Most parents enrol their child in an abacus program, probably because one of their neighbours or relatives suggested to do so or parents of their child's friend have referred them or spoken highly about it. Most of the people, who recommend the abacus program, themselves, are not much aware of it but have been awestruck by the performance of their child. This book contains all the information that the parents, educators, and the course instructors of today might want to know about the Abacus Program. Right from the quiz about your kids, the book contains all the crucial elements that are an integral part of the Abacus Program, such as cognitive skills, the working of human brain, role of arithmetic, understanding the abacus as a tool, the 8 Learning Styles and how abacus is a great self-employment opportunity. This book will help: Parents who have been unaware of how the abacus program work. They will know about it and understand how it will benefit their children. Parents who have enrolled their kids or plan to enrol them. It will help them take considerate decisions regarding; Why their child should enrol in the abacus program? Where should they join? What is the right age? Why there is an age criterion? What is the right methodology? What are the best practices? This book will set the expectations right. They will also understand the difference between abacus and other Maths programs available, especially the Vedic Maths. The book will help prospective abacus franchisees or centre owners to take the right decisions on how and why to start an abacus centre and the existing franchisees to rightly counsel parents. Simply put, the book is a complete package of information about Abacus Program, that is not only the treasure house of knowledge, but also the guide for parents as well as Abacus centre owners.
Have you ever wondered that you could shape your body with the correct fat percentage and good health full of vigor and energy, causing others’ envy? Then keep reading. different methods to achieve your desired results in fat loss.
Priceless secrets to your best life by PoonamKalra Stop whatever you are doing. Read this NOW! Stress is the #1 cause of Disease, Death& Relationship Breakdowns! Not choosing this book could be your biggest regret! Written by an Inspiring Womanwho has held Age Hostage; This book shows you how to live yourBest Life, Stress-Free no matter your age, gender or station in life. It teaches you how to create all-around 360-degree prosperity in every area of your life with easy to implement tips, tools and techniques. Unlike other books that focus on one area of your life, this book shows you how to create a Balanced Life to live in complete Harmony. This book is so full of Positivity that the cover alone is enough to uplift your mood. In between the covers, the book is filled with Priceless Secrets of Health& Nutrition, Success &Wealth, Mental Health & Peace, Relationships and Personality Development. A complete Motivational guide, the book offers you priceless nuggets on Confidence-Building, Effective Communication, andPersonal Grooming&Styling. This Book is Unique as: It is written by a woman who has shattered all myths & barriers related to age and set an example. It shares Priceless Secrets on improving every area of your life. It shares unique tools like the Portable Sauna in thehealth section, Speak out your Anger in the mental wellbeing section, Record yourself in the personal development section. Everything shared in the book is Result Oriented and Tried & Tested. The health section is fortified with actual meal plans and easy healthy recipes. A simple action could change your life forever. Live it up Click on the Buy Button!!! Poonam Kalra is a popular Youtuber and motivational speaker who is a role model for all ages. She is a huge inspiration as she defies and shatters all myths and barriers related to age. She proves that age is indeed just a number by looking great, being in excellent health and starting a new venture at an age when most people give up on life.
"With deep financial insights on the dynamics of global markets, this book is a financial gem!" ~ Shekhar Jain, Founder, Ontrust Capital With these kinds of reviews from Industry Leaders, this book is pure gold for finance professionals in the early stages of their careers, especially those who aspire to be global fund managers and investors who wish to build a global portfolio by investing wisely in emerging markets after analyzing their GDP. As Prof. Dr. Soheli Ghose, Dean, Commerce Faculty, at the prestigious St.Xavier’s College, says, "A very well-written book covering the major aspects of the Indian Financial Scenario accurately. A must-read for researchers, academia, and market operators." This unique book written in clear & easy language gives people a unique regression model they can use easily and simply to analyze the factors impacting GDP and long-term stock market returns. This book fosters a global mindset amongst its readers and empowers them to think and act like Global Fund Managers to invest globally successfully. This book is unique as it : •Shows you how to earn by investing in global financial markets using GDP analysis and forecasting. •Teaches you to think like a Global Fund Manager. •Covers major aspects of the Indian Financial Scenario accurately. •Is the Industry relevant yet valuable to everyone? •Is crisp and to the point; it delivers critical information minus the hype. •Shows how GDP-driven data can tell you much more than mere production numbers. Build a successful Global Investment Portfolio with ease. Buy Now! Sarvesh Ghoriwala is an analyst at PWC India, working with the Management Consulting Research and Analytics division, helping companies identify their root business problems and solve them. He has been active in the financial markets from the age of 18, practising in equity, futures and also options strategies. His mission is to help investors around the globe understand the financial markets better, especially those aspiring to be global fund managers in the future.
