink sleeve manufacturing industry. Shrink sleeves have many possibilities which are currently unknown to most buyers which lead to either compromise in end product or the costs involved. This book will serve as a guide to achieve world-class shrink sleeves for their products. Sleeve it Right! Chetan Jain is an Electronics Engineer from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune and MBA from NMIMS Mumbai. He is an entrepreneur involved in manufacturing of shrink sleeves, BOPP wrap on labels and flexible laminates. He is founder and creator of H.I.P. Framework. His company Taurus Packaging is the leader in the market of shrink sleeve for FMCG industry.
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    While 20 years back, couples fully trusted and booked their honeymoons through travel agents, who hardly travelled and hardly knew anything about the destinations, today, that has literally turned seems to know everything about destinations, as well as how to book almost everything online. This is especially true for young couples, who want to be in full control of their trip, and in fact crave for the sense of power and gratification that designing their entire Honeymoon gives them. This new found power has actually led to a lot of couples making a ton of mistakes while planning their special once in a lifetime trip. The funny thing is, that on Facebook and other social media, you only get to see smiles laughter and stunning moments. The successes are all up there, but just behind them lie the many failures and mistakes. It is only when clients come back to discuss their next trip, that we get to know about their honeymoon disasters. This set me thinking, and finally led to my writing this book about 20 disastrous mistakes that couples make while planning their honeymoon. The aim of this book is to take you on a fun ride, and give you a solid manual and guide to make your honeymoon perfect in every detail. If you want your honeymoon to be made in heaven, you really need to read this book.
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    Cable Insulation Measurement Secrets Revealed: Minimize Manufacturing Costs, Maximize Compliance, Become Profitable

    Original price was: ₹2,999.00.Current price is: ₹2,699.00.
    Break the cycle of eroding margins & increase profitability! If you are a Cable Manufacturer, You cannot afford to miss this Book! Even though the government has announced many new schemes for the infrastructure sector, cable manufacturers are still facing a hard time. All that will stop with this Book! This Book will teach you the secrets to • Reduce the insulation cost by measuring accurately and precisely. • Comply with every country and international standard with ease. • Improve the quality of the cable and stand out in the market with increased cable service life. • Reduce manpower dependence. • Understand the reasons for cable rejections. • Control the rejections. • Know the factors to consider before buying measuring instruments. • Efficiently and effectively utilize quality instruments to start generating profits. Pick up this Book and increase your profit margins by double-digits. It's now or never! Pawan Wadhawan is an Engineer and a Gold Medalist in Marketing with a rich experience of 15+ years in solving measurement challenges of the cable, automobile, electrical and medical industry. He has helped numerous cable manufacturers to have complete control over product cost and quality by helping them choose the right Processes & Technology to increase output, reduce rejections & win customers globally. He is the creator of the innovative Cable Genie framework 2.0 that has proved to be a Game-Changer followed by many leading cable manufacturing companies across the globe today.
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    Global Market, Great Returns

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    "With deep financial insights on the dynamics of global markets, this book is a financial gem!" ~ Shekhar Jain, Founder, Ontrust Capital With these kinds of reviews from Industry Leaders, this book is pure gold for finance professionals in the early stages of their careers, especially those who aspire to be global fund managers and investors who wish to build a global portfolio by investing wisely in emerging markets after analyzing their GDP. As Prof. Dr. Soheli Ghose, Dean, Commerce Faculty, at the prestigious St.Xavier’s College, says, "A very well-written book covering the major aspects of the Indian Financial Scenario accurately. A must-read for researchers, academia, and market operators." This unique book written in clear & easy language gives people a unique regression model they can use easily and simply to analyze the factors impacting GDP and long-term stock market returns. This book fosters a global mindset amongst its readers and empowers them to think and act like Global Fund Managers to invest globally successfully. This book is unique as it : •Shows you how to earn by investing in global financial markets using GDP analysis and forecasting. •Teaches you to think like a Global Fund Manager. •Covers major aspects of the Indian Financial Scenario accurately. •Is the Industry relevant yet valuable to everyone? •Is crisp and to the point; it delivers critical information minus the hype. •Shows how GDP-driven data can tell you much more than mere production numbers. Build a successful Global Investment Portfolio with ease. Buy Now! Sarvesh Ghoriwala is an analyst at PWC India, working with the Management Consulting Research and Analytics division, helping companies identify their root business problems and solve them. He has been active in the financial markets from the age of 18, practising in equity, futures and also options strategies. His mission is to help investors around the globe understand the financial markets better, especially those aspiring to be global fund managers in the future.
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    Opportunity of the 21st Century: Your Key to Health, Wealth & Peace of Mind (Hardbound)

