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    …And A Star Is Born: Iconic Capsule of Inspiration from those who Live in Your Heart

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.

    And Star is born

    …And Star is born is the true story, struggle and journey to stardom of celluloid actors. The book, in words of the author Dinesh Verma, is dedicated to those who failed many a times, but never lost heart till they got success because they knew the Rome was not built in a day.

    Some succeed because they are destined

    Some succeed because they are determined

    This book is book the latter. It features the stories of Indian celebrities who have achieved the apex in the face of great disappointment and failure. They were written off by the critics many a time but every time they have came back with a bang.

    The way to success is not an overnight journey. Failures are inevitable and rejections are obvious. It is about hitting the iron again and again until it breaks, keeping the spirit indomitable unless you explore the invincible. This book brings to the readers stories of all those who have made it big in the Bollywood.It includes the struggle story of those who got cinema in inheritance and saga of outsiders for who the road was impregnable.

    Read it on to know how Amir Khan evolved as the perfectionist Khan, how tough it was for Raj Kapoor to set up the plinth of what is known today as the ‘first family of Bollywood’. It covers the journey of the angry young man Amitabh Bachchan, the rejections he encountered, near fatal accident he met, corruption allegations he battled and how he earned it all back on the eve of being pronounced bankrupt. Stars of Bollywood exemplify determination and dedication and are living legends. Each of them has worked extremely hard to make it where they are today. We bring to you their inspiring journey to motivate you to hit the milestone in your life. It mentions the days of penury spent by A.R. Rahman, the struggle taken up by Asha Bhosle with a child in her womb, Jackie Shroff’s days in a chawl in Teen Batti and so on.

    The book is a valued possession, a memoir of your loved stars and can definitely be a great gift of wisdom for your loved ones.

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    डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी ने अपने लंबे आध्यात्मिक जीवन के अनुभवों के द्वारा लोगों के सवालों के जवाब देकर मानव-जीवन की सफलता के गूढ़तम रहस्यों को उजागर किया है। डॉ. त्यागी जी ने कहा है, "मनुष्य अपनी उन्नति एवं अवनति के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेदार होता है। वह जिस प्रकार के संकल्पों या विचारों का निर्माण करता है, वैसी ही परिस्थितियों का निर्माण उसका अवचेतन मन (आत्मा) उसके लिए करने लगता है। अच्छे विचारों का निर्माण करके एवं उन पर ईमानदारी से अमल करके व्यक्ति देवत्व के शीर्ष पर पहुँच जाता है। किंतु यदि उसकी दिशा गलत हुई अर्थात् उसने गलत विचारों का चयन किया तथा उन पर दोषपूर्ण ढंग से अमल किया, तो परिणाम भी विपरीत ही प्राप्त होंगे।" "आपका अवचेतन मन या दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो आपकी आत्मा ज्ञान का भंडार है। अपनी आत्मा से संपर्क करके आप हर उस चीज के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, जिसकी हमें कभी भी और कहीं भी जरूरत होती है। आप जीवन में भरपूर समृद्धि और आनंद प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रमुखता से अधिकारी हैं और आप इसे सहजता से प्राप्त भी कर सकते हैं।" डॉ.मुरारीलाल त्यागी की कृतियाँ आज सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय और सर्वाधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली कृतियों में शामिल हैं। उनके द्वारा लिखित बैरिस्टर, ऊँची दीवार, म्लानमना, विदाई,बीमार कौन, दुःखान्त, संकल्पजयी, एक कदम और, वह कोई और, नया डायरेक्टर, मन उदास क्यों, बदलती लकीरें, हीरे मोती (संपादित), नई तालीम (नाटक), प्यारे बच्चों (नैतिक शिक्षा), सामाजिक सन्त पं. तिलकराज शर्मा, चिन्ता से चिन्तन तक आदि पुस्तकें बहुत लोकप्रिय रही हैं। वे गत 60 वर्षों से 'प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारीज ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े हुए हैं तथा ज्ञान में चल रहे हैं और धारणा युक्त जीवन जी रहे हैं। उनकी वर्तमान उम्र 87 वर्ष से भी अधिक है। वे गत 55 वर्ष से 'कल्पान्त' मासिक भी प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं जिसमें कवि, साहित्यकार, समीक्षक एवं अन्य विद्वानों की चर्चा की जाती है। यह कृति हमें सिखाती है- सुखी जीवन के चमत्कारिक रहस्य - तन-मन और धन के साथ आत्मिक शांति पाने का सहज और अचूक दिव्य ज्ञान, समस्याओं, निराशा, चिंता, आलोचना और व्याधियों से छूटकर समृद्धि एवं खुशियाँ पाने के सरल सूत्र। सत्प्रेरणा से परिपूर्ण एवं जीवन को आनंदमय बनाने का सतत् प्रवाह प्राप्त करने के लिए 'मेरा' सुख 'किसके हाथ प्रसिद्ध मनीषी एवं आध्यात्मिक वक्ता डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी द्वारा दिए गए मर्मस्पर्शी सवालों के अनुभवसिद्ध जवाबों का अनुसरण अवश्य करें।  
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    10X Growth in Your Medical Oncologist Practice

