Health, Family & Personal Development Archives - Page 2 of 5 - Pendown Press

Health, Family & Personal Development

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    Purchase Planning Guide for Lighting Systems

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    This book is a huge step in the mission of customer awareness. This book covers several chapters on customer relevance, such as ways to design effective lighting solutions and the latest trends in the lighting industry. Through this book, the author wants to educate its readers about effective lighting design and thus enable them to offer a better lighting solution to their clients. Director of Jain Sons Lights Pvt. Ltd. (Est. 1975), his family-owned business of lights, Mr. Anubhav Jain has experience in the lighting industry of over 10 years. Soon after joining the business, he quickly realized that the lighting field has a lot of technical aspects and thus educated himself on the field of lighting technology and effective lighting design. Till now, he and his team have guided the promoters and design consultants on numerous projects.
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    A Walk with Me: And Never Lose Your Health Again

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    Now You Can have the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS of Your Dreams Much Faster Than You Ever Imagined Ever wished that you attain a life full of Health and Happiness that makes others feel envious of you?  Then keep reading. The market is flooded with materials making superfluous promises to attain your wishful health parameters through doing this thing or that thing. But they never tell you the real cause of those non-uniformities and badly miss the vital information related to sustainable maintenance of your body parts. Can we afford to remain ignorant about the functioning of our body and wish for a healthy life? The book “A walk with Me” focuses on listening to what our body tells us from within. Through the journey of this book, you will discover: General view on the organs of our body and their role in our day-to-day life. The practical tips and tricks which can help take care of the wellness of these body organs. The truth behind some of the common diseases and the modalities to address them. The role of Yoga and meditation in bringing peace, progress, and prosperity in our life. Vital information about sleep/rest /exercises in our life for making it healthy and happy? How to make your life free from stress and depression? This book will make its readers aware of the functioning of the body and mind leading to transforming their lives altogether. A unique specialty of this book is the usage of the Hindi language at certain places, making it easy to grasp for an ordinary person. This book is a must-read for all those who dream of living a healthy and happy life. Certified Transformation Coach for Mind Power Workshops Certified DMIT Counsellor Certified Yoga Teacher Approved by The Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy, Govt. of India (Certified at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai AND at Yoga Niketan, Vadodara) Former Senior Manager, Corporation Bank (Now, Union Bank of India) Former District Secretary, Rotary International Dist.-306 Former President, Rotaract Club of Nadiad His Mission: To educate, intimate and escalate Hundred Thousand people to live st Independent, Healthy and Happy lives by 31 December, 2028. He is conducting workshops Offline and Online to fulfil his mission. He is considered as a Cool and Calm Coach and Expert in Experiments  
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    “राशि-वृक्ष के माध्यम से ग्रह आरै नक्षत्र प्रभावित होते है। यह सुनकर तो मुझे अचंभा ही हुआ था. लेकिन जब स्थान पर छाये संकटीय बादलों को हटाने के लिए मुख्यद्वार के दोनों तरफ दिव्यतरु 'कल्पवक्ष' का रोपण करण तो उससे सृजित सकारात्मक ऊर्जा ने अल्पकाल में ही सर्वमंगल किया। इ. एम. के. सेठ, ITS, मुख्य महाप्रबंधक, भा. सं. नि. लि., गुवाहाटी (असम)

    “ग्रीनमैन श्री बघेल जी ने मेरे 60वंं जन्मदिन पर पवित्र वृक्ष का रोपण कराया तो मैंने यह जाना कि कितना। आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व होता है इन वनस्पतियों में। सरदार जोगा सिंह, IFS, सेवानिवृत्त वन अधिकारी, यमुनानगर (हरियाणा)

    “मेरे पति और हम दोनों ने मिलकर पूरे विधि-विधान से अपना राशि-वृक्ष लगाया। यह कार्य अत्यंत लोक कल्याणकारी साबित हो रहा है। सुश्रुश्री गुरुरी जनमेजेजा, PDG, लॉयन्स क्लब इंटरनेशनल, मंडल-321सी, गाजियाबाद