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    This Book can make you a MILLIONAIRE in just 15 Months!!! It is the Opportunity of the 21st Century!!! Are you sick & tired of investing in capital intensive businesses??? Stop wasting precious time & money, staking health & happiness and neglecting self & family!!! If you are reading this, You are holding the KEY to Financial Freedom, Good Health & Peace of Mind. This Book will lead you and guide you firmly on the pathway to joining the Club of Millionaires and targeting Billions in a short period. This Book will show you and teach you how to make Adversity the Password to Success. Written in clear & easy language, this Book offers you a unique opportunity to wipe the slate clean of your past losses and walk toward Financial Freedom, Time Freedom and Happiness with ease through a Direct Marketing Career. This Book is Unique as it : It allows you to make MILLIONS Speedily in a short time. It shows you how to create a Substantial Residual Income for the rest of your life. It offers you the Shortest, Easiest and Ethical path to fulfilling your dreams. It is an opportunity not just to earn wealth but to improve health. It introduces you to a Life-Altering Product & Career. Start your journey to becoming a MILLIONAIRE right NOW by Clicking on the Buy Button!!!
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    क्या आप अपने लाभ का 37 % खोने या छोड़ने के इच्छुक हैं? आप अभी भी ऐसा कर रहे हैं और यहाँ तक कि आपको इसका पता भी नहीं है। यदि आप एक टॉर्च डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर हैं तो इस बात की पूरी संभावना है कि आप इन 9 गलतियों को बिना जाने हुए कर रहे हैं। आपको ऐसा लग रहा होगा कि आपका व्यापार ऐसे किस कारण के कम हो रहा है जिसको आप पहचान नहीं पा रहे हैं। स्पष्ट है कि जिस कारण को आप पहचान नहीं सकते तो उसको सुधार भी नहीं सकते। इस पुस्तक के द्वारा, आपको ऐसी जानकारी मिलेगी कि आपकी डिस्ट्रीब्यूटरशिप न केवल बनी रहेगी बल्कि सफल भी होगी। अतः आप इन 9 गलतियों से बचें और भारत के प्रमुख टॉर्च एक्सपर्ट के द्वारा बताए गए इन सुपर सीक्रेट हैक्स को अपनाकर निश्चित सफलता का मार्ग चुनें। वर्षों के अनुभव और अनुसंधानों के निचोड़ का प्रयोग करके बनी यह पुस्तक मार्केटिंग और व्यापार प्रबंधन में बहुत उपयोगी है और यह अवश्य ही आपको आपके उद्योग जगत के शीर्ष पर ले जायेगी।
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    The Ultimate Guide to Home Security: How to Select the Perfect Door Locks

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Nothing in the world is more important than the safety and security of your loved ones at home and the protection of your hard-earned assets at your place of work!!! Are you doing enough to keep your family and business safe??? The difference between sleeping safely and losing everything is the RIGHT LOCKING SYSTEM! This book is your personal security expert and will help you choose the most secure lock without having to compromise on stylish design for your spaces. Leading Architectural Hardware Expert. Bansal's Expertise was handed down to him as a family legacy and was fortified by an Engineering Degree. This expertise has been further honed by his 18 years of experience working with leading Architects and Interior Designers across the country.
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    The Ultimate Kitchen Chimney Survival Guide: Don’t Buy Your Kitchen Chimney Without Reading This!

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    This amazing book is something every household needs. Many of us overlook the importance of the CHIMNEY in a kitchen; however, if we genuinely care for the health and wellbeing of the Homemaker or those who spend time in the Kitchen, a Chimney is essential. A Chimney is essential not only to eliminate the toxic fumes and smoke but also helps keep your interiors clean, grease-free. The right Chimney will save you tonnes of money and hassle in terms of health and cleaning bills. However, it is unfortunate that most people choose the wrong Chimney, and their dream of achieving a smoke & odour free Kitchen gets shattered rudely. This book functions as your Kitchen Chimney Expert and helps you choose the Chimney with the best results. Gurjot Singh Gulati, though a Chartered Accountant by qualification, is backed by a family legacy and 40 years of family experience in Home Appliances. Having joined the family business today, he is an expert in adding value to customers' lives. Working with the best of Interior Designers & Architects throughout the nation, he has been adding significant value to every Kitchen that they design & execute with his expertise in the "MODERN GADGET'- "KITCHEN CHIMNEYS'' & BUILT-IN-HOBS.
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    Reasons for Smile: Journey of Smile From Dreams to Reality

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Inspired by life, this collection of Poetry gives you a MILLION Reasons to Smile. Here’s a Gem of a Book for all Poetry Lovers! A companion that you will not want to let go of ever! This collection of poems is as varied as life itself, smoothly navigating a range of emotions from romance to reality. It expresses everything you have ever felt but did not find the words to express. Lucille Clifton said ‘’Poetry is a matter of LIFE, not just a matter of language.’’ This book lives up to this quote. All those conversations and Q & A sessions you have had with God and yourself. All those hours spent in front of the mirror, every feeling, every nuance is captured brilliantly in crystal clear language. Emotions are woven beautifully into words, and the words overflow with healing. A summary of life, this book expresses all the desires, emotions, fears and disappointments that human beings go through and yet manages to leave you smiling. This Book is Unique as:
    • It etches the journey from dreams to reality in a poetic manner with a modern spin.
    • It shares emotions that are deeply personal yet relatable and universal.
    • Though written in lyrical and poetic language, the book is easy to understand and shoots straight at the heart
    • Freely expresses the entire range of emotions, including those often neglected, such as frustration, confusion, etc.
     Light up your life and begin to SMILE. A simple action could change your life forever. Click on the Buy Button!!! Introduction of self is sometimes difficult. But when it comes to making identity, it is important. So, here comes Mrs. Aarti Mittal a homemaker, your author of course, and a social worker too. My introduction to this world was made on 30th March 1984. Passion to write, and to feel ran in my veins from childhood. With the grace of the Almighty and the support of elders, motivation by friends and husband, and my family, I am able to bring my beautiful journey of a smile to you.
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