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Cancer is such a dreaded disease; the name itself in stills fear! Oncologists are no less than God and God’s Angels to those afflicted with the disease. However, the Medical Oncology Practice is fraught with immense pressure, which can affect patient care. This book offers a miraculous yet practical solution that has the power to turn around Oncology practice and prescription completely! This Path-Breaking solution will help medical oncologists create BSA-based prescriptions in just 2 minutes flat for the first time ever! This is not merely a book but a movement to help all Medical Oncologists to join hands and make India: “The country of 100% Digitized Healthcare Practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no time by 2025.” Hit the Buy Button NOW to take your practice and your country to a whole new level! Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Pharmaceutical Distributor by Profession and “A volunteer Platelets donor” by passion, along with A motivational Speaker for “Donating Blood and Platelets”. Till the date of publication of this book (17/06/2021), he has donated Platelets 178 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. Having worked with many Oncologists, Hemang knows how challenging it is for them to create BSA-based error-free prescriptions. He requests all Medical Oncologists to join hands to Digitize Healthcare for humankind. And now he is on a mission to make India “The country of 100% Digitize healthcare practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no-time by 2025.”
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    2 Big Steps: New Rules for Massive Success in 21st Century

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.
    If you want to know how to grow and sustain in your personal life or/and business by leaps and bounds, this book is yours. The book contains all the facts and answers all the questions that you might have. It addresses all the problems that you might be facing as an entrepreneur or as a student. Mr. Harish Miglani picked CA as career choice and completed exams in very first attempt in the year 2006. After becoming Chartered Accountant in 2006, he started giving coaching to CA students in 2009. At the time of his practice and coaching to students. Mr. Miglani observed that there are people in the society who are intellectual, disciplined, but there is something that hold them all. This book is a big attempt to transform all these people.
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    4-Hour Rapid Fat Loss Method: Weight Loss ≠ Weight Loss

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    Have you ever wondered that you could shape your body with the correct fat percentage and good health full of vigor and energy, causing others’ envy? Then keep reading. different methods to achieve your desired results in fat loss.
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    A Walk with Me: And Never Lose Your Health Again

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    Now You Can have the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS of Your Dreams Much Faster Than You Ever Imagined Ever wished that you attain a life full of Health and Happiness that makes others feel envious of you?  Then keep reading. The market is flooded with materials making superfluous promises to attain your wishful health parameters through doing this thing or that thing. But they never tell you the real cause of those non-uniformities and badly miss the vital information related to sustainable maintenance of your body parts. Can we afford to remain ignorant about the functioning of our body and wish for a healthy life? The book “A walk with Me” focuses on listening to what our body tells us from within. Through the journey of this book, you will discover: General view on the organs of our body and their role in our day-to-day life. The practical tips and tricks which can help take care of the wellness of these body organs. The truth behind some of the common diseases and the modalities to address them. The role of Yoga and meditation in bringing peace, progress, and prosperity in our life. Vital information about sleep/rest /exercises in our life for making it healthy and happy? How to make your life free from stress and depression? This book will make its readers aware of the functioning of the body and mind leading to transforming their lives altogether. A unique specialty of this book is the usage of the Hindi language at certain places, making it easy to grasp for an ordinary person. This book is a must-read for all those who dream of living a healthy and happy life. Certified Transformation Coach for Mind Power Workshops Certified DMIT Counsellor Certified Yoga Teacher Approved by The Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy, Govt. of India (Certified at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai AND at Yoga Niketan, Vadodara) Former Senior Manager, Corporation Bank (Now, Union Bank of India) Former District Secretary, Rotary International Dist.-306 Former President, Rotaract Club of Nadiad His Mission: To educate, intimate and escalate Hundred Thousand people to live st Independent, Healthy and Happy lives by 31 December, 2028. He is conducting workshops Offline and Online to fulfil his mission. He is considered as a Cool and Calm Coach and Expert in Experiments  
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    Amazing Secrets of Healthy Living