Unseen Wings is the intriguing and awe-inspiring true story of a young girl from a small farming village who soared into the endless skies to live her dreams despite challenges raining down on her like confetti. It is a unique yet universally relatable tale of grit and determination right in the line of life's curveballs. It will inspire you to claim your unseen wings and start working toward your dreams today! Namrita Chandi, the first woman pilot in the world to have flown in the Siachen Glacier and the first woman across the globe to have landed at the highest ALG in the world, is the epitome of strength, willpower, ethics and values. An accomplished ex-Indian Air Force Helicopter Pilot with 25 years of experience in aerospace, cross-sector and cross-functional management experience in leadership roles, as a motivatonal and inspirational speaker she inspires millions to give wings to their dreams.
आज पूरा विश्व इस बात से सहमत है कि मानव के मन और शरीर को स्वस्थ बनाए रखने में योग की विशेष भूमिका है। इसकी उपयोगिता को ध्यान में रखकर ही अब प्रतिवर्ष 21 जून को 'विश्व योग दिवस' के रूप में मनाया जाता है।लेखक ने इस पुस्तक में इस महत्वपूर्ण विषय की अवधारणाओं को अत्यंत सरल भाषा में जनसाधारण के सम्मुख प्रस्तुत करने का सफल प्रयास किया है। इस पुस्तक में योग के विभिन्न पक्षों पर बहुमूल्य जानकारी प्रदान करने के साथ-साथ योग द्वारा सामान्य स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के उपचार की विधियों पर भी प्रकाश डाला गया है। निश्चय ही यह पुस्तक योग के जिज्ञासुओं के लिए एक वरदान साबित होगी। योग परंपरा में दीक्षित योगाचार्य श्री. गिरजा शंकर उपाध्याय योग की दुनिया में एक नया नाम हैं। ये एम डी एक्यू, मुख्य योग शिक्षक (पतंजलि योग समिति), योग प्रशिक्षक (Yoga Certification Board) तथा विशिष्ट योग एवं सनातन योग के साथ साथ एक्यूप्रेशर जैसी विधाओं के गहनतम ज्ञान से सुशोभित हैं। आज के तनाव से भरे जीवन में योग एक संजीवनी है। इसी से प्रेरित होकर लेखक ने इस पुस्तक में मानव जीवन के कल्याण के संकल्प के साथ योग को सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत करने का सफल प्रयास किया है। बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी इस व्यक्तित्व से समाज को और भी बहुत आशाएं हैं।
इस पुस्तक में रक्तिम जी ने फ्रेमवर्क के संस्थानीकरण अनुभवों के औद्योगिकीकरण प्रक्रियाओं के इंस्ट्रूमेंटेशन आई टी के डेमोक्रेटाइजेशन तथा एंटरप्राइस एप्स के कन्ज्यूमराइज़ेशन पर बल दिया है ताकि वैश्विक व्यापार को डिजिटल में बदलने के लिए उस स्ट्रक्चरल मार्ग को तैयार किया जा सके जिसकी व्यापार जगत को बहुत अधिाक आवश्यकता है। इस पुस्तक के पाठकों के लिए ग्रहण करने वाली मुख्य बात ACID नामक फ्रेमवर्क है जिसकी व्याख्या रक्तिम जी ने चार भागों में बड़े उत्साह के साथ की है। उन्होंने ACID (अर्थात् AI, CLOUD, I oT और Data), जो कि डिजिटल परिवर्तन के आधार स्तंभ हैं की व्याख्या विभिन्न उधोंगो से चुनी गई प्रेक्टिकल केस स्टडीज के आधार पर की है। ~ Rajashekara Visweswara Maiya VP, Global Head-Business Consulting-Finale at Infosys इस पुस्तक की विषय-सामग्री को पढ़कर कोई भी