The Success Secrets to Retail Industry by Mr.Anand Bajoria

Those who want to Survive & Thrive in the Retail Industry can’t afford to miss this Book!

Welcome to the world of Huge Profitability through Easy

Thwart your Competition with ease!

Going Green is the way to stay alive in New-Age markets.

Consumers today are seeking and demanding natural products and social responsibility!

Eco-friendly products are trending worldwide.
Nielsen found a massive 66% of consumers worldwide are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

As per the Global Web Index,57% of consumers would choose sustainable brands even if they were more expensive.

Going Green is no longer a choice; it is your only option!

The moment you pick up this book, you have taken the first step to go Green.

This Book is your affirmation of a 360-degree change in how you live and do Business.

This Book is Unique as:
 It shows you how to increase profits by leaps and bounds by tapping into New-Age Markets by going Green.
 It teaches you how to attract and retain the New-Age-Consumer.
 It shares step-by-step tools and techniques to enhance profitability.
 It is designed and written to help you and your Business go Green with minimum effort and the least disruption.
 It shows you how to be socially responsible and profitable.
 It shows you how to have an eco-friendly impact on the planet.

Rake in the Gold of Profitability by jumping onto the Green Wagon right NOW.

Click on the Buy Button!!!


Product Details

Book:The Success Secrets to Retail Industry: Go Green or Get Out

Author:Anand Bajoria



Publisher:Pendown Press Powered by Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Number of Pages:31


Publishing Year:2021

Category : , , , , , ,