    “सेवानिवृत्त पौधारोपण का सुफल निश्चित मिलता है यह मेरा प्रमाणित अनुभव है। श्री राकेश चंद्रा, IAS, प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, लखनऊ

    “मैंने अपनी राशि का दिव्यवृक्ष अपने घर पर लगाया जिसके फलस्वरूप मुझे जो सुखद अनुभूति हो रही है उसका वर्णन करने वाले शब्द मेरे पास नहीं हैं। श्री रोमिल बनिया, IPS, पुलिस अधिकारी, दिल्ली

    “मेरी कल्पवृक्ष रोपित कर एक तीव्र मनोकामना की पूर्ति कितनी सहजता और सादगी से हो गई ये सब दिव्य वृक्ष के रोपण का ही प्रताप है। श्री कार्तिकेयन, उद्योगपति, इरोड (तमिलनाडु)

    “गत वर्ष मैं अपने बेटे का 20वाँ जन्मदिन मनाने और सांसारिक कष्टों से छुटकारा पाने के लिए हमने पूरे वैदिक रीति-रिवाज द्वारा दिव्य-वृक्ष लगाने के परिणामस्वरूप आत्मिक संतुष्टि, सुख, शांति तथा वैभव मिला और कष्ट निवारण भी हुए। श्री सुधीर सिंह, एयरइंडिया अधिकारी, नई दिल्ली

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    Make Your Interiors Talk of the Town: 9 Mistakes that People Make While Selecting Door Handles

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.

    This book, as its title suggests, shares 9 most common mistakes which people do and you should avoid so that a door handle can elevate your interior along with their solutions.The book describes mistakes one by one, such as selecting the door handles without keeping in mind the interior style, opting for door handles that do not go with one’s door styles, getting lowest-priced handles, selecting sharp-edges handles, etc. and how to overcome these wrongdoings.Simply put, the book proves how a perfectly selected door handle can do wonders to enlighten and elevate your interiors, provided it is gelling with your interior space.

    Akshat Bansal is an Architectural Hardware Expert with almost two decades of experience. Soon after his engineering, he joined his family-owned hardware business, and today he is blessed with the opportunity to work with some of the most prominent Architect and Interior Designers of India. That he is neck-deep involved in his hardware business can easily be understood from the statement of his wife. “He eats handles, sleep handles and dream handles”, she says about the author . Even her daughter suggests him to take some time off, out of his hectic schedule and think except hardware.

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    Life Beyond Fears: Unlock the Fountain of Untapped Courage and Motivation within you

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    The fears we don't face become our limits. Have not we conditioned ourselves since childhood to see things and live in a certain way? - If our parents fought, we grew up thinking that it is normal to fight and have - trouble in relationships. - If we saw people around us being dominated by their boss and giving up easily, we believed that this is how work life is supposed to be. - If we saw our friends and relatives popping up pills every now and then, we started taking our health for granted and began to accept stress and anxiety as a normal part of the routine. But is accepting any of this as a part of our normal routine? Or, should we raise an alarm and make a conscious choice to change it? We will know that something has to change for our life to change. This book teaches us as to how to - Unlock the foundation of untapped courage and motivation - Feel the aura of abundance around you and achieve what you long for - Get rid of pressure and shock of fear - Create a life of their wish almost effortlessly - Heal people with serious conditions like Depression, Anxiety, Piles, Asthma, Bronchitis, Gluten Allergy, etc. and empower them mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Peyush is a Celebrated life & business coach, psycho-therapist, Author, and blogger, Widely admired for her extraordinary skills of helping people overcome their barriers & Accomplishing life-changing results. The Driving force behind the Success and happiness of Countless many, she is rightly popular as the 'Queen of transformation' today.
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    This book 'Reasonable Future of Humanity' is dedicated mainly to those who are living a life deprived of those things which are necessary for daily life. Through this book the author wants to tell us all that while creating life on the Earth, the Almighty God endowed a man with an intelligent and generous nature which is still present in the existence of man. But for some reason, with the multiplication and development of people's relationships, a great degradation of morality, and misinterpretation of beautiful and useful man's nature existed for years before and still exists nowadays. 'Choogin Valeriy Vitalievich' was born on 22nd October, 1937, at Sverdlovsk in Russia. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, a Professor in the field of Mechanical Technology of Textile Materials, and an Academician in the Ukrainian Technology Academy. In July 2010, Almighty lifted his consciousness above clouds and opened his mind curtains to expand his foresight, and charged to it. Similarly, in August 2013, has lifted his consciousness much above the clouds and removed restrictions from his brain in the direction of deepening the measure of comprehensive real living conditions of the person and all living beings. In October 2013, Almighty entered the 3rd contact with the author instructing him to behave with the utility level provided to him towards mankind without hesitation.  Thus, this book is being published with the hope of the attention of many simple workers and citizens of all countries of the world.    
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    This book is Dadi Janki’s sermon, which is completely successful in changing people’s lives. This book contains answers to questions asked by people from Dadi Janki, and she satisfied their hearts with her marvelous answers that make them full of contentment.
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    सफलता के व्यवहारिक आयाम (safalta ke vyavharik aayam)

