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    How to Have Victory Over Vocabulary: A Unique Method to Learn Vocabulary

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Basically, the book, how to Have Victory over Vocabulary, primarily seeks to guide a learner about how to learn, retain and recall the learnt words, idioms and phrases by applying a unique technique of memorising them.
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    डॉक्टर एस. एस. गोला ज्योतिष मार्तण्ड, ज्योतिष रत्न, ज्योतिष कोविद तथा ज्योतिष वाचस्पति हैं। भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा उनको दो बार सम्मानित किया जा चुका है। केवल 15 वर्ष की आयु में ही वे लगातार 9 से 10 घंटे की समाधि ले लेते थे।
  • This book is an insightful gift to humanity in today's stress-prone lifestyles. Written by a therapist who has been there and felt these emotions, this book tells you that "you are not alone!" Further, beyond understanding and empathy, it also gives you practical exercises and positive coping techniques to navigating feelings of anger, frustration, invalidation, unproductiveness and unworthiness. Written in a conversational format of 5 open letters, this playbook is an absolute must-have &will prove to be your go-to friend for fostering & safeguarding your mental health as & when needed.  A Counseling Psychologist with a Master's in Psychology complemented by a Diploma in Positive Psychology and several Certificate Courses in various other areas of mental health Yashi Sonthalia currently works as a therapist and is a popular mental-health advocate. Through her webinars and social media platforms, she works toward normalizing mental health conversations & propagates the principle of self-compassion and building a healthy relationship with oneself.
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    Awaken Your Good Luck: Know the Secret of Decoding Luck with Astrology

    Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹314.00.
    This book is a guide to Modern astrology with Luck activation remedies, based on Vedic sutras. Even though various descriptions of Vedic sutras are found in standard texts, the method of prediction and providing remedies are not given in to readers and to provide deep comprehensive Knowledge as well. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to ascertain whether you will get what you want in your life or how your immediate future is going to be. Right from the language to the astrological diagrams, no effort is spared to make this book reader-friendly. It is like a self-help book. You can take your horoscope with you and start making your Luck favorable. This book will not only make you learn Astrology, but will also help you in knowing Yourself, Your God Gifted Powers, your Lucky Gemstones, which will make your luck stronger.
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    डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी ने अपने लंबे आध्यात्मिक जीवन के अनुभवों के द्वारा लोगों के सवालों के जवाब देकर मानव-जीवन की सफलता के गूढ़तम रहस्यों को उजागर किया है। डॉ. त्यागी जी ने कहा है, "मनुष्य अपनी उन्नति एवं अवनति के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेदार होता है। वह जिस प्रकार के संकल्पों या विचारों का निर्माण करता है, वैसी ही परिस्थितियों का निर्माण उसका अवचेतन मन (आत्मा) उसके लिए करने लगता है। अच्छे विचारों का निर्माण करके एवं उन पर ईमानदारी से अमल करके व्यक्ति देवत्व के शीर्ष पर पहुँच जाता है। किंतु यदि उसकी दिशा गलत हुई अर्थात् उसने गलत विचारों का चयन किया तथा उन पर दोषपूर्ण ढंग से अमल किया, तो परिणाम भी विपरीत ही प्राप्त होंगे।" "आपका अवचेतन मन या दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो आपकी आत्मा ज्ञान का भंडार है। अपनी आत्मा से संपर्क करके आप हर उस चीज के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, जिसकी हमें कभी भी और कहीं भी जरूरत होती है। आप जीवन में भरपूर समृद्धि और आनंद प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रमुखता से अधिकारी हैं और आप इसे सहजता से प्राप्त भी कर सकते हैं।" डॉ.मुरारीलाल त्यागी की कृतियाँ आज सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय और सर्वाधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली कृतियों में शामिल हैं। उनके द्वारा लिखित बैरिस्टर, ऊँची दीवार, म्लानमना, विदाई,बीमार कौन, दुःखान्त, संकल्पजयी, एक कदम और, वह कोई और, नया डायरेक्टर, मन उदास क्यों, बदलती लकीरें, हीरे मोती (संपादित), नई तालीम (नाटक), प्यारे बच्चों (नैतिक शिक्षा), सामाजिक सन्त पं. तिलकराज शर्मा, चिन्ता से चिन्तन तक आदि पुस्तकें बहुत लोकप्रिय रही हैं। वे गत 60 वर्षों से 'प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारीज ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े हुए हैं तथा ज्ञान में चल रहे हैं और धारणा युक्त जीवन जी रहे हैं। उनकी वर्तमान उम्र 87 वर्ष से भी अधिक है। वे गत 55 वर्ष से 'कल्पान्त' मासिक भी प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं जिसमें कवि, साहित्यकार, समीक्षक एवं अन्य विद्वानों की चर्चा की जाती है। यह कृति हमें सिखाती है- सुखी जीवन के चमत्कारिक रहस्य - तन-मन और धन के साथ आत्मिक शांति पाने का सहज और अचूक दिव्य ज्ञान, समस्याओं, निराशा, चिंता, आलोचना और व्याधियों से छूटकर समृद्धि एवं खुशियाँ पाने के सरल सूत्र। सत्प्रेरणा से परिपूर्ण एवं जीवन को आनंदमय बनाने का सतत् प्रवाह प्राप्त करने के लिए 'मेरा' सुख 'किसके हाथ प्रसिद्ध मनीषी एवं आध्यात्मिक वक्ता डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी द्वारा दिए गए मर्मस्पर्शी सवालों के अनुभवसिद्ध जवाबों का अनुसरण अवश्य करें।  
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    शक्तिपीठ (Shaktipeeth)

    Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹108.00.
    हमारे तीर्थस्थल एवं पौराणिक देवी-देवताओं की मान्यताएँ इस देश की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर एवं समृद्ध परंपराओं की परिचायक हैं। 'शक्तिपीठ' हमारी इन्हीं परंपराओं एवं मान्यताओं का अभिन्न अंग हैं। मन की शांति एवं शक्ति प्राप्त करने के सिद्ध स्थल हैं-'शक्तिपीठ'। शक्तिपीठ वे पवित्र स्थल हैं जो त्रिदेवियों- महासरस्वती, महालक्ष्मी एवं महाकाली की सम्मिलित शक्ति अर्थात् देवी शक्ति (देवी सती का दिव्य स्वरूप) के अधिष्ठान के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। वास्तव में चमत्कारिक माहात्म्य से परिपूर्ण शक्तिपीठ देवी शक्ति के परम-प्रिय निवास-स्थल हैं। प्रारंभ से ही इन स्थलों की संख्या और भौगोलिक स्थिति के बारे में बहुत सारे मत-मतांतर हैं, जो इनकी गूढ़ता के ही परिचायक हैं, तथापि इनकी सिद्धता के बारे में किसी को भी कोई संदेह नहीं है। मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए प्रसिद्ध इन शक्तिपीठ स्थलों की संख्या विभिन्न स्रोतों, सूत्रों एवं लोगों द्वारा 108, 64, 52 और 51 बताई जाती है, लेकिन प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में महापीठपुराण के अनुसार कुल 52 शक्तिपीठों के बारे में शोधात्मक जानकारी धार्मिक पर्यटन की भावना के अनुरूप दी गई है, जिसका एकमात्र लक्ष्य लोगों को इन स्थलों के बारे में बताना है, न कि अंतिम मत प्रदान करना। गीतकार, स्क्रिप्टराइटर एवं 'शक्तिपीठ' पुस्तक के लेखक श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी हैं। पर्यटन-प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधन में यूजीसी-नेट उत्तीर्ण श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी ने सी.एस.जे.एम. कानपुर विश्वविद्यालय, कानपुर से पर्यटन में एम0बी0ए0 किया। मैनेजमेंट के बाद लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ से मास-कम्युनिकेशन में भी मास्टर्स की उपाधि प्राप्त की है। पूर्व में कानपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) में देश-विदेश के एक प्रतिष्ठित मीडिया संस्थान में बतौर कंटेंट राइटर 7 वर्षों से भी अधिक समय तक कार्यरत रहे श्री त्रिपाठी जी वर्तमान में कानपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) में ही 2 विश्वप्रसिद्ध | चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी शैक्षणिक संस्थानों (कानपुर-मुंबई) द्वारा निर्मित हिंदी की पहली ब्लॉगिंग एवं सोशल नेटवर्किंग वेबसाइट में कंटेट राइटर के पद पर नियुक्त हैं। श्री चंद्रेश जी एक सिद्ध-हस्त लेखक हैं। इनके द्वारा पर्यटन पर लिखी गई एक अन्य पुस्तक मैनेजिंग सेल्स एंड प्रमोशन इन टूरिज्म (एम0 टी0 एम07) विश्वविद्यालयीय छात्रों में अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय है तथा देश-विदेश में ख्याति अर्जित कर चुकी है। माता-पिता में ईश्वर का स्वरूप देखने वाले श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी की विचारधारा आधुनिकता के उस खोखलेपन पर तीखा प्रहार करती है, जिसमें वृद्धावस्था में संतान होते हुए भी असहाय की भाँति माता-पिता को वृद्धाश्रमों की शरण लेनी पड़ती है। आज के आधुनिक समाज को श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी जैसे प्रेरक एवं मार्गदर्शक लेखकों की नितांत आवश्यकता है।
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    Secrets of Astrology Everybody Must Know: Simple Knowledge, Bigger Results

