Reset & Restart | Lifestyle & Personal Style Guides

Reset & Restart

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Reset & Restart

AUTHOR: Divya Gupta GENRE: Personal Development & Self help FORMAT: Paperback

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹359.00.

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Introducing “Supermom Secrets” by Divya Gupta. In this empowering guide, Divya shares her journey of finding herself again while excelling as a mom of two. Packed with invaluable advice on maintaining wellness, balancing work and family, and pursuing dreams, she inspires readers with her own transformation. Shedding 25 kilos post-pregnancy, scaling her business, and wowing customers, Divya exemplifies the power of resilience. With her unwavering support, she emboldens mothers to embrace every challenge and triumph in parenting, affirming that they are indeed superheroes in their own right.

Product Details

Book:Reset & Restart

Author:Divya Gupta



Publisher:Pendown Press

Number of Pages:72



Publishing Year:2024

Category : , ,


Supermom Secrets” by Divya Gupta is an inspiring exploration into the life of a woman who has mastered the art of juggling the myriad responsibilities of motherhood with personal growth and professional success. In this candid and motivational book, Divya opens up about her transformative journey post-pregnancy, where she not only lost 25 kilos but also scaled her business to new heights, all while raising two children. Her story is a powerful testament to the resilience and strength every mother possesses.

Filled with practical advice on wellness, achieving work-family balance, and following one’s dreams, Divya’s guide is a beacon of hope and encouragement for mothers everywhere. She demonstrates, through her own achievements and challenges, that mothers are true superheroes. Whether you’re struggling to find your footing in the chaotic world of parenting or seeking inspiration to chase your dreams without guilt, “Supermom Secrets” offers the wisdom, support, and motivation you need to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Additional information

Weight 0.077 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 1 cm