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    Safalta ke vyavharik aayam An impressive personality is the key to success. We bring for you in this book some of the essential changes that you must inculcate in your personality to be successful in life. Some real examples have been quoted in the book from the life of great people like Abraham Lincoln. Written by an eminent personality counselor Sanjeev Sharma, the book talks about many traits that influence our personality. The book highlights the impact of attributes like expression, inspiration, and so on. The book is must read for everyone who wants to be successful in life and improve their personality. Written in simple Hindi, this book is easy to understand. Read it till its very last page, implement the thoughts presented here and experience the change in your life.
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    Secrets of Astrology Everybody Must Know: Simple Knowledge, Bigger Results

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    It’s a Book—scientific-based teachings of Astrology, based on facts, supported by logical reasons. It covers only the Astrological aspects needed by you in simple language. The book will save your lakhs from going to Cheat Astrologers and believe in their Ineffective Knowledge
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    Wondering, How To Make Your Doctor Visit Rocks?

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹224.00.
    Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Entrepreneur by Profession and “A volunteer Platelet donor” by Passion. He is a Motivational Speaker for creating awareness about “Donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of publishing this book (02/02/2022), he has donated Platelets 193 times, and the journey will continue until he can maintain good health or the law of India permits. Mr Pajwani is on a mission to make India “the country of the millions of real-life heroes” by 2025 with zero incidents when any operations/surgeries are delayed due to unawareness of healthcare education and non-availability of blood/platelets.
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    Move Mountains – One Story at a Time

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹224.00.
    You can use this as an instrument of motivation to keep yourself progressing towards your mountain-like dreams. These stories should also give you courage and strength to stand in the face of adversities. Let these 52 stories help you to become unstoppable in pursuit of your dreams and succeed.
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    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹224.00.
    Healing quotes in their simplest version. My journey through love, pain, brokenness ..... I am an Obstetrician & Gynecologist practicing with the belief in self-love, self-respect. No medication is more powerful than this healing belief. I am an active writer on Instagram and Facebook @pearl_salutaris Grateful forever to Sujay Pusadkar for his innovative click for the cover page. Your doodle for the book is intriguing!  
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    Stay Forever Young: You Are Never Too Old to Become Younger

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹224.00.
    'Stay Forever Young' is designed for people of all ages, backgrounds, and body shapes. The book inspires and helps readers change the way they think about diet, exercise, stress, and themselves. Most of us are suffering from certain health issues like being Overweight, Mood swings, Diseases, Low stamina, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Anemia, Thyroid, Hair fall, Skin related issues, and Dull appearance. The author himself suffered during his Childhood and overcome these ailments. The book captures the personal experience of the Author which will encourage you to stay fit and healthy. Well, healthy habits are hard to develop and require changing a mindset. This book will help in developing strong willpower and the target goal will help you to follow a healthy lifestyle. The book will boost your brainpower, squash stress, and improve your wellness while enjoying each moment. Be young, happy, and healthy forever! Vedant was born into a middle-class family. He was an underweight child and suffered from frequent bronchitis attacks and another life-threatening disease. the onslaught of diseases did not end, even when he grew up. He found himself coping with jaundice, Obesity, Uric Acid problem, Malaria, typhoid, Gout & Thalassemia. Later he became Anaemic and started having severe joint pains. The miseries and discomforts made his everyday life a battle. Well, he was a warrior! He was resilient enough to fight back. He chose to fight against illness and developed a system of exercise, diet control, spiritual healing, and stress-relieving therapies. These led to a magical change within months and gradually he recuperated his health. This book is an expression of his strong desire to help fellow beings to live disease-free healthy life. He is confident that you will surely pick some positive thoughts from the book and will Stay Young Forever.  
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    Fitness Forever: Your Step by Step Plan to Build a Body That Sets You up for Life!

