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    Sapno Se Haqeeqat Tak

    Original price was: ₹640.00.Current price is: ₹576.00.
    Beyond personal growth, this book is about Making India Proud. Manoj's vision is to establish a homegrown Indian cloud provider, fostering innovation, nurturing talent, and enhancing national security. By supporting indigenous solutions, India can lead in technology, create jobs, and become self-reliant while competing on the global stage. Join us in making India shine through the power of this book. With determination and the right tools, you have the power to shape your destiny. An accomplished author, entrepreneur, and visionary thinker, "Manoj Dhanda" dedicates his life to inspiring individuals to transform their dreams into reality. He's really passionate about helping people grow and believes in their potential to achieve great things. Manoj started from a modest background and faced many challenges, but his determination always pushed him to move forward. He strongly believes that taking action is key to turning dreams into reality. Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, Manoj has tried his hand in different industries, learning and gaining valuable experience along the way. He never gives up and is known for coming up with innovative ideas, which has earned him respect in the business world. Manoj's pursuit of excellence doesn't stop at work; it's a part of who he is.
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    Money Generating Buildings 2.0

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    The Untold Secret of "MONEY GENERATING" BUILDINGS to build your next Dream Home virtually for FREE!   Are you a corporate, a builder, or a person who is planning his next dream home?   This book gives you the complete know-how about making it possible. It gives you a detailed understanding of approaching your new next building and how it can become virtually free to you just by small manageable steps and understanding of the process.   Your relationship with your building design and build process is as essential as you would bring up your child. It could have fabulous or devastating results depending upon your mindset. The book is a straight forward story like actual case studies to open up your mind on making your next building success on the above lines.   You will discover....
    • Scientific ways to turn your office or home building into a money generating building.
    • The Techniques of Huge savings, least maintenance, and high performance of your building.
    • Complete knowledge about how to choose eco-friendly building materials and construction practices.
    • How to unlock the potential in your building?
    • The process and understanding about how your building can pay you back.
      Rohit Surendra Nagia is North India's leading Architect for the last two decades who has credit for building more than 400 homes/offices/buildings with Green specifications. Graduated from the prestigious college of architecture C.E.P.T. Ahmedabad in 1997, he was responsible for designing I.I.M. Indore, Medical Council of India, Delhi, and I.I.T. Gwalior. He is an avid researcher in low-cost architecture. As a qualified trainer and evaluator, he makes sure that the built forms are sustainable, energy-efficient, and require low maintenance.   So Tempting title that I can't miss to read for my Dream Home. ~Dinesh Verma C.E.O. Pendown Press
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    Reclaim Your Market Share with Modern Data Analytics

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    As the digital landscape constantly evolves and becomes more competitive, businesses need to continue adapting at a breakneck pace to keep up with customer demands. These days, nearly everything about running a business has changed. How we communicate and interact with potential and current customers, monetize and promote our offerings, and even how we think about our place in the world. This book is for growth-hungry business owners ready to take their businesses to the next level – if you're ready to start growing your business instead of just managing it. This book will show you how to be as effective as possible by spending only 4 hours a week on your business! Amit Gupta is a Business & Data Analyst who boasts of using data analysis for his clients to earn & save them millions of dollars. Amit's data skills were developed during his youth when he kept close company with his father, often jumping on board to learn from one of his customers. This avid number cruncher was always trying to find ways of increasing yields in his offices. Since beginning in this line of work years ago in college, he initially assumed that only serious math majors took up the offer in employment but ended up falling in love with numbers and has not looked back since! His ability with numbers has always gotten him ahead in the game, allowing him to make the right decision every time.
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    Have you ever wondered that you had total financial freedom with complete financial control of your business without being an expert in this field? Then keep reading.

    All business owners look for peace of mind concerning the financial aspects of their businesses. But with the current challenges and situations of today's business, they find it difficult to cope with the same resulting in the vicious circle of never-ending pendencies and reconciliations, further leading to stress and anxiety. This book has come as a light in the dark for overcoming such problems.

    Through the journey of this book, you will discover that:

    * How to make lots of money in business and grow rich by implementing effective cash flow management.