आसानी से इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंच सकता है कि यह डिजिटलाइजेशन और व्यापार में परिवर्तन से जुड़े प्रेक्टिशनरों की सहायता के लिए किसी प्रेक्टिशनर की इस क्षेत्र में 25 वर्षों से भी अधिक समय तक की गई तपस्या का परिणाम है। रक्तिम ने IIT BHU से B.Tech. किया हैं। उन्होंने वर्ष 1995 में Infosys के FINACLE को ज्वाइन किया। उन्हें सॉफ्टवेयर प्रोडक्ट के डेवलपमेंट का 25 वर्षों से अधिाक का लम्बा अनुभव है। रक्तिम का डिजिटल क्षेत्र के प्रति विशेष उत्साह है और उन्होंने विभिन्न सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफ़ॉर्म्स पर डिजिटल परिवर्तन“ विषय पर अनेक ब्लॉग भी प्रकाशित किए हैं। रक्तिम नें TEDx में डिजिटल परिवर्तन पर अपना Talk दिया है।
If you want to experience financial freedom, earn the maximum return on stocks, grow rich, and still have peace of mind, this book is for you. It shows you how to create a Legacy of Stocks and earn even while asleep by teaching you the fundamentals of stocks and the principles of successful investing. Nikhil Gupta, an alumnus of IIM Lucknow and a Law Graduate working in his Family Business Pee Aar Securities Limited., is a sought-after Financial Consultant & Trainer. He holds 18 plus years of experience in the Stock Market, Stock Investing, Financial Planning, and Stock Research.
परिधानों के रिटेल व्यापारी कृपया ध्यान दें। यह पुस्तक उन लोगों के लिए है जो महिलाओं के एथनिक परिधान के रिटेल व्यापार के क्षेत्र में तेजी से आगे बढ़ते हुए इस उद्योग के लीडर बनना चाहते हैं। इसमें अनुभव और गहन रिसर्च से निकले इनसाइट से युक्त टिप्स भी शामिल किए गए हैं। एक अवश्य पढ़ी जाने योग्य पुस्तक! अगर आप घटते हुए लाभों से चिंतित हैं और अपने व्यापार को बढ़ा नहीं पा रहे हैं तो आपके संतुष्ट और निष्ठावान ग्राहक आधार में वृद्धि करके आप के लाभ को दस गुणा बढ़ाने के लिए यह पुस्तक एक संपूर्ण व्यावहारिक गाइड का काम करेगी। परिधानों के रिटेल व्यापार के रणनीतिकार और विशेषज्ञ, नवीन एन- बानूड़ा, एम- एन- फैशन्स के निदेशक हैं जो भारतीय महिलाओं के एथनिक परिधानों के B2B क्षेत्र में भारत का नम्बर 1 ब्रांड है। अपने VFC फ्रेमवर्क के जरिए इन्होंने 5000 से अधिक रिटेल व्यापारियों के करोड़ों रुपए डेडस्टोक में बचाए हैं और करोड़ों रुपयों का लाभ अर्जित कराया है ताकि वे मार्केट के लीडर के रूप में स्थापित हो सकें।
Attention Apparel Ratailers: For those desiring to keep pace with Women's ethnic wear Retail and become industry leaders, this book, with its insightful tips born from experice and deep research, is a must-have. If you are struggling with shrinking profits and cannot scale up, this is your complete practical guide to building a happy and loyal customer base while increasing your profitability by 10x. An Apparel Retail Strategist & Expert, Naveen N Banura is the Director of MN Fashions, India's #1 Brand in B2B Indian Women's Ethnic Wear. Through his VFC Framework, he has helped 5000+ retailers to save dead stock worth crores of rupees & achieve profits worth crores to establish themselves as market leaders.