    Original price was: ₹240.00.Current price is: ₹216.00.
    We all wish to lead a happy life which is incomplete without good health. The book Fitness Forever (Design Your Body)' is a boon for all those who are interested in leading a happy and healthy life. This book is authored by Gaurav Kumar and Jinnie Gogia Chugh who are international athletes and well known faces in the field of fitness. It is a scientifically proven fact that being slim is not the only criteria of being fit. One should have strength, stamina and flexibility if s/he wants to be fit in true sense. This book covers all the aspects including proper diet plans, workout schedules, breathing techniques and even rest. In a nutshell this book is a real motivational guide that will help you achieve proper fitness along with confident good looks that will bring out a more happy, calm, confident, focussed and a fit NEW YOU!!! A Fashion Photographer and a model, Gaurav Kumar is well recognised in this field. He is the winner of two sub-titles in the coveted GRASIM MR. INDIA 2006 and has many awards and achievements to his credit. He has rich knowledge about fitness and has been a role model and mentor to many. He has transformed many lives and was thus persuaded to share and spread his knowledge amongst everyone. He is a Taekwondo practitioner and has an event management firm-STAR FLARE GAURAV KUMAR ENTERTAINMENT. A writer and fitness professional, Jinnie Gogia Chugh has authored twelve books and has edited many including the best selling 'Enhance Your Child' series. A strong educationist and scholar, she writes on various topics for different magazines. Her articles and writeups are regularly published. She is also a literary agent, and compiles books. She has avid interest in fitness. Having represented India on an international platform, she is recognised as one of the elite women in fitness in the country. She has been interviewed and given coverage by almost all national newspapers and magazines, and is always in continuous pursuit of excellence!  
  • यह केवल एक पुस्तक नही, पति-पत्नी के बीच ताउम्र प्यार बने रहने की गारंटी देने वाला मैन्युअल है। एक घंटे में जो क्लैरिटी इस पुस्तक से मुझे मिली है वह मुझे अपने संपूर्ण षादीषुदा जीवन में अभी तक नही मिल पाई। यह पहली पुस्तक है जिसमें पति-पत्नी के संबंधों के उतार-चढ़ाव की इतनी अच्छी व्याख्या हुई है और वो भी समाधान सहित।
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    जीवन में कई बार आपके पास सब कुछ होता है, फिर भी “मैं क्या हूँ और मेरा अस्तित्व क्या है?" उसी की पहचान है यह पुस्तक। कविता लिखना केवल मेरा शौक ही नहीं है, बल्कि यह मेरे मन का दर्पण है, मेरे विचार, मेरी सोच, मेरे उत्साह का प्रतिरूप है, जो शब्दों के साथ मिलकर कविता के रूप में प्रस्तुत है। आज अपने बड़ों के आशीर्वाद व अपने परिवार के सहयोग से मैं इस पुस्तक को आप लोगों के समक्ष प्रस्तुत कर पाई हूँ।

    आरती मित्तल - जन्म: 30 मार्च 1984 शिक्षा - मैंने बी.ए. (ऑनर्स) अंग्रेजी, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से की है व एक कुशल गृहिणी हूँ। मैं एक संयुक्त परिवार में पैदा हुई तथा जीवन को प्रभु की कृपा समझकर जिया है और हर राह में उसे अपने साथ पाया है। माता-पिता से प्राप्त हर संस्कार को शिरोधार्य कर, मैंने जीवन के सफर में अपना हर कदम बढ़ाया है। विवाह के उपरांत जीवन साथी के सहयोग से मैं अपने सपनों को रंग देने में सफल हुई हूँ।