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    Poonam Kalra's practical handbook redefines health as a holistic treasure of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and provides a roadmap to lifelong health, offering simple yet transformative shifts in your lifestyle. Uncover the wisdom to listen to your body, experiment with personalized approaches, and embark on a unique journey toward vitality. Let this book be your daily companion on the path to a vibrant and fulfilled life. Your health, your true wealth. An example and a catalyst for transformation, Poonam Kalra is a celebrated motivational speaker, popular YouTuber and the best-selling author of two inspiring books. A passionate advocate for holistic health and a positive attitude toward life, she has touched the lives of countless individuals. In her seventies, Poonam continues to lead by example, proving that a fit, full, and healthy life knows no age boundaries. With her unique perspective and unwavering commitment to helping others live their best lives, Poonam Kalra is a beacon of light in the world of self-improvement and well-being.
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    Awaken Your Good Luck: Know the Secret of Decoding Luck with Astrology

    Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹314.00.
    This book is a guide to Modern astrology with Luck activation remedies, based on Vedic sutras. Even though various descriptions of Vedic sutras are found in standard texts, the method of prediction and providing remedies are not given in to readers and to provide deep comprehensive Knowledge as well. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to ascertain whether you will get what you want in your life or how your immediate future is going to be. Right from the language to the astrological diagrams, no effort is spared to make this book reader-friendly. It is like a self-help book. You can take your horoscope with you and start making your Luck favorable. This book will not only make you learn Astrology, but will also help you in knowing Yourself, Your God Gifted Powers, your Lucky Gemstones, which will make your luck stronger.
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    Beauty n Beyond: The New Era

    Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹162.00.
    Beauty is one of the prime essences for existence in today's world. Beauty cannot just be restricted to genetic inheritance rather it is more about grooming those assets we have been blessed with. The book has been written by Dr. Mridu Miglani, a renowned dentistry and cosmetology expert with 15 years of practicing experience and Gopika Dhupar, an eminent cosmetologist and makeup artist. Their collaboration has created this masterpiece which they have named 'Beauty n Beyond - The New Era'.  The book is good for everyone who wants to have a ravishing and glamorous appearance. Some of the secrets revealed in this book includes that of flawless skin and hair nourishment. Beauty treatments have been suggested based on the circulating trends. Scope and effects of new age make-up treatments like chemical peel, botox and fillers have also been elaborated. Read the book and apply the tips suggested to give that new appeal to your personality. Who says cosmetics is an affair restricted to riches, authors present here some great remedies and beauty enhancement tips that are readily available in every household. Take that one step towards looking beautiful with the copy of Beauty and Beyond in your possession.
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    Craving Counselling: For Patients, Relatives and Healthcare Providers

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.

    This book will enlighten you about “how to make you and your family live more happy, meaningful and fulfilling life.” It is a launching pad for complete health and wellness. The reading of this book will make you secure from the onslaught of diseases and open the floodgate of health-related opportunities for you and your loved ones and empower you to throw all the health-related woes to the wind.

    This book is unique in the way it has broaden its scope beyond information. It has transcended the boundary of information and has been successful in providing life-enriching experiences to its readers. Complete Health and Wellness is what it guarantees for sure.

    Hemang C.Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by education, entrepreneur by Profession and by passion “A volunteer Platelet donor”, a Motivational Speaker for “donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of the publication of this book (12/04/2021), he has donated Platelets 174 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. And now he is on a mission to make India “the country of the Millions of Real-life heroes” by 2025 where there will be zero incident when any operations/surgeries will be delayed due to unawareness of Healthcare Education and non-availability of Blood/platelets.

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    Diabetes Jaye Bhool, Rahe Cool: Practical ways to Cheat Diabetes, Feel Energetic, and Achieve Normal Blood Sugar

    Original price was: ₹195.00.Current price is: ₹175.00.
    Book                              :         Diabetes Jaye Bhul, Rahe Cool Author                          :         Dr. Bhagwan Sahay Sharma, Dr. Ajay Gupta, Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Mr. Dinesh Verma ISBN                              :         978-93-86276-60-5 Binding                        :         Paperback Publisher                     :         Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Number of Pages      :         189 Language                     :         Hindi Edition                          :         2018
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    Discover the Power and Secrets of Gemstones: Why 90% of the People Don’t Get Results From Gemstones?

