यू तो यह 'फिक्शन बुक' एक साधारण-सी भारतीय महिला विमला की किसी भी औरत या स्त्री के विभिन्न स्वरूपों जैसे बेटी, पत्नी, बहू, मां, बहन, सहेली आदि में सच्चाई एवं ईमानदारी के साथ निभाई गई एक यथार्थपरक एवं कल्पनामय कहानी है, ...एक साधारण भारतीय लेकिन विकट परिस्थितियों में भी अपने आत्म-सम्मान पर अडिग रहकर हर महिला की असाधारण कहानी परिस्थिति का डटकर सामना करने के अदम्य साहस के कारण विमला न केवल भारत वरन् पूरे विश्व की किसी भी महिला के आदर्श चरित्र एवं साहस की प्रतीकात्मक प्रेरणा बन सहज ही असाधारण पात्र हो जाती है। वास्तव में आज के दौर में तनाव से जूझते एक युवा एवं पुराने दौर की एक साधारण सी स्त्री उसकी माँ विमला का हर दर के परिप्रेक्ष्य में अदम्य साहस के साथ अपने बेटे को प्रेरित कर उसे उसकी मंजिल तक पहुंचाने एवं उसको तनाव से मुक्ति दिलाने की अनूठी दास्तान है-"देवी विमला. ...एक साधारण भारतीय महिला की असाधारण कहानी" हिंदी में विशिष्ट लेखन शैली की एक नई विधा 'फिल्म-पटकथा लेखन' का सूत्रपात कर इसे विकसित करने को कृत-संकल्प तथा बतौर स्वतंत्र लेखक स्वयं को स्थापित करने हेतु प्रयासरत युवा लेखक श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी मूलतः एक मौलिक स्क्रिप्टराइटर एवं गीतकार हैं, जिनकी शौकिया एक अलग गायन शैली भी हैं। पर्यटन प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधन में यू.जी.सी.-नेट उत्तीर्ण श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी ने सी.एस.जे.एम. कानपुर विश्वविद्यालय, कानपुर से एम.भी.ए, इन टूरिज्म मैनेजमेंट तथा लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनक से मॉस्टर्स इन मास कम्युनिकेशन में स्नातकोत्तर की उपाधियाँ भी प्राप्त की हैं।
उपन्यासः 'पतंग संग डोर' की कहानी दो युवा दिलों के उड़ती पतंगों के समूह के माध्यम से हुये अटूट मिलन की बड़ी ही अनूठी एवं मार्मिक अद्भुत कहानी है मानो सात जन्मों जैसा मिलन। इसकी शुरूआत आपके दिल में प्यार के अंकुर खिला देगी और कहानी का अन्त आपकी आँखें भर देगा। मुझे उम्मीद है पाठक 'पतंग संग डोर' को बार-बार पढ़ना चाहेगा।
पुस्तक के लेखक ओमप्रकाश चौहान का जन्म 10 जनवरी, 1952 को दिल्ली में हुआ था। इनके पिता का नाम (स्व.) श्री रेवती लाल चौहान एवं माता का नाम (स्व.) श्रीमती भगवती देवी है। इन्होंने सीनियर सुपरिटेंडेंट, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विमान प्राधिकरण, भारत सरकार, आई.जी.आई., दिल्ली के पद पर रहते हुए अवकाश प्राप्त किया। साहित्य-सृजन, अभिनय एवं नाटक निर्देशन में इनकी गहन रुचि रही है। नाटक 'मैली हवेली' का इन्होंने दो बार (1981 एवं 1982) मंचन किया। सन् 1982 से 1995 तक ये नेशनल एयरपोर्ट अथॉर्टी ऑफ इंडिया की हिन्दी पत्रिका 'चेतना' की संपादकीय परिषद के सदस्य रहे। उस पत्रिका में इनकी कई लघु कहानियाँ और कविताएँ प्रकाशित हुईं। सन् 1982 में लेखक ने रिलिना फिल्म्स की फिल्म 'बाँहों के घेरे में' के लिए स्क्रीन प्ले एवं डायलॉग लिखे। सन् 1983-84 में साहित्य कला परिषद् द्वारा आयोजित अखिल भारतीय नाटक लेखन प्रतियोगिता में भी इनकी भागीदारी रही। साथ ही, अन्य दो नाटक 'मैला आदमी' एवं कॉप उठा संसार' भी सर्वत्र चर्चित व प्रशंसित हुए।
• Tips on how to make homework stress-free! • Finding the most effective way to involve parents and children in the homework. • Practical ideas for helping children to complete homework assignments successfully. Homework is important because it can improve children's thinking and memory. It can help them to develop positive study skills and habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. It can encourage them to use time well, learn independently, and take responsibility for their work. But helping children with their homework benefits the family as well. It can, for example, be a way for families to learn more about what their children are learning in school and an opportunity for them to communicate with their children, teachers, and principal as well. Anita Verma is an accomplished author, who had written books on child development. She is somebody who is well-appreciated for her counseling sessions. She is highly inspired by her younger daughter. Kids always remind her of a Quote by Sam, "Don’t watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep going."