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    It’s a Book—scientific-based teachings of Astrology, based on facts, supported by logical reasons. It covers only the Astrological aspects needed by you in simple language. The book will save your lakhs from going to Cheat Astrologers and believe in their Ineffective Knowledge
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    आज विज्ञान का युग है। पश्चिमी जगत विज्ञान की भाषा ही समझता है, अतः भारतीय आस्थाओं और मूल्यों को आधुनिक विज्ञान की कसौटी पर खरा साबित करना समय की मांग है। आज इन मूल्यों की न केवल भारत बल्कि संपूर्ण विश्व की शांति के लिए, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, स्वयं मानव व ग्रह पृथ्वी के संरक्षण के लिए आवश्यकता है। युवा भारत को इन मूल्यों को विश्व के सामने रखना हैं, इनके वैज्ञानिक आधार के प्रति लोगों को सजग करना है। आज युवाओं में भी आत्मविश्वास और देशाभिमान जगाना है ताकि अपनी क्षमता के अनुरूप भारत विश्व गुरु के रूप में उभर सके। इसी उद्देश्य से यह पुस्तक लिखी गई है।  
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    Amazing Secrets of Healthy Living

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    Poonam Kalra's practical handbook redefines health as a holistic treasure of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being and provides a roadmap to lifelong health, offering simple yet transformative shifts in your lifestyle. Uncover the wisdom to listen to your body, experiment with personalized approaches, and embark on a unique journey toward vitality. Let this book be your daily companion on the path to a vibrant and fulfilled life. Your health, your true wealth. An example and a catalyst for transformation, Poonam Kalra is a celebrated motivational speaker, popular YouTuber and the best-selling author of two inspiring books. A passionate advocate for holistic health and a positive attitude toward life, she has touched the lives of countless individuals. In her seventies, Poonam continues to lead by example, proving that a fit, full, and healthy life knows no age boundaries. With her unique perspective and unwavering commitment to helping others live their best lives, Poonam Kalra is a beacon of light in the world of self-improvement and well-being.
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    The Design Maven: Curating Inspirational Home Decor

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    This book will prove highly valuable for • Homeowners to create & maintain the home of their dreams. • For Interior Designers/Decorators to design homes as unique as their clients, taking their assignment a notch above others. • For builders & realtors to achieve the perfect Show Flat- that feels like home to every prospective customer who walks in and helps your project become a bestseller. • For e-commerce sites & retail companies offering home décor/home improvement solutions to give their customers a solution beyond the ordinary and increase their market & profitability.  
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    सफलता के व्यवहारिक आयाम (safalta ke vyavharik aayam) (Copy)

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Safalta ke vyavharik aayam An impressive personality is the key to success. We bring for you in this book some of the essential changes that you must inculcate in your personality to be successful in life. Some real examples have been quoted in the book from the life of great people like Abraham Lincoln. Written by an eminent personality counselor Sanjeev Sharma, the book talks about many traits that influence our personality. The book highlights the impact of attributes like expression, inspiration, and so on. The book is must read for everyone who wants to be successful in life and improve their personality. Written in simple Hindi, this book is easy to understand. Read it till its very last page, implement the thoughts presented here and experience the change in your life.
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    Stress and Diabetes: The Underappreciated Connection