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    It will not be a hyperbole to say that this book contains all the knowledge about Gemstone that worth knowing. This book is a self-help book in many ways since it provides insights of recognising corrupted and fake gem and the characteristic features of a genuine gemstone. After reading this book, you will be able to make an in-depth analysis of gemstones, understand why most of the people fail to get results from gemstones and the key elements that need to be taken care of while purchasing Gemstones. An expert Gemologist, a keen observer, an institution himself in the world of gemstone, Mr. Anshul is endowed with so many qualities. His passion for proliferating happiness, good spirits and a sense of safety amongst people through gems led him to kick-start Brahma Gems' in 2011. His foresightedness has driven him to enrich his entrepreneurial skills and enabled him to successfully broaden his gemstone business in all parts of India and abroad.
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    Academicians believe that the only thing that hinders students/aspirants from getting the job/course of their dream, is Group Discussion. GD is like a snake sitting at number 99 in a Ludo game. You think that you are just one step away from you success, and the GD comes like a snake; makes your attempt unsuccessful.

    Finally, this is the book , that will give you iron-clad guaranty of excelling in GDS. You will:

    → Get the reasons why institutes and organisations conduct GDs, how they are constructed and what exactly do evaluators look for in a candidate

    → Discover how to act like a pro with excellent insider advice right from how to give the best impression to demonstrating your abilities in a brief time.

    → Come to know about the essential questions about a GD like what does it actually mean, how it is conducted and how your performance is evaluated.

    → Learn how to make a great first impression, how to display what the moderators want to see, and how to stand out from the competition.

    → Get a list of topics that are generally given in GD to discuss.

    Whether you’re looking to get your favorite course or your dream job, with the assistance of this amazingly simple and effective step-by-step guide you will stand out from the competition, get noticed and crack the GD

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    The Novel ’EXPECTATION’ (PRATEEKSHA) has been selected by National Book Trust, India for Sharjah International Book Fair, UAE, 2013. The heroine of the novel Sita never surrenders to the adversities, never compromises to wrong ethical values but, takes them up as the challenge faces them boldly, and becomes victorious. As a social novel, its story is very inspiring, interesting, and indulging. Raj kumari Sharma M.A. (Hindi) M.A. (Pol. Science) B. Ed. born on 7th September 1930 Jamki Chima Distt. Sialkot (Now in Pakistan). After the INDO-PAK partition, she worked first as a school teacher in the legendary land of AALAH —UDHAL, VIRBHUMI MAHOBA, and later in the Department of Education, Madhya Pradesh. For the first ten years, she served as a teacher and later for 23 years, she had been the Principal of School.
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    Fitness Forever: Your Step by Step Plan to Build a Body That Sets You up for Life!

    Original price was: ₹240.00.Current price is: ₹216.00.
    We all wish to lead a happy life which is incomplete without good health. The book Fitness Forever (Design Your Body)' is a boon for all those who are interested in leading a happy and healthy life. This book is authored by Gaurav Kumar and Jinnie Gogia Chugh who are international athletes and well known faces in the field of fitness. It is a scientifically proven fact that being slim is not the only criteria of being fit. One should have strength, stamina and flexibility if s/he wants to be fit in true sense. This book covers all the aspects including proper diet plans, workout schedules, breathing techniques and even rest. In a nutshell this book is a real motivational guide that will help you achieve proper fitness along with confident good looks that will bring out a more happy, calm, confident, focussed and a fit NEW YOU!!! A Fashion Photographer and a model, Gaurav Kumar is well recognised in this field. He is the winner of two sub-titles in the coveted GRASIM MR. INDIA 2006 and has many awards and achievements to his credit. He has rich knowledge about fitness and has been a role model and mentor to many. He has transformed many lives and was thus persuaded to share and spread his knowledge amongst everyone. He is a Taekwondo practitioner and has an event management firm-STAR FLARE GAURAV KUMAR ENTERTAINMENT. A writer and fitness professional, Jinnie Gogia Chugh has authored twelve books and has edited many including the best selling 'Enhance Your Child' series. A strong educationist and scholar, she writes on various topics for different magazines. Her articles and writeups are regularly published. She is also a literary agent, and compiles books. She has avid interest in fitness. Having represented India on an international platform, she is recognised as one of the elite women in fitness in the country. She has been interviewed and given coverage by almost all national newspapers and magazines, and is always in continuous pursuit of excellence!  
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    This book should not be construed as “For Senior Citizens only”, for it is equally inspiring for all age groups. The sole purpose of writing this book is to make my readers acquainted with the numerous ups & downs in life and how one can cope with it with his or her head held high and confidence level intact. The book denotes the true essence of a meaningful life. It underlines: ▪ The virtues of life ▪ The ability to face problems courageously & with determination ▪ A never-say-die attitude to achieve goals with hard work, uprightness & Integrity ▪ A sense of detachment to sacrifice materialistic individual benefits ▪ A sense of togetherness to maintain Unity amongst four generations of Chawla Khandaan at any cost Know what the lettered say about this book:
    • I am sure that the younger generation of today will learn from your experiences as to how your family fell from a life of everything to nothing but rose again against all odds to achieve top positions in social strata with their hard work, determination, willpower & dignity. I wish you all the best. –Jyoti Arora
    (Special Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India)
    • The book deserves salutes of 1000 cannons. A must-read book that has the capacity to bring in a sea change in one’s life. ------ –C. L. Chaudhary (Retd. High Court Judge, Delhi High Court)
    The author of this book Manohar Lal Chawla (popularly known as Manna Uncle among the youngsters & Manna by my loving sisters and brothers) is a retired Member, of Technical from erstwhile Haryana State Electricity Board (Now Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited), Panchkula. He retired in March 1995 and is presently residing in Faridabad, Haryana. He migrated from Montgomery (Pakistan) in September 1947 under very horrendous circumstances. The scenes of night halt at Raiwind Railway Station near Lahore fearing for their lives & subsequently lying at Old Delhi Railway Station without food & shelter are still haunting the author and his family members. He & his family members started from scratch & rose to high positions in their respective fields by dint of hard work, steely determination, perseverance, and a strong will to excel.
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    Fix Your Knees Without a Stitch!: 3 Discoveries Revolutionzied Joints Treatment!