Ayurveda Tips on concentration, focus, & memory power) is the perfect resource! This book features everything you need to improve your concentration, memory power, health, and peace of mind with yoga, and includes additional information Everything you Need To make Yoga an Integral Part of Your Health and Well-being (For Students & Everyone)
One Rank One Pension, या समान पद समान पेंशन पाने के लिए लोगों ने संघर्ष किया। वह मिल भी गई है पर लोग इससे संतुष्ट नहीं हैं। आज भी लोग इसमें सुधार के लिए रैलियां कर रहे हैं। जस्टिस रेड्डी की समिति को इसमें कमियां दूर करने के लिए बनाया गया था, पर उसकी रिपोर्ट को सरकार ने ठंडे बस्ते में डाल दिया है। यह मुद्दा आज भी खत्म नहीं हुआ है। लेखक ने यह महसूस किया कि लोगों में इसके बारे में जानकारी का अभाव है। अतः लेखक ने इस पुस्तक में पहली बार 'समान पद समान पेंशन' पर निष्पक्ष टिप्पणी दी है। उन्होंने इस विषय पर एक ऐसी संदर्भ पुस्तक बनाई है जिससे लोगों को यह पता चल सके कि आखिर विसंगति कहाँ व क्या है।
श्री प्रवीण शर्मा का जन्म व शिक्षा, दिल्ली में हुई। 1988 में इन्होंने भारतीय वायु सेना में सेवा शुरू की। वहाँ वायुयान में तकनीकी क्षेत्र में कार्य करने का अवसर मिला। सेवा के दौरान वायुयान में भारत के करीब हर क्षेत्र में जाने का अनुभव मिला। भारतीय वायु सेना में सेवा के दौरान थल सेना व नौ सेना के विभिन्न स्थलों व लोगों से मिलने का भी अनुभव प्राप्त हुआ। इन्होंने दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से बी.ए. की डिग्री प्राप्त की तथा बाद में एम.ए. व एम. फिल. (राजनीति शास्त्र) की उपाधि पाई। ये भारतीय वायु सेना में सार्जेंट (वरिष्ठ नोन कमीशन अधिकारी) के पद पर कार्यरत थे तथा 20 वर्ष की सेवा के पश्चात् वायु सेना से सेवानिवृत्त हुए। वर्तमान में भारत सरकार के उपक्रम बी. एच. ई. एल., दिल्ली में सहायक अभियंता के पद पर कार्यरत हैं।
Starting from elementary school, Children should learn beginning concepts in algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics, and logic. In addition, they should learn how to solve problems by applying knowledge of math to new situations. They should learn to think of themselves as mathematicians—able to reason mathematically and to communicate mathematical ideas by talking and writing. We hope that you will find this series a valuable tool for developing and reinforcing your child's interest and knowledge— and that you and your family may develop appreciation for "Why such knowledge is important?". Anita Verma is an accomplished author, who had written books on child development. She is somebody who is well-appreciated for her counseling sessions. She is highly inspired by her younger daughter. Kids always remind her of a Quote by Sam, "Don’t watch the clock; Do what it does. Keep going."
The book 'Pre-School Child' will help you in preparing your child to learn and to get ready for school effectively. It provides suggestions for how to regulate your child's TV viewing and to choose good TV programmes & videos and how to choose suitable child care centre/s. It is for all those families and care givers who want to help their pre-school children to learn and to develop the skills necessary for success in school and in life.