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Don’t let diabetes stand between you & your happiness. Stop worrying & start living! this book not only brings to light this underappreciated connection. It is also a clear and concise guide for persons diagnosed with diabetes and all people caring for them, to effectively and easily manage stress and diabetes. An MBBS from the Maulana Azad Medical College and an MD from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Dr.Rajiva is a Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine and Diabetes with experience spanning over 40 years
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    Purchase Planning Guide for Lighting Systems

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    This book is a huge step in the mission of customer awareness. This book covers several chapters on customer relevance, such as ways to design effective lighting solutions and the latest trends in the lighting industry. Through this book, the author wants to educate its readers about effective lighting design and thus enable them to offer a better lighting solution to their clients. Director of Jain Sons Lights Pvt. Ltd. (Est. 1975), his family-owned business of lights, Mr. Anubhav Jain has experience in the lighting industry of over 10 years. Soon after joining the business, he quickly realized that the lighting field has a lot of technical aspects and thus educated himself on the field of lighting technology and effective lighting design. Till now, he and his team have guided the promoters and design consultants on numerous projects.
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    Wondering, How To Make Your Doctor Visit Rocks?

    Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹224.00.
    Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Entrepreneur by Profession and “A volunteer Platelet donor” by Passion. He is a Motivational Speaker for creating awareness about “Donating Blood and platelets.” Till the date of publishing this book (02/02/2022), he has donated Platelets 193 times, and the journey will continue until he can maintain good health or the law of India permits. Mr Pajwani is on a mission to make India “the country of the millions of real-life heroes” by 2025 with zero incidents when any operations/surgeries are delayed due to unawareness of healthcare education and non-availability of blood/platelets.
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    Now, Speak Up Lady!

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    Now, Speak Up Lady! by Deepika Chawla is a must read for women of the world. In fact, I would strongly recommend her counterpart to read this book and appreciate the potential of the better half of the world who carries half the sky on her shoulders. There is something in common in all the stories, which is that all women have certain challenges which they face with grit and determination. As a woman having gone through it all, you finally return to yourself, speak to yourself, and speak for yourself ~DR. SHAYAMA CHONA Founder-President of Tamana Association (Padma Bhushan & Padma Shri Awardee) Deepika is a bright shining star who have been inspiring others to realise their potential and take charge of their lives. I have seen the impact that she has had through the “Speak Up lady” program with my colleagues and myself on many facets such as personal branding, getting rid of our own inner biases, take charge and be the change. This book is a compendium of such real-life examples and experiences that could be a practical guide on how to rise above the self-imposed limitations and lead life and career with our heads held high. ~BALAJI VISWANATHAN (Managing Director & CEO, Expleo India) A Qualified CA & a financial professional with 3 decades of global experience, Deepika Chawla is a sought-after mentor for women professionals. She is lauded for her notable work in the domains of Banking, Finance, Inclusion & Diversity, as well as people leadership for mentoring next-generation leaders across organisations & colleges. She is currently involved in facilitating women transform their lives through her unique "Speak Up Lady" Mentoring Program.
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    Iconic Living: How to Get Courage, Power to Change and Live the Life You Love