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    This book sheds light on the reasons why treatment in allopathic and other systems of medicine fail when it comes to treating Joint Pain. The book very cogently proves why surgery is not always a good option and why holistic treatment is the need of the hour. This book is among the "rare few" books that connect the mindset & occurrence of the disease and prescribes loving yourself.
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    How to Get Rich this Year

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.

    This Book discusses at length the life-changing concept and scientifically-proven facts. You would find yourself closely connected to the facts, stories and ideas mentioned in this book. The Book will encourage you to explore your own potential and inspire you to achieve your ultimate goal, i.e. Getting Rich. This book discusses 20 golden secrets about getting rich and shows how money is a learnable skill and how you can be kind, loving, generous, healthy, spiritual and really filthy RICH. In addition to these, the book lays down a process to help you emerge from the clutches of negativity and develop a positive approach towards Getting Rich.

    Harshhaa is a speaker, trainer and the creator of “Get Rich This Year Framework”. She is also an author of the book titled, “Wealthy Inside Wealthy Outside". She holds her graduation and post-graduation in Finance from SRCC, Delhi University. She is a Gold Medalist in Insurance and Risk management. She has a rich experience as an entrepreneur and as a corporate professional serving retail banking, investment banking and management consulting industry. She has invested over a decade of her life learning, using and coaching how to grow rich in life. She coaches and helps Sr. Executives & Entrepreneurs to move past their Money roadblocks and to have more productive, professional and absolutely fulfilling personal lives.

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    How to Have Victory Over Vocabulary: A Unique Method to Learn Vocabulary

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Basically, the book, how to Have Victory over Vocabulary, primarily seeks to guide a learner about how to learn, retain and recall the learnt words, idioms and phrases by applying a unique technique of memorising them.
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    How to Write off Your Pain?

    Original price was: ₹175.00.Current price is: ₹157.00.
    This book is the ultimate guide for people of all age groups, who want to prevent joint and muscle pains, due to incorrect postures in their daily lives. This self-help book enables one to learn about simple tips on lifestyle modification, and prevention management of musculoskeletal repetitive stress injury (RSI) through basic exercises, and ergonomics at home and at work. This will enable readers of the book to lead a healthy and pain-free life. Dr. Ridwana Sanam is a leading Consultant Physiotherapist and Woman Entrepreneur, well known for her work in the field of Clinical Physiotherapy and Education. She has completed numerous courses, such as Kineseo-Taping (Japan), Band & Ball (UK), Manual Therapy (Singapore) and Dry Needling (AIIMS, India). She founded KRV in 2007 and incorporated KVR Healthcare and Physiotherapy Pvt. Ltd. in 2011. Having treated lacs of patients across India, as well as from neighbouring countries in South Asia and Middle East, she has amassed vast clinical experience in her decade-long career. She is well versed in the latest technology and techniques in physiotherapy, and through her direct treatment of patients over the last 10 years, she has prevented more than 50,000 surgeries of Osteoarthritis, Slip Disc, and ACL Tears. In addition to committing herself to the effective diagnosis and treatment of injuries, she is also a firm believer in the prevention of injuries by adopting simple techniques for an ergonomic and healthy lifestyle. She developed this interest during the course of treating several patients where injuries were preventable. Dr. Ridwana Sanam was appreciated and awarded by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in 2013.