Dinesh Verma, the author of this book and director of Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., is a prominent author and social worker. He has authored various books like Vriksh Lagaye: Grahon ko apne Anukool Banaye, Diabetes Jaye Bhul, Rahe Cool, Make your Child a Responsible Citizen, Don’t Die with a Book Inside You, Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education, Pre-School Child, Parents I need You, Now I am Adolescent, etc. in which most of the books have been selected by NBT, GOI for International Book Fairs. In 2012, he was awarded with 'Avantika Rashtriya Sewa Samman'. Further, in 2013, he was honoured with two awards—'Avantika Shiromani Samman' and 'Shabd Sadhak Samman'. Recently, he is honoured with 'Atal Bihari Vajpayee Avantika National Award' and 'Cascader award' by FICCI Cascade.
The Book 'Make Your Child A Responsible Citizen' provides information about the values and skills that will help your child develop strong character and become a good citizen. It suggests activities that you and your school-aged children can do to put those values to work in their daily lives. It contains some valuable tips for working with teachers and schools to ensure that you act together to promote the basic values that you want your child to learn and imbibe.
Dinesh Verma, the author of this book and director of Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., is a prominent author and social worker. He has authored various books like Vriksh Lagayein: Grahon ko apne Anukool Banayein, Diabetes Jayen Bhooll, Rahen Cool, Don’t Die with a Book Inside You(in Press), Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education, Pre-School Child, Parents I need You, Now I am Adolescent, etc. in which most of the books have been selected by NBT, GOI for International Book Fairs. In 2012, he was awarded with 'Avantika Rashtriya Sewa Samman'. Further, in 2013, he was honoured with two awards—'Avantika Shiromani Samman' and 'Shabd Sadhak Samman'. Recently, he is honoured with 'Atal Bihari Vajpayee Avantika National Award' and 'Cascader award' by FICCI Cascade.
Sure-shot Ways to make your adolescent excel in school and life.
Ever Wondered How Will You Feel If Your Adolescent Shows Excellence In School And Subsequently In Life? Then keep reading!
In simple words, we may define adolescence as the period in the middle path of saying goodbye to childhood and stepping into adulthood's ladders. In this phase, a person's cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics frequently change from childish traits to adulthood.
Are you the father of an adolescent and worried about the following?How will my child transform from the age of 10 to 14?
How should I communicate effectively with my child?
How much liberty should I give to my child?
How should I help my child grow his confidence?
How should I help my child find good friends and fight detrimental peer pressure?
What should I do to keep away the media's destructive impact on my child?
How can I participate in the child's school activities?
How should I help my child become a successful reader?
How should I keep my child motivated to learn and do well, both in and out of school?
What should I do to help my child develop appreciable values and learn to distinguish right from wrong?
What should I do if my child is facing a severe problem?
This book by Dinesh Verma takes care of all your problems described above and provides you the tools and techniques for the best possible parenting of your adolescent child.
Adolescence is a time of rapid and dramatic change. Parents can see these changes in the way teenagers behave, express their feelings, and in the way they interact with their families.,This period also remains a big challenge for adolescents as they require adjustments to changes in the self, family, and peer group.
The author of the book is an authority on child psychology and has authored several books on child development, some of which were selected by Govt. of India for display in various International Book Fairs in multiple countries.
This book helps you better understand the critical issues of adolescent development and how your role as a parent can make an essential difference in how teens develop the ability to become good citizens of society. -
- Ensures all-around development of your child!
- Makes learning enjoyable as well as rewarding!
- Helps your child to read better, to take on the challenges of math and science classes, social science, and in art and music.
Super Effective Ways To Make Your Child A Reader
Do you know that children are fascinated by the look and feel of books?
Do you agree that books serve as fuel to the mind?
Do you know that generation of interest in books is a slow process, and we cannot create overnight?
Do you want that your child excels in reading skills?
Do you know how to choose the correct books for your child?
This book provides you the authentic answers to all your above queries and tells you how you can make your child super-active in reading. Apart from helping your child grow up healthy and happy, the most important thing you can do for him is to help him develop his reading skills. When children learn to read, they have the key that opens the door to all the knowledge of the world.
However, it is worth noting that parents should not push their children towards reading. Instead, we should try it in a very casual manner. Teaching your kids to read by your example may be the best technique. If you read something yourself, your children are likely to follow you consciously or subconsciously.