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    How to Get the Courage and Power to Live a Life You Love ~ Poonam Kalra Poonam Kalra’s much-awaited second book, a brand new high-impact motivational life path offering 'Iconic Living,’ is out NOW! A complete motivational guide, the book offers courageous wisdom and priceless nuggets on the power of nurturing and developing your mind & body to live the best life possible. This book is a celebration of life in the grandest way possible. Written by an inspirational woman who has held age hostage, it shows you how to expand your universe and live life to the fullest by keeping your body, mind, relationships, habits and thoughts fit and sound. Filled with a treasure house of tips, tools, techniques and anecdotes the author has personally tried, applied and verified before sharing, every word in this book is life-altering and guaranteed to impact your life with amazing results. Unlike other books that focus on one area of life in isolation, this book shares how to create a balanced life to live in complete harmony 360 degrees. This book is a gift to humanity and shows readers how to live their best life, stress-free, no matter their age, gender or station in life. With this book as your guide and friend, nothing and no one can stop you from living your best Iconic Life filled with Joy, Wealth, Health and Success. This Book is Unique as: • It is written by a woman who has shattered all myths & barriers related to age and set an example. • It shares Priceless Secrets to improving every area of your life. • It shares practical tools and exercises to build your mind, body, confidence, personality & relationships. • Everything shared in the book is Result Oriented and Tried & Tested. A simple action could change your life forever. Make Your Life ICONIC. Click on the Buy Button!!! Poonam Kalra is a popular Youtuber and motivational speaker who is a role model for all ages. She is a huge inspiration as she defies and shatters all myths and barriers related to age. She proves that age is indeed just a number by looking great, being in excellent health and starting a new venture at an age when most people give up on life.
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    10X Growth in Your Medical Oncologist Practice

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Cancer is such a dreaded disease; the name itself in stills fear! Oncologists are no less than God and God’s Angels to those afflicted with the disease. However, the Medical Oncology Practice is fraught with immense pressure, which can affect patient care. This book offers a miraculous yet practical solution that has the power to turn around Oncology practice and prescription completely! This Path-Breaking solution will help medical oncologists create BSA-based prescriptions in just 2 minutes flat for the first time ever! This is not merely a book but a movement to help all Medical Oncologists to join hands and make India: “The country of 100% Digitized Healthcare Practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no time by 2025.” Hit the Buy Button NOW to take your practice and your country to a whole new level! Hemang Pajwani is an Instrumentation Engineer by Education, Pharmaceutical Distributor by Profession and “A volunteer Platelets donor” by passion, along with A motivational Speaker for “Donating Blood and Platelets”. Till the date of publication of this book (17/06/2021), he has donated Platelets 178 times and he is resolute to donate till he is able to maintain good health or law of India permits. Having worked with many Oncologists, Hemang knows how challenging it is for them to create BSA-based error-free prescriptions. He requests all Medical Oncologists to join hands to Digitize Healthcare for humankind. And now he is on a mission to make India “The country of 100% Digitize healthcare practice and create 100% error-free prescriptions in no-time by 2025.”
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    Raze the Blaze “A Little Big Book on Fire Safety” : Low Cost Tools & Techniques to Safeguard Your Unit

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    "WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK? We all set up our business, manufacturing units, factories, or any other industry with lots of hard work along with passion & love. Daily, we sweat equity & more than 100% effort to our business to earn good margins & build our name and fame in our industries. We prepare plans daily to develop our business to take it to the next level. We all are already above the common people as setting up a business requires lots of money, courage and fool proof strategy. Establishing a set up to provide employment to so many people can never be an easy job. In fact, we all have been contributing to the progress of our country by manufacturing world-class products & thereby serving the world with our products. But, our dreams get doomed the day our units catch fire. Fires destroy property, cause injuries, and take lives. No matter whether it's in your own home or place of employment, educational institute, it is invariably the most dangerous stuff to our growth. It happened in 2014 to Kalpena Industries in Dankuni, West Bengal. They had set up a packaging unit with an investment of more than 100 crores and installed latest machineries imported from Germany. More than thousands of people were earning their bread & butter from this industry. But, one day in October 2014, the very scenario got changed. This plant turned into ashes and brought down the value of the plant from 100 crores to lakh; only that value was paid by the scrap dealers. This company couldn’t be able to revive from this incident and the dreams of all the people associated with the industry, got shattered. If the proper standard operating procedures & minimum fire safety equipment could have been installed, then this (unfortunate incident) could have been avoided. Manish Khatana is into the Business of manufacturing of fire Safety Equipment for the Last 5 Years and With lots of research & coaching, he has become a Blaze protection catalyst. His Career as an entrepreneur began 7 years back when he started his company Palladium Safety Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
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    The Millennial Mom: Balancing the Messy Life of A Modern Woman

    Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹359.00.
    Sick and tired of the regular old advice passed on from generation to generation??? No more!  This book is the gateway to a balanced life for every “Mompreneur. empowering working moms