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    Team Building Mastery For Startups & SMEs

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    97% of organizations struggle to grow because they are unable to crack the code to find the right people who are motivated and driven. This book is for those who want to BUILD BIG and Craft Winning Teams! It offers an expanded viewpoint on Talent Recruitment and Retention, which is essential for business owners to grow their organizations and also enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurship! It shows you how to Look for people who have great attitude because Attitude is a Performance Multiplier: Employee Performance = (Education+ Experience) * Attitude
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    Silent Epidemic

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    Drawing attention to the startling fact that 80% of deafness is preventable, the narrative sheds light on the plight of the approximately 1 Lakh babies born with hearing deficits annually. Dr. Gupta's poignant work serves as a passionate advocate for awareness and proactive measures to comprehend and support the challenges faced by the deaf community.
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    Melt 2 Mould: Profitable Plastic Secrets Nobody Will Tell You

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    Uncover the art of crafting flawless plastic components with “Melt to Mold”.This book serves as your guide through the intricacies of creating plastic components, covering everything from raw material selection to fine-tuning process parameters and managing post-molding procedures. Delving into practical aspects, the book presents a wealth of case studies from diverse industries, offering valuable insights, facts, and realizations. Explore the challenges faced in this domain and discover optimal solutions to elevate your plastic molding endeavors.
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    यात्रा सम्पूर्ण नेतृत्व की ओर

    Original price was: ₹259.00.Current price is: ₹233.00.
    यह पुस्तक पाठकों की जिंदगी को बेहतर करने की गारंटी देता है। लेखक का दावा है कि अगर पाठक इस पुस्तक में दी हुई तथ्यों और निर्देशों का अक्षरशः पालन करने के बावजूद भी अपने जीवन में उल्लेखनीय बदलाव नहीं महसूस कर पाते हैं, तो इस स्थिति में इस पुस्तक की लागत मूल्य उन्हें वापस मिल जाएगी।
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    Delivery On Time Everytime

    Original price was: ₹699.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.
    Explore the world of project management with "Delivery OnTime EveryTime," where the author talks in a conversational style to help project managers tackle delays. The story follows Projects Unlimited, a company dealing with delays, and introduces Abhyaas, a skilled trainer, who teams up with them to discover ten big reasons for project delays. Projects Unlimited, known for managing projects in different industries, works tirelessly to solve these issues and deliver projects on time. Abhyaas introduces the T-Cube Growth Framework, a smart idea to guide them in overcoming challenges and achieving success in project management.
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    जानिए पैकेजिंग की कला

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    नमस्कार साथियों मैं इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से पैकेजिंग की इस बदलती दुनिया में आपके ब्रांड के लोगो (प्रतीक चिन्ह) के विज्ञान के बारे में अवगत कर रहा हूँ । पैकेजिंग के इस आधुनिक युग में जो बदलाव आ चुका है उससे निपटने, उसका समाधान निकालने के लिए मैंने यह पुस्तक लिखी है। इस पुस्तक में आपके ब्रांड से जुड़े लोगों के मनोविज्ञान के बारे में और पैकेजिंग की डिज़ाइन और कलर कैसे और कौन से प्रिंट में होने हैं, ये सभी जानकारियाँ बताई जा रही हैं। आप पैकेजिंग को बदलकर कैसे अपने व्यापार और ब्रांड को मार्केट में दोगुना से भी अधिक बढ़ा सकते हैं, इसकी भी विस्तृत चर्चा इस पुस्तक में की गयी है ।
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    Управление Нулевой Пористостью (Zero Porosity Management)

    Original price was: ₹3,199.00.Current price is: ₹2,879.00.
    Производители литья под давлением, стремящиеся стать лидерами отрасли, получат пользу от этой ниги, в которой описывается «ранее невообразимый» стратегический сдвиг. Эта книга - обязательное к прочтению руководство для владельцев компаний, руководителей высшего звена, менеджеров и нженеров компаний по литью под давлением по всему миру. Другие предприятия, занимающиеся литьём пластмасс и литьём металлов, также получат большую пользу от этой книги.
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    Greenhouse Films

    Original price was: ₹449.00.Current price is: ₹336.00.
    Greenhouse Film-The Secret Weapon of a Successful Farmer This guide is a masterclass in greenhouse film selection for your project.  
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    Essence of ESG

    Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.
    Do you want to master ESG? This book is a great place to start. This book offers a perspective on ESG that has been acquired through hands-on experience, involving the assessment of thousands of companies across various sectors and countries worldwide.
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  • Sit & Grow Rich