Teaching through activity is always the most effective way. This book contains several easy to understand and more comfortable to perform exercises that will help your child’s learning as entertaining as his most favorite play.
The book is authored by the GPH Panel of experts comprising highly qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable professionals with in-depth exposure in the field. The book has the distinction of having been selected by the Govt. of India for display at various International Book Fairs organized in multiple countries.
This book is a must-read for all those parents who want to make their child super-active in reading.
Do you know that science "happens" all around us every day ? Do you know that science is an important school subject? Why there is a myth that science is the "hardest" for ordinary kids to get interested in? Are you worried as to how you can get your child interested in science? Here is the book by Dinesh Verma which has inherent replies to all your aforesaid queries along with a well-designed plan to make your child a Science Maestro. It will provide you the easy tips and techniques which will make your child love this subject and show results as per your expectations. The major portion of this book consists of activities of the following nature:
- Activities for families with children from preschool age to Grade 5.
- Activities designed in a way that materials found in your home for everyday routine could be used.
- Activities planned for you to have fun with your child while developing and reinforcing science skills.
Love, pain, sorrow, tears, happiness, anger, loneliness, fear, etc. are the different emotions of human life and every human has different feelings from one point in time to another. Here in this book, these different emotions are threaded together in the form of poems and short stories. For some, it is an inspiration whereas for some it is the truth of life. With this beautiful book, we have tried to compile various realities with never-ending imaginations. This book has given words to the feelings that we usually do not express. This book is the compilation of various creative, romantic, and adroit minds in the form of their feelings and experiences. While reading this book, the readers will come across a variety of writings. In this book, the readers will find a dramatic love story preceded by a painful poem and followed by a horror story. In fact, the terrific roller coaster of this book is what gives it a decisive edge over thousand others.
The 53rd card is the Joker, observing without judging, where your passion meets proficiency, and implementing, to making it your profession. This book reveals how to make a profit, by giving the world what it needs, with simple actionable plans. There is no age to find your Ikigai with your hidden Joker and start living the purpose of your life. Stories, lessons, and exercises to inspire you to achieve joy, your reason for being, your IKIGAI. "Dr. Reet is an authority on Ikigai and her words, are powerful and inspirational. The best part is her technique of progressing step by step towards following your passion. I sincerely wish that more and more people get introduced to the concept of Ikigai and lead a Joyous life." ~Anurag Chauhan Executive Vice President & Legal Head, Max Life Insurance. Dr. Ritu “Reet" Arora, is a TED x speaker, global corporate trainer, and a mind stimulation expert for the last 20+ years. A periodontist with numerous National and International awards under her belt, Dr. Reet discovered her Ikigai at a very early age, which was transformational coaching. Having interviewed and worked with top National and international leaders in various fields and forums, she has spent the last 20+ years training over 30,000 individuals, helping them find joy and purpose in life and realize their dreams.
This mini-book will help manufacturers understand what Industry 4.0 is about, and how to approach it methodically. The book will enable them to implement what is relevant to them and avoid wasting resources in non-value-add activities. It will also help them develop their Digitalised Business strategies and build capabilities for execution. the Book emphasis how Industry 4.0 can Catalyse customer driven innovation henceforth. Included in the Book is also A “Quick Readliness Check” for your use. This book will stimulate your thoughts and bring clarity about how to navigate journey. Ashutosh Parasnis is a keynote speaker on Industry and Innovation Management. He is an Electronics Engineer and MBA with specialization in Marketing, Strategic Management and Business Process Re-engineering. He is a Business Strategist, Industry 4.0 Catalyst and Innovation Coach with over 30 years of experience. He was CEO at PTC & Qlogic India & has been associated with Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education & Symbiosis International University as Visiting Faculty. He is extremely passionate about innovation in Customer Experience, Business Management & Navigating Industry 4.0 Technologies & has consulted enterprises, SMEs & start-ups in their transformation journey. He has authored industry articles and industry research reports.
Long-term investments are a must to realize our financial goals and fulfil our dreams for our children's higher education and marriages. Many people commit financial blunders which lead to financial turmoil in their lives. I have come across many investors who have either not planned for their financial milestones, or have deviated from it. You would find yourself closely connected to the facts, stories and ideas mentioned in this book. In a quest to help our clients realise their dreams, I have created this book. If every investor reads this, and sticks to the roadmap mentioned in this book, they all will achieve their financial milestones.