Attention new entrants & those looking to scale up in the Steel Industry! Bring in big profits with slight changes by mastering these unique profitability mantras! This book teaches you trade tricks and secrets that no business school teaches and no successful business person divulges. With this book, you can bypass the challenges universal to the steel fraternity and run an ethical and profitable business no matter what stage of the business cycle you may be at. The truths shared in this book are not of the loud, disruptive kind. Instead, they are small, simple and subtle shifts. But the huge impact they bring you will be visible almost immediately. The language of the book is conversational and easy to understand, and the tools, techniques and mantras are quick and easy to implement. This book is of immense value for everyone in the value chain in the steel fraternity, be it manufacturers, traders, fabricators or buyers or even those who are part of the sales force of a steel company. Also, this book will add value to your operations no matter whether you are a new entrant to this industry or an established player. This book is unique as: ✔ It shares unique, never-before divulged trade secrets. ✔ It teaches you unique easy to implement profitability mantras. ✔ It is written by a second-generation entrepreneur who has steel in his blood. ✔ It is written with an understanding of the pain points of all people in the steel value chain, manufacturers, buyers, traders, etc. ✔ It is written in an easy-to-absorb and implement conversational manner. To learn how to 10X your profitability in the Steel Industry while building an Ethical Enterprise- Click on the Buy Button NOW!!! A second-generation entrepreneur with Steel running in his blood, Ankit Mehta is lovingly referred to as their ‘’Steel Friend’’ by his clients. He has helped 1000s of clients achieve massive profits and eliminate losses through his unique consulting techniques and practices.
How to Get the Courage and Power to Live a Life You Love ~ Poonam Kalra Poonam Kalra’s much-awaited second book, a brand new high-impact motivational life path offering 'Iconic Living,’ is out NOW! A complete motivational guide, the book offers courageous wisdom and priceless nuggets on the power of nurturing and developing your mind & body to live the best life possible. This book is a celebration of life in the grandest way possible. Written by an inspirational woman who has held age hostage, it shows you how to expand your universe and live life to the fullest by keeping your body, mind, relationships, habits and thoughts fit and sound. Filled with a treasure house of tips, tools, techniques and anecdotes the author has personally tried, applied and verified before sharing, every word in this book is life-altering and guaranteed to impact your life with amazing results. Unlike other books that focus on one area of life in isolation, this book shares how to create a balanced life to live in complete harmony 360 degrees. This book is a gift to humanity and shows readers how to live their best life, stress-free, no matter their age, gender or station in life. With this book as your guide and friend, nothing and no one can stop you from living your best Iconic Life filled with Joy, Wealth, Health and Success. This Book is Unique as: • It is written by a woman who has shattered all myths & barriers related to age and set an example. • It shares Priceless Secrets to improving every area of your life. • It shares practical tools and exercises to build your mind, body, confidence, personality & relationships. • Everything shared in the book is Result Oriented and Tried & Tested. A simple action could change your life forever. Make Your Life ICONIC. Click on the Buy Button!!! Poonam Kalra is a popular Youtuber and motivational speaker who is a role model for all ages. She is a huge inspiration as she defies and shatters all myths and barriers related to age. She proves that age is indeed just a number by looking great, being in excellent health and starting a new venture at an age when most people give up on life.
This book will enable you to start a profitable e-commerce business in 30 days or less and earn a five-figure monthly income even if you know nothing about marketing, conversions, or user experience. By avoiding the 5 Money Murdering Mistakes & applying the principles in this book,you will start converting from day one, and existing businesses can 4X conversions. The strategies shared in this book are guaranteed tooutrun all your competition online. It doesn't matter what you're selling; these universal strategies work for everyone. Founder & Principal Designer at Flying Saints UX Agency, Gurpreet Bhatia is a sought after e-commerce consultant and a certified usability analyst. He has coached hundreds of business owners (including those in the 100 Cr club) and marketing experts, as well as mentored a number of e-commerce CEOs. He has helped hundreds of clients successfully launch and run their e-commerce websites globally with exponential profits.