    This book aims to offer Facility Heads, Procurement Heads, Project Managers, Business Leaders, and decision-makers valuable insights on transforming workplace furniture from an expense into a strategic investment.
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    10X Growth in Your Medical Oncologist Practice

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    This book offers a miraculous yet practicalsolution that has the power to turn around Oncology practice and prescription completely!
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    Solar Power You Can Double

    Original price was: ₹2,999.00.Current price is: ₹2,699.00.
    This book shares 3 never revealed secrets to achieving a bumper yield, up to 15X returns Three Secrets of solar plant investment
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    Last Chance to The First Court

    Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹1,799.00.
    Last Chance to the First Court is a unique book for Law Students, Practicing Advocates, Corporate Professional and aspirants of Advocate-On-Record Examination at the Supreme Court. This book contains everything about the Special Leave Petitions under Article 136 of the Constitution of India Historical Background of the Supreme Court to the Court Fees accompanied with Supreme Court Rules, 2013. Readers of this book shall get complete conceptual and practical knowledge about Special Leave Petitions in this book. After reading this book, readers would have complete understanding about the practice and procedure of the Special Leave Petitions in the Supreme Court of India. Mr. Brijesh Kr Gupta is an Advocate-On-Record in the Supreme Court of India. He is an alumnus of delhi University (BCom) and also an alumnus of the Faculty of Law, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana (LLB). Mr Gupta realized the need of this book during his practice years and during his preparation for the Advocate-On-Record Examination. In Order to share the comprehensive knowledge on Special Leave Petitions, an extraordinary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 136 of the Constitution of India, he has written this book Last Change to the First Court. Mr. Gupta has been practicing as an Advocate for 17+ years at all levels of Courts/Tribunal/High Courts to the Supreme Court. He has handled Civil, Criminal, Commercial, Intellectual Property Rights, Corporate Law, Service Law, Labour Law and Constitutional Law matters before different Courts, Tribunals, High courts and also at the Supreme Court of India.
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    Blueprint for Energy Efficient Buildings : Unlocking Insulation Secrets for Modern Indian Buildings

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    Discover a comprehensive guide providing insights on selecting and applying the most effective insulation technologies for diverse building types. This invaluable resource includes practical examples, cost-benefit analysis, and future trends to optimize building efficiency and sustainability. With over 15 years of experience in providing insulation, waterproofing, and specialized protective coatings for the building industry, Vishal Rustagi from Sirsa, Haryana is a successful entrepreneur and author. He is the founder and CEO of Professional Technical Services Pvt Ltd, a renowned company working towards sustainable building technologies globally. As the Vice President (North) of Waterproofing Association of India since 2023, he has received several awards for his excellence in the field. Vishal Rustagi writes insightful books on business, innovation, and leadership, sharing his expertise and empowering readers on their entrepreneurial journey.
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    Heal Your ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) : Don’t let Your ACL Injuries Put a Full Stop to Life & Winning

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    An Injury is merely a comma, it's not a full stop! With this book, you can get back to your GAME & LIFE in just 3 MONTHS! It is a detailed comprehensive guide for all sportspersons (& other people) that will teach you • The Basics of ACL & ACL InjuriesDOs & DONTs Immediately After Injuries • The Dangers of Ignoring Your ACL Injury • The Need for & Types of ACL Surgeries • Choosing the Right SurgeonHealing Your ACL Without Surgery • Recent Advancements in Arthroscopy and Their Benefits • The Right Rehabilitation Protocol Go, climb that mountain, grab that medal, run that marathon, dance for joy, have fun, and excel at your game. Dr. Bora & his team are here to facilitate your healing and have you back in the game and mainstream life IN JUST 3 MONTHS!!! An expert arthroscopic surgeon Dr. Manu Bora is also a sports medicine specialist. He is among the few surgeons in Delhi NCR who perform the All inside ACL/PCL reconstruction and Repair with FiberTape Internal Bracing. Also, he has mastered regenerative medicine, cartilage transplant, knee multi ligament surgeries, complex shoulder and Ankle surgeries. Apart from Dr. Bora, this book benefits greatly from contributions by Co-authors Dr. Prithviraj Deshmukh (an Ortho biologics & pain-management expert), Dr.Akhil Agnihotri (A Sports Medicine Specialist), Dr.Manasee Gulati (an Advanced Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Specialist & Mr. Arya Bhatt, a Popular Fitness Model & Yoga Facilitator.
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    7 Secrets That Transforms You From MOM To MOMPRENEUR : Become A Boss While Running A Family