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    The De-barristerized Savarkar: A Tribute to the Poetic Patriotism of Savarkar

    Original price was: ₹210.00.Current price is: ₹189.00.
    The Great Savarkar: National Pariah, International Messiah in his quest for freeing Bharat Mata from bondage, Savarkar's first confrontation was with the colonials and second with the Indian National Congress for territorial integrity. He internationalized the freedom struggle by dragging British Empire in the dock of the International Court of Justice. Savarkar's deeds had created universal repercussions and global resonance, his love of Bharat Mata was proverbial and his patriotism was 360 degree pure and outstanding. The Brits had to testimonialize his patriotic zeal by an inscription of blue plaque "Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (1883-1966), Indian Patriot and Philosopher lived here". Savarkar is credited as the progenitor of the science and art of martyrology for moralizing the martyrs and their martyrdom. Remembering his poetic patriotism: Dr. Shyam Singh Tanwar, a retired octogenarian associate professor of government colleges of Rajasthan, double M.A. (History and English) with a Ph.D. from Rajasthan University under illustrious historian Dr. A.L. Srivastava of Agra. Dr. Tanwar is an enlightened scholar and has enriched and augmented his knowledge in the two summer institutes in English for college lecturers held one at Mysore (1966) and the other at Jaipur (1972), organized jointly by UGC and the British Council. Mrs. Mradulata, after doing her M.A. in Hindi from Jodhpur University (now Jai Narain Vyas University) has been associated with the research work of studying historical documents and manuscripts and has earned a social reputation of being a know-all of the analects and anecdotes related to History of India in general and Rajasthan in particular. It was owing to her historical insight and consciousness that bureaucrat-turned historian Shri Mangi Lal Mahecha, (M.A., L.L.B) could 'Rajasthan Ke Rajput' (Uthaan Aur Patan)
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    सफलता के व्यवहारिक आयाम (safalta ke vyavharik aayam) (Copy)

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Safalta ke vyavharik aayam An impressive personality is the key to success. We bring for you in this book some of the essential changes that you must inculcate in your personality to be successful in life. Some real examples have been quoted in the book from the life of great people like Abraham Lincoln. Written by an eminent personality counselor Sanjeev Sharma, the book talks about many traits that influence our personality. The book highlights the impact of attributes like expression, inspiration, and so on. The book is must read for everyone who wants to be successful in life and improve their personality. Written in simple Hindi, this book is easy to understand. Read it till its very last page, implement the thoughts presented here and experience the change in your life.
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    Stress and Diabetes: The Underappreciated Connection

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Don’t let diabetes stand between you & your happiness. Stop worrying & start living! this book not only brings to light this underappreciated connection. It is also a clear and concise guide for persons diagnosed with diabetes and all people caring for them, to effectively and easily manage stress and diabetes. An MBBS from the Maulana Azad Medical College and an MD from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Dr.Rajiva is a Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine and Diabetes with experience spanning over 40 years
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    10X Growth in Your Medical Oncologist Practice

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Cancer is such a dreaded disease; the name itself in stills fear! Oncologists are no less than God and God’s Angels to those afflicted with the disease. However, the Medical Oncology Practice is fraught with immense pressure, which can affect patient care. This book offers a miraculous yet practical solution that has the power to turn around Oncology practice and prescription completely! This Path-Breaking solution will help medical oncologists create BSA-based prescriptions in just 2 minutes flat for the first time ever! This is not merely a book but a movement to help all Medical Oncologists to join hands and make India: “The country of 100% Digitized Healthcare Practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no time by 2025.” Hit the Buy Button NOW to take your practice and your country to a whole new level! Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Pharmaceutical Distributor by Profession and “A volunteer Platelets donor” by passion, along with A motivational Speaker for “Donating Blood and Platelets”. Till the date of publication of this book (17/06/2021), he has donated Platelets 178 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. Having worked with many Oncologists, Hemang knows how challenging it is for them to create BSA-based error-free prescriptions. He requests all Medical Oncologists to join hands to Digitize Healthcare for humankind. And now he is on a mission to make India “The country of 100% Digitize healthcare practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no-time by 2025.”