    * Even a non-finance person can get the desired level of practical knowledge of accounts and finance.

    * One can enjoy the experience of financial freedom in life and business without compromising on the front of financial control.

    Ready to use solutions regarding knowing your accurate monthly profit and enhance it through cost reduction techniques.

    In this book, the challenge of explaining finance to non-finance persons, especially business owners, has been overcome by creating an imaginary character, and the problems of business owners are beautifully covered in a most simplified storytelling way.

    The book consists of fifteen chapters, each one covering one specific aspect of the subject. The author of this book is a Finance Coach CA who is uniquely qualified to explain this subject.

    This book is a must-read for all Indian business owners to keep themselves away from the finance-control related tensions.

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    Delivery On Time Everytime

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    Explore the world of project management with "Delivery OnTime EveryTime," where the author talks in a conversational style to help project managers tackle delays. The story follows Projects Unlimited, a company dealing with delays, and introduces Abhyaas, a skilled trainer, who teams up with them to discover ten big reasons for project delays. Projects Unlimited, known for managing projects in different industries, works tirelessly to solve these issues and deliver projects on time. Abhyaas introduces the T-Cube Growth Framework, a smart idea to guide them in overcoming challenges and achieving success in project management.
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    Sell Build Grow Fast

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    This Book is a Go to Guide for Real Estate Developer Using Simple Mantras of Right Marketing which No One will ever share to You !! It is Amalgamation of A Live Case Study on How Right Marketing Can Transform the Trajectory of Your Sales solving Your Growth & Cash Flow Challenges Forever !!!
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    How to Select Kurti that Sells Fast

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    Discover the Secrets to Retails Success in the World of Kurtis In the vibrant and ever-evolving fashion landscape of India, the kurti has claimed its spot as an indispensable part of women’s wardrobes, How to Select Kurti That Sells Fast” is a special book that helps retailers find the best kurtis to sell. It’s full of great tips for anyone wanting to do well in selling women readymade wear. Inside This Book, You’ll Discover: • Expert analysis on the evolution of kurtis and their enduring appeal. • Proven strategies for identifying and catering to your target market. • Guidelines on fabric selection, design trends, and creating and appealing inventory. • Effective pricing strategies for maximizing profit while maintaining customer loyalty. • Innovative ideas for marketing, brand building, and customer engagement. • Inspirational case studies from successful retailers who have made their mark.
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    The Fysics of Fun

    Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹719.00.
    The 'Fysics of Fun' is a ground-breaking book that makes hard-to-grasp concepts of physics breezy and fun for high schoolers. Written in an interesting & exciting comic-book format, it makes physics as easy as 1-2-3! Born out of teenage prodigy Diya Singhal's own struggle with physics in high school, this book truly walks its talk because the author has been there and done that. She understands that the struggle is real. While physics surrounds us in daily life, yet, it proves to be the nemesis of many a student, confounds others, and many more are bored out of their wits when dealing with it. However, physics need not be the bane in your life any longer. Profound concepts like Newton's laws, echo, mirage, black holes, centrifugal force, etc., are explained in a fun, practical manner to leave a lasting understanding and impact. Bid goodbye to your physics struggles and embrace the Fysics of Fun!
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    यह पुस्तक खास आपके लिए लिखी गई है जिसे पढ़कर आप अपने लिए स्वयं तय कर सकते हैं कि गेट, ग्रिल, रेलिंग आदि बनवाने के लिए कौन सा मैटेरियल सही है। इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद आपको शीशे की तरह साफ़ हो जाएगा कि आप अपने घर, फैक्ट्री, ऑफिस साइट के लिए बाजार में उपलब्ध इतने सारे विकल्पों में से क्या, कैसे और किसे चुनें। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक आपको उन तमाम तरह की जानकारियाँ प्रदान करेगा जिसे जानना आपके लिए आवश्यक है। इन जानकारियों के बदौलत आप सही और उचित निर्णय ले पाएंगे।   इस पुस्तक को युगल जोड़ी श्री मनदीप गोयल और श्रीमती शालू गोयल ने लिखा है। जहाँ मनदीप गोयल को लोग कम्युनिकेशन का भीष्म पितामह कहते हैं, वहीं श्रीमती शालू गोयल जी एक CA के रूप में प्राप्त अनुभव और तीस सालों के, बिज़नेस की विरासत के दम पर स्टेन लेस स्टील के अपने इस बिज़नेस को बुलंदियों पर ले जाने के लिए सतत प्रयत्नशील हैं। निश्चय ही यह पुस्तक पाठकों के लिए एक आवश्यक मार्गदर्शक साबित होगी।  
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    4P Growth Framework: Guaranteed Science for 3x Consistent Growth in TMT Dealership

    Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹719.00.
    If you are a TMT Bar Dealer or wish to be one--- This book is for you. Revealing the 4P Growth Framework- for 3X Consistent Growth of your TMT Bar dealership, this book is your blueprint for success and profitability in an ethical manner. Offering easy-to-use, transformational tips & tools, the book showcases real-life situations and challenges faced by TMT Bar Dealerships and shows you how to overcome them using the 4Ps. A result of intensive research, vast experience, and unquestionable expertise—it focuses on practical, actionable steps that you can use immediately and effectively. Carrying forward the legacy of the legendary Rathi Group, India’s first and oldest manufacturer of TMT Bars. Brothers Gopal & Dhruv Rathi are 3rd generation entrepreneurs who joined the business after completing college in London. As Directors of the Shri Rathi Group, chaired by Mr. Anil Rathi, the two have taken the group to new heights with product innovation and radical marketing strategies while maintaining quality and customer delight as their core driving values. Their passion, subject knowledge & hard work have led to them being recognized as experts in their domain.
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    यदि आप एक टी. एम. टी. बार डीलर हैं या फिर बनना चाहते हैं, तो निश्चय ही यह पुस्तक आपके लिए ही बनी है। 4 पी ग्रोथ फ्रेमवर्क की बारीकियों को बारे में बताकर, यह पुस्तक आपके प्रॉफिट को लगातार तिगुने रफ्तार से बढ़ाएगी, और वो भी सभी नियमों और क़ानूनों का पालन करते हुए, बिना किसी अनैतिक आचरण के। यह पुस्तक टी.एम.टी. बार डीलर के सामने आने वाली वास्तविक स्थितियों और चुनौतियों को दर्शाती है और साथ ही यह भी बताती है कि 4 पी फ्रेमवर्क का उपयोग करके उनसे कैसे निपटें। इस पुस्तक में आपको बहुत सारी उपयोग में आसान, परिवर्तनकारी युक्तियाँ और उपाय मिल जाएंगी जिससे आप बिना किसी चुनौती या परेशानी के अपने टी.एम.टी. डीलरशिप में जबरदस्त सफलता हासिल कर पाएंगे। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक लेखक के गहन अनुसंधान, विशाल अनुभव और निर्विवाद विशेषज्ञता का परिणाम है और साथ ही यह व्यावहारिक, कार्रवाई योग्य कदमों पर केंद्रित है जिनका आप तुरंत और प्रभावी ढंग से उपयोग कर सकते हैं। प्रसिद्ध राठी ग्रुप की विरासत को आगे बढ़ाते हुए, ये टी.एम.टी. बार्स में भारत के पहला और सबसे पुराना निर्माता हैं। भाई गोपाल और ध्रुव राठी तीसरी पीढ़ी के उद्यमी हैं जो लंदन से कॉलेज पूरा करने के बाद इस बिजनेस में शामिल हुए। "श्री राठी समूह के निदेशकों के रूप में, जिसकी अध्यक्षता श्री अनिल राठी कर रहे हैं, इन दोनों ने प्रोडक्ट में नयापन और क्रांतिकारी मार्केटिंग रणनीतियों के साथ इस समूह को बिजनेस और प्रतिष्ठा की बुलंदियों पर पहुंचाया है। क्वालिटी और सबसे बेहतर ग्राहक अनुभव इनके प्रेरणा श्रोत रहे हैं। उनका जुनून, विषय ज्ञान और कठिनाई से काम करने की क्षमता ने उन्हें अपने क्षेत्र के विशेषज्ञों के रूप में मान्यता दिलाई है।"
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    Super Truck Engineering 3.0

    Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹719.00.
    Curious about the future of heavy vehicles? This book explores the latest advancements, from autonomous driving to green technologies, with a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and innovation. It provides a clear view of the current challenges and opportunities in the heavy vehicles industry. Ideal for professionals, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in transportation's evolution, it offers key insights into the trends shaping the next generation of heavy vehicles. Discover the future of mobility and your role in it.
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  • Crane Terminology: Understand the terms used in cranes, enhance your knowledge, and make informed decisions. Right Selection: Determine the most suitable type of crane for your application, and create detailed specifications for your purchase. Cost Savings: A 4-step framework to help you reduce costs. Avoid Mistakes: Prevent common buyer errors that lead to wasted money. Installation & Upkeep of Cranes: Explore various methods and procedures for crane installation and maintenance to assist you. With 10,000+ Crane installations and 60+ years of cumulative experience, Rohit Goel is on a mission to educate and free the hardships of the Project Managers and Factory Owners. This book aims to guide buyers in selecting the right crane or hoist, dispelling misconceptions, and providing layman-friendly information. It is recommended for design engineers, civil engineers, factory owners, purchase managers, and maintenance personnel involved in crane selection, building design, expansion projects, negotiations, or seeking general knowledge about cranes and hoists. Avoid unnecessary expenses and difficulties by making informed decisions with this book.
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  • Dive into the world of NRI real estate with 'NRI's Guide to Managing Real Estate in India,' a comprehensive A-Z manual. Packed with wisdom and insights, it empowers NRIs to navigate property ownership, maintenance, and sale while avoiding deceitful tactics. Authored by Dhananjai, an entrepreneur and advocate for the Indian Diaspora, this book ensures complete tax compliance and resolution of related matters. From beginners to experts, it's a beacon of guidance for confidently managing real estate ventures in India. A global trailblazer in business and entrepreneurship, Dhananjai's captivating journey spans multiple countries, immersing him in diverse cultures and invaluable insights. A distinguished graduate in Electrical Engineering from IIT, Delhi, his passion for business led him to attain an MBA from FMS, Delhi University. Fluent in Spanish and German, he conducts business advantageously across Europe. Embracing change, he participated in an Advanced Financial Management program at XLRI and delved into Design Thinking at Stanford University. With three decades of marriage to an NRI family from Australia, he empathizes with the needs of the Indian Diaspora and works to address them comprehensively.
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    Highway to Success

    Original price was: ₹899.00.Current price is: ₹809.00.
    This book is like your go-to guide for becoming a pro in road construction. It introduces the innovative R.O.A.D framework that helps make everything better - from getting good contracts to managing costs smartly and finishing projects ahead of schedule. It's packed with real-life examples, simple advice, and field-proven strategies that really work in this competitive industry. So, jump in and start making your way to a more successful future. The road to success begins here! With over 15 years of experience in construction and mining machinery, Sachin Chilana and Vishal Parnami, two young and passionate mechanical engineers, have engaged with 107 road construction companies across India. Through these interactions, they gained a profound understanding of the real needs, desires, and challenges people face. This book is the result of their years of research and finding solutions, intending to give back to the industry
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    Boost Up! Your Computer Parts Business: Achieve 3x Growth!