Science and Spirituality have proved that everything is ENERGY! We are all born whole and divine, a powerful embodiment of the infinite & eternal Energy of the Source/Universe/Almighty/God! This Energy exists inside of us as a vital force of life. Once you master your Energy, you can master and design your whole life. This is not just a book-it is the doorway to a radically fulfilling life. With deep insights and practical techniques and remedies, it shows you how to cleanse, unblock and balance your Energy to design your life the way you want consciously. Learn to become a powerful manifesto by co-creating with the Universe. About the author: Titled as "Tarot Queen & NAVRATNA" in the Spiritual Field and blessed with psychic & clairvoyant abilities, Dr. Taara Malhotra is the only Psychic from India to be featured on Discovery International for her expertise in Energy Work. As India's leading Holistic Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, and Life Coach, she is much in demand even by celebrities and is widely acknowledged and featured in the media nationally and globally. Though an MBA and a B.Tech, she chose to serve humanity by following her life purpose as a Spiritual & Life Coach. Skilled in Numerology, Astrology, Mediumship, Energy Healing & Channelling, Vastu, Lama Fera, Aura Scanning, Akashic Records Teaching, Angel & Hoodoo Practice & Tarot Card Reading; she uses these modalities to facilitate physical, mental, emotional, and financial & spiritual healing. She has thousands of delighted clients and students globally.
The book covers a broad range of topics, from the basics of automation to advanced techniques and technologies, making it a comprehensive guide for both novice and experienced engineers. The attention given to the ethical considerations and real-world impact of automation is particularly noteworthy and sets this book apart from others in the field. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of automation engineering and its practical applications. This book on Automation Engineering is an exceptional resource for anyone interested in the field. Manmeet Singh Bhatti (the author) has done an outstanding job of presenting complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making them accessible to a wide range of readers. The real-world examples and hands-on exercises bring the material to life, making it an engaging and interactive learning experience.
Never let the shape and size of your chest stop you from living your life! If you or a dear one is experiencing low self-esteem and confidence due to male breast enlargement (gynecomastia), this book is for you. This book is also for all compassionate plastic surgeons who are always looking for better treatments to add value to their patients' lives. For the first time ever, this book reveals a revolutionary, modern concept- "Gynecomastia 360 4D X Framework" aimed at creating a standardized approach for every patient who wants treatment for male breast enlargement across the country and the globe in a way that ensures nearly 100% safety and is a nearly 100% fail-safe procedure. This unique concept will completely revolutionize how gynecomastia is treated by minimizing complication rates and the dissatisfaction grades of patients undergoing this procedure. It also ensures minimal time away from work, hence the minimum monetary loss. Amongst India’s most influential Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Amit Gupta is a gold medalist from Maulana Azad Medical College with Fellowships in Plastic Surgery from Brazil and Belgium. He and his team today perform the most significant number of male breast reduction surgeries in India. He is the founder of Divine Cosmetic Surgery. To date, Divine Cosmetic Surgery has performed 5000+ gynecomastia surgeries with unbelievable success. He has created a new International Classification of Gynecomastia. Published in the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, this classification is changing the way that the world looks at Indian Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Amit is on a mission to treat every patient who is suffering from low confidence and lack of self-esteem due to male breast enlargement in the safest way possible.