Sameer Kaila is a Capital Market Expert with over 21 years of experience. To make his experience count for the benefit of families (either salaried or entrepreneurs), bankers, retirees, parents looking for investments for children, he established DhanCreators in the year in 2016, with the sole objective of creating roadmap and helping them achieve their Financial Milestones. Before starting his own venture, DhanCreators, Mr Sameer worked with Banks, Broking Firm & Wealth Management Firm. He is serving over 500+ satisfied clients.
This book is a great compilation of superbly written strategies for minimizing toxic emotions and maximizing positive ones. This book succinctly talks about the 7 Secrets to earn money and improve the quality of your life, no matter how precarious your financial condition is, or how wretched your overall life has become. The book talks about the pre-conceived beliefs that stop men and women from achieving career and life-related goals and also suggest the way out to get over these beliefs and accomplish goals. The book will enable readers to think afresh, without being carried away by past failures, and live up to their highest expectations for life. Pritesh Shah is a passionate businessman, dream-fulfilling expert, and personality performance coach. Though he is a Civil Engineer by qualification, he feels more than that, much more. Following his engineering skills, he joined a construction business that went on for nine years. There was a constant belief in the author that said something was missing. So, following that belief, he started taking Transformation Courses. As he completed them, he got to know: what he loves the most is learning and teaching new things to make a DIFFERENCE. For 20 years, he has been following his passion for making a difference via Direct Selling and Performance Coaching. He has learned beautiful things from experts like Shiv Khera, Darren Hardy, and many more.
This book creates awareness among the distributors and educates how brands and channel’s sales work. The book helps distributors grow their business and generate better opportunity for them. Readers of this book will be able to recognize the mistakes that people generally commit before choosing a brand for distribution and they will know how to maximize profits in the distribution business. In addition to these, the book will also help its readers choose entry and exit strategy in order to get extra mileage in distribution business. Sachin Agarwal along with his brother Sumit Agarwal entered into business at a very young age. Born and brought up in Assam, Sachin and Sumit stayed in Haryana for some time in a small town named Jhajjar. In the year 1999-2000, they shifted to Bangalore and established their business there. Their Uncle Deepak Mittal, played an important role in their entrepreneurial journey. Slowly both Sachin and Sumit associated themselves with top brands like Microdesk, Exide, Luminous, and Massimo and became renowned battery-up distributors in South India. Their relentlessly efforts and hard work has paid them sufficiently with their quality network of business people, wealth, knowledge, and team. Both young entrepreneurs are determined to build a company of rs.1000 crore soon.
This Book is for all young chaps who want to make a career in sales. This is also for all those who are already good at sales, but are stuck in some orbit. In addition to these, the book is also for those who read “sales” in water-tight compartment.The experiences of the author that he has shared in this book will prove to be the treasure trove of learning for both young and experienced salespersons. The book explains in a playful way what the most important things in sales are and how to get mastery over it. Chander Shekhar Sibal has 3 Decades of experience in Service Sales Marketing & P&L management. He has done PGDM from IIM Lucknow, Noida Campus. As a successful sales person, the author has had the opportunity to meet numerous people who have impacted his thinking in various ways. It is not like that he always wanted to work in Sales or that he flew to the top. Indeed, he too has had his share of ups and downs and he has tried his level best to use each as a stepping-stone for better things. In the healthcare industry, he is known as Medical Equipment Industry Expert.
Packaging is the first touch point for a product sale. A label speaks volume of the brand and the product. This book, simply words, is to increase your profits by optimizing your shrink sleeves requirement. It is for Indian FMCG companies who are using shrink sleeves and who intend to use them for their product containers, bottles, jars and cups made of all kind of materials. This book as claimed gives insight to many secrets and strategies employed by the shrink sleeve manufacturing industry. Shrink sleeves have many possibilities which are currently unknown to most buyers which lead to either compromise in end product or the costs involved. This book will serve as a guide to achieve world-class shrink sleeves for their products. Sleeve it Right! Chetan Jain is an Electronics Engineer from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune and MBA from NMIMS Mumbai. He is an entrepreneur involved in manufacturing of shrink sleeves, BOPP wrap on labels and flexible laminates. He is founder and creator of H.I.P. Framework. His company Taurus Packaging is the leader in the market of shrink sleeve for FMCG industry.