    Original price was: ₹990.00.Current price is: ₹891.00.
    Boost up your Computer Parts Business This isn't just a book; it's a compass for computer and Computer Parts Accessories dealers, navigating the digital age.
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    This book is a must-read for all aspiring Rice Millers, teaching them how to set up a Rice Mill that prints money. It is a comprehensive guide to mistake-proof planning and better task management for the new Rice Miller and shows you how to bypass the pitfalls and shoot straight for profitability.   “If you are establishing a New Rice Mill & if you don't want to lose your time & money read this book.” ~Md. Anisur Rahman(Chairman - Upazila Parishad, Taragonj, Rangpur, Bangladesh)   “How to Plan Money Printing Rice Mill” is an expertly written and deeply researched book for Rice Mill Project planning. ~Dharmendra Shah (Director - New Bedehi Khadya Udyog - Nepal)   “This book provides extremely effective and complete science of establishing a new Rice mill . . . Highly recommended.” ~Jadab Debnath (Chairman Jadroo Group - Bangladesh)   I read the book “How to Plan Money Printing Rice Mill”. It covers budget planning, ROI calculation, Time management, Layout planning. This book is a step by step guide for anyone who wants to start New Rice Mill. ~Tarsem Saini (President - The federation of all India Rice Miller Association)   Amit Aggarwal is an engineer, a successful industrialist, a popular keynote speaker and a philanthropist contributing to many social causes. Lovingly called the Doctor of Rice Milling, he has mentored & supported the successful launch of innumerable profitable Rice Mill Projects.  
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    Safeguard your F&B Empire: 10 cost-saving strategies 90% of companies overlook

    Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹899.00.
    "Safeguard your F&B Empire" is a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to improve their food ingredient purchasing skills. The book focuses on avoiding the common mistakes made by 90% of buyers in the industry. It provides practical advice and expert insights on topics such as forex hedging, contract timing, navigating bull and bear markets, choosing the right partner, conducting financial checks, and managing supply chain disruptions post-pandemic. The author also covers the advantages and disadvantages of implementing an L1, L2, and L3 strategy. This book will be valuable for both seasoned professionals and beginners in the food industry. It provides the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed purchasing decisions, negotiate better deals, and maintain a stable and consistent supply chain. (the Author of this Book) "Akshit Gupta"  is a highly educated and experienced professional in the food and beverage industry. He holds several degrees and certifications, including a Graduate Degree in Bakery Science and Technology from the American Institute of Baking and a Diploma in Dairy Ingredient Technology from the Center for Dairy Research. He also holds a B.Com(Hons) Degree from Delhi University and a Master's Degree in Family Business Management from S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research. Akshit is a 4th-generation entrepreneur in the family business of Asha Ram &Sons and has over 12 years of experience in researching, formulating, and distributing food ingredients across various areas and demographics. Throughout his career, he has helped over 2500 businesses grow their profits by 17% to over 200%. Akshit's passion for the food industry and drive to make a positive impact is evident in his writing and consulting work, where he shares his knowledge and expertise with others to help them succeed.
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    प्रस्तुत पुस्तक उन सभी 'ट्रेडर्स' और खुदरा विक्रेताओं के लिए एक मार्गदर्शक का काम करेगी जो या तो स्टेनलेस स्टील के व्यवसाय में हैं या इस में अपना व्यवसाय शुरू करना चाहते हैं। इस पुस्तक के प्रभावी उपयोग से निश्चय ही उनका मुनाफा आसमान छूएगा और इस तरह उद्योग जगत में उनका नाम आदर से लिया जाएगा। इस पुस्तक को युगल जोड़ी श्री मनदीप गोयल और श्रीमती शालू गोयल ने लिखा है। जहाँ मनदीप गोयल को लोग कम्युनिकेशन का भीष्म पितामह कहते हैं, वहीं श्रीमती शालू गोयल जी एक CA के रूप में प्राप्त अनुभव और तीस सालों के, बिज़नेस की विरासत के दम पर स्टेन लेस स्टील के अपने इस बिज़नेस को बुलंदियों पर ले जाने के लिए सतत प्रयत्नशील हैं। निश्चय ही यह पुस्तक पाठकों के लिए एक आवश्यक मार्गदर्शक साबित होगी।
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    Bake it Right

    Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹899.00.
    In the delightful world of baking, "Bake It Right" by Akshit Gupta is more than a baking book; it's a friendly guide for beginners and pros alike. With fourteen chapters covering everything from cake types to the details of ingredients, measurements, and decorating, Gupta even addresses the popular trend of eggless cakes in India, offering practical solutions. The book balances theory with hands-on tips, making it accessible to all. It's not just about perfecting cakes; it's a roadmap to making a significant impact in the cooking world. Join Akshit Gupta, and let your love for baking turn into a successful venture.
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