यह पुस्तक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मार्किट और रिटेल के साथ तालमेल रखने और सबसे सफल व्यापार के इच्छुक लोगो के लिए, अपने अनुभव और गहन शोध से पैदा हुए व्यावहारिक सुझावों को ध्यान में रखते हुए लिखी गई है। यदि आप सिकुड़ते मुनाफे से जूझ रहे हैं और इसे बढ़ा नहीं सकते हैं, तो यह आपके मुनाफे को 10 गुना बढ़ाते हुए एक खुश और वफादार ग्राहक बनाने के लिए आपकी पूरी व्यावहारिक मार्गदर्शिका है। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स रिटेल रणनीतिकार और विशेषज्ञ, रवि जैन उन्नति एसोसिएट्स के डायरेक्टर हैं, जो B2B के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स में भारत के Top Distributor है। उनके अपने अनुभव के माध्यम से, उन्होंने 2000 + खुदरा विक्रेताओं को करोड़ों रुपये के डेड स्टॉक को बचाने और खुद को मार्केट लीडर के रूप में स्थापित करने के लिए करोड़ों रुपये का मुनाफा हासिल करने में मदद की है। हमारे रिटेलर्स कि डायरेक्ट दिल से आवाज़... उन्नति एसोसिएट्स के साथ जुड़ना हमारा सबसे अच्छा निर्णय रहा है। यहाँ हमें नए प्रोडक्ट्स पर निरंतर ट्रेनिंग मिलती है और फैक्ट्री विजिट भी करवाई जाती है। यहाँ पर स्टाफ भी प्रशिक्षित है और हमारे सभी सवालों को अच्छे से सुनकर उनका जवाब भी देते है। "रवि जी" कि कंपनी उन्नति एसोसिएट्स हमारे लिए एक बेहतरीन कंपनी है। यहाँ मैंने एकाउंटिंग और बिलिंग के प्रोसेस मैं 100% पारदर्शिता देखी है। सभी प्रोडक्टस सही समय पर पहुँच जातें है। यहाँ हमें प्रोडक्ट्स के डिफेक्टिव होने कि भी चिंता नहीं है। हमारे स्टाफ कि डायरेक्ट दिल से आवाज़... उन्नति एसोसिएट्स में काम करते वे मुझे कई वर्ष हो गए है। सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि मुझे यहां काम करने में एक अपनापन सा महसूस होता है। मुझे किसी भी तरह कि परेशानी नहीं हुई है। यहाँ का work culture बेहद सकारात्मक और ऊर्जापूर्ण है। मेरी फॅमिली भी खुश रहती है।
If you are a growth-hungry business owner/brand manager of a bathroom fittings brand struggling to increase your social media following & impact, this book is for you. In today’s digital marketplace, social media is your most powerful tool for branding and visibility. If you do not have an impactful social media presence, you are not just draining precious marketing budget but also losing out on profitable opportunities. This book gives you the magic mantra to fast-track your social media growth onto the formula one race track to success. Become a pioneer and a visionary and reap immense early bird advantages with the transformative content in this book. A visionary, a technologist, an out-of-the-box design thinking expert and a professional interior designer, "Nitin Gupta" (Author of this Book) is the founder of THE NEXT DESIGN, a 3D Visualization Studio and Creative Agency. With over 26 years of experience helping Fortune 500 companies and giant Indian government companies in overcoming critical situations, he has delivered 6000+ projects globally in diverse industries. His latest success story is getting Kohler India 5X more customer engagement in less than a year. His ability to see technology and design trends ahead of time allows him to help his customers stay ahead of their competition, obtain more customer engagement and generate more leads.
This book is for you if you keep putting off important tasks despite knowing the negative consequences. Did you know that almost 20% of adults and 70% of college students are chronic procrastinators? Don’t let procrastination stop you from living your best life. You can quickly & easily put an end to procrastination with this book. ‘’All success comes from completing a task.’’ The ‘’Magical Seven-Step Formula’’ and the practical exercises and worksheets shared in this book are complete game-changers. Following these steps correctly and sincerely will free you from the Devil of Procrastination forever. Bhuwan Pant is a Corporate Guy – turned Successful Entrepreneur, Mentor, Coach, Life, and Business Strategist, and Best Selling Author. His incredible coaching and mentoring skills guide people and businesses to transformational success and phenomenal growth. His work has touched the lives of 1000s of people and guided them to the purpose they sought. A much-in-demand speaker, he is asked to speak and share his journey, learning, wisdom, and success formula at various large forums and events. This Career Transformation and Acceleration coach, a Personal scalable Brand Private Coach for leaders, startups, and entrepreneurs, is on a mission to empower people and professionals in their careers through his guaranteed success model.