    Original price was: ₹599.00.Current price is: ₹539.00.
    As is apparent from the title, this book is a practical & comprehensive guide that provides the steps & process for millions of Indian housewives to gain financial freedom while caring for their homes. No matter your experience, education level or age, this easy-to-understand book is designed just for you. In it, you will discover the 7 Powerful Secrets to achieving financial independence right from home. Also, you will learn how to succeed as a network marketer to thrive and become a millionaire. So ladies, take charge, become your own boss, and create a better future full of happiness for your family. Karishma Gupta, a lifestyle coach and motivational speaker, is dedicated to empowering women worldwide. She shares valuable insights and strategies to help women excel in business while nurturing their families and inspires them to realise their true potential. Arjun Gupta, is a dynamic and experienced entrepreneur and a credited pioneer of the network marketing industry. His expertise and trust-building approach make him an invaluable asset in guiding people towards financial growth.
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    What You Don’t Know About RERA That Could Cost You Millions

    Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹269.00.
    RERA: A Game Changer for Real Estate in India. As is clear from the title, this book is a guide intended and designed to give you a complete understanding of how to get the maximum out of your real estate projects and get your stuck real estate projects moving by leveraging and complying with the RERA- the Real Estate Regulation & Development Act. This book provides all real estate businesses with the maximum information and expertise to navigate the RERA landscape to maximize their success. This book is a must-have resource for every real estate business in the market. Accomplished CMA, CS, AMT, Alumnus of IIM Calcutta and Certified Corporate Director, Pankaj Jain possesses over 32 years of diverse exerience working in India and Overseas. He has a proven track record of turning around the financial position of numerous companies through dynamic initiatives, helping them to achieve exponential growth even in challenging times. He has handled Real Estate portfolio of INR 27000+ crores. With successful assignments of 170+ Real Estate projects he has impacted 24000+ Lives. His clients often call him with Love as “Chanakya of Real Estate”…  
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    आज विज्ञान का युग है। पश्चिमी जगत विज्ञान की भाषा ही समझता है, अतः भारतीय आस्थाओं और मूल्यों को आधुनिक विज्ञान की कसौटी पर खरा साबित करना समय की मांग है। आज इन मूल्यों की न केवल भारत बल्कि संपूर्ण विश्व की शांति के लिए, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, स्वयं मानव व ग्रह पृथ्वी के संरक्षण के लिए आवश्यकता है। युवा भारत को इन मूल्यों को विश्व के सामने रखना हैं, इनके वैज्ञानिक आधार के प्रति लोगों को सजग करना है। आज युवाओं में भी आत्मविश्वास और देशाभिमान जगाना है ताकि अपनी क्षमता के अनुरूप भारत विश्व गुरु के रूप में उभर सके। इसी उद्देश्य से यह पुस्तक लिखी गई है।  
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    Boost Up! Your Computer Parts Business: Achieve 3x Growth!

    Original price was: ₹990.00.Current price is: ₹891.00.
    Boost up your Computer Parts Business This isn't just a book; it's a compass for computer and Computer Parts Accessories dealers, navigating the digital age.
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    System Integrators Guide to Win High-Ticket Orders : Grow 10X and Become Markets First Choice

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    In this inspiring book, discover the remarkable journey of Modi Infosol, a brand driven by a father's passion for technology and determination to create something of his own. From the excitement of receiving the first shipment of accessories to becoming synonymous with quality and reliability, Modi Infosol’s story is one of hard work, dedication, and commitment. With over 3.5 million satisfied customers and a team of 50 dedicated individuals, the brand's success exemplifies the power of believing in one's vision and making a difference in the lives of others. This book is a testament to perseverance and the rewards of trustworthiness. Dynamic businesspeople, Atul Modi and Anuj Modi, lead Modi Infosol, a company dedicated to enhancing people's technology and mobility experiences. Their expertise in operations and marketing automation makes them indispensable team members. With a combined 20 years of experience in marketing and sales, they possess a honed technical background from the IT industry. Actively involved in ISODA and playing significant roles in industry groups, they have been honoured for creating a world-class brand under the Make in India initiative by NCN, Var India, and Mobility magazine. Regular interaction with governmental entities demonstrates their commitment to fostering a better business climate. Their unwavering entrepreneurship drive and dedication to greatness inspire their colleagues.
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