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    Attention Apparel Ratailers: For those desiring to keep pace with Women's ethnic wear Retail and become industry leaders, this book, with its insightful tips born from experice and deep research, is a must-have. If you are struggling with shrinking profits and cannot scale up, this is your complete practical guide to building a happy and loyal customer base while increasing your profitability by 10x. An Apparel Retail Strategist & Expert, Naveen N Banura is the Director of MN Fashions, India's #1 Brand in B2B Indian Women's Ethnic Wear. Through his VFC Framework, he has helped 5000+ retailers to save dead stock worth crores of rupees & achieve profits worth crores to establish themselves as market leaders.
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    Rebuild: 7 Steps to Strong Foundation for a Successful Stationery Business

    Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
    This book addresses almost all the problems that the stationers of today face and provide a clear-cut solution to all these problems. Whether you have to handle a huge number of items, or almost every function (purchase/sales/operations) of business, or you find it difficult to train the right manpower, or struggle with the space crunch to display all your products, this book is exclusively yours. In addition to these, this book is also for those who find it challenging to manage inventories, inventory/ sales ratio is very high which results in more capital requirement to run the business and whose net profits usually touch the bottom due to stiff competition. Arun Arora is Managing Director & CEO of World One, India’s leading file manufacturing company. His journey with stationery industry began three decades ago. After completing education, he joined his uncle’s business of file manufacturing in the stationery hub of Delhi-Chawri Bazar.  He was fascinated to see so many varieties of stationery articles there & the possibility to innovate & create meaningful products. The author has worked with many big retailers and stationery manufacturers across the globe, including the world’s biggest retailer Walmart. In 2013, he got the “Best Partner Award” in the office supply category from none other than Walmart. Today, he lives stationery with every breath of life.
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    Get ready to transform your business to survive in this new Experience & Creator Economy and handle the expectations of GEN Z. Metaverse and WEB3 are the main drivers of this economy. Learn about Metaverse, WEB3, NFT, and Blockchain, along with practical examples of applying these in your business. We are moving from Information Economy to an Experience and Creator Economy. And Metaverse, along with WEB3, are the main drivers behind that. This book helps you to learn about Metaverse, WEB3.0 and how you can transform your business using these to serve the needs of GEN Z. Raktim has come out with the IDEAL Framework to harness the power of Metaverse. That is Immersive Experience, Digital Twin, Experience Before You Buy, Augment the Physical Experience, Learning and Training. This book explains how to apply this IDEAL Framework in various industries like Travel, Education, Real Estate, Entertainment, Financial Sector, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail etc. The book explains AR, VR, MR, XR, Blockchain, Edge Computing, 5G, and 6G in a very lucid way. This book also shares the author’s vision about the future of Metaverse and how our life will look in the coming years. Author, Raktim, is already a well-known speaker and thought leader in Metaverse and WEB3. Based on his various sessions and presentations, he has also added a chapter where he has answered all the common questions and concerns related to Metaverse.
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  • If you are a printing business owner seeking massive profitability & growth with smooth operations & workflow while enjoying long holidays with family and sleeping soundly. This book is for you. A practical guide to creating magical growth and making your business as scalable as you want through setting up PPC, it truly is a Goldmine. Parmeshwar Patidar is the director of Indas Analytics LLP (India's #1 Print ERP provider) and an advisory member at the World Print Hub for Print Process Automation expertise. With 18 years of experience, he supports the Printing and Packaging Industry in Print Process Automation through his immensely successful software Indas Print ERP.
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    This book is a must-read for all aspiring Rice Millers, teaching them how to set up a Rice Mill that prints money. It is a comprehensive guide to mistake-proof planning and better task management for the new Rice Miller and shows you how to bypass the pitfalls and shoot straight for profitability.   “If you are establishing a New Rice Mill & if you don't want to lose your time & money read this book.” ~Md. Anisur Rahman(Chairman - Upazila Parishad, Taragonj, Rangpur, Bangladesh)   “How to Plan Money Printing Rice Mill” is an expertly written and deeply researched book for Rice Mill Project planning. ~Dharmendra Shah (Director - New Bedehi Khadya Udyog - Nepal)   “This book provides extremely effective and complete science of establishing a new Rice mill . . . Highly recommended.” ~Jadab Debnath (Chairman Jadroo Group - Bangladesh)   I read the book “How to Plan Money Printing Rice Mill”. It covers budget planning, ROI calculation, Time management, Layout planning. This book is a step by step guide for anyone who wants to start New Rice Mill. ~Tarsem Saini (President - The federation of all India Rice Miller Association)   Amit Aggarwal is an engineer, a successful industrialist, a popular keynote speaker and a philanthropist contributing to many social causes. Lovingly called the Doctor of Rice Milling, he has mentored & supported the successful launch of innumerable profitable Rice Mill Projects.  
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    Recent Development in Rice Mill Industry

    Original price was: ₹99.00.Current price is: ₹89.00.
    This book, as its name suggests, contains all the recent development in rice mill industry. The book is for all those rice mill owners who are worried about the rejection of sample of their rice. The book provides all the information about rice milling that worth knowing. In addition to these, the book does also talk about the ways the broken percentage of kernels can be reduced. Right from the content to language, the book is readers’ friendly and a must-buy for the rice mill owners. Jatin Garg is a commerce graduate from Delhi University. He has done masters in Ceramic application from Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. He is the CEO of a leading Vitrified abrasive manufacturing firm based in North India, Delhi. He is working on twin mission—first is to ensure higher productivity in AUTOMOBILE/ANCILLARIES manufacturing plants by giving grinding wheel which GRIND, but do not BURN and that too with double the speed that is being given by VITRIFIED wheels being used today. And second is to give service to manufacturers of machines being used in AUTOMOBILE, BEARING and TOOL ROOM industry.
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    प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘वृक्ष लगाएँः ग्रहों को अपने अनुकूल बनाएँ’ में इन तथ्यों का विस्तृत एवं स्पष्ट विवरण दिया गया है। यह पुस्तक आपको बताएगी कि अपनी राशि का वृक्ष लगाकर आप किस प्रकार सुख-समृद्धि एवं अलौकिक आनंद प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इस पुस्तक का अध्ययन करके आप स्वयं ही जान सकते हैं कि कौन-सा ग्रह आपके अनुकूल है, और कौन-सा ग्रह नहीं तथा प्रतिकूल ग्रह को केसे शांत किया जाए। दुनिया में ग्रीनमैन के नाम से जाने जाने वाले ख्यातिप्राप्त पर्यावरणविद श्री विजयपाल बघेल इस पुस्तक के लेखक हैं जिन्होंने अपना पूरा जीवन वृक्ष सम्पदा के लिए समर्पित किया हुआ है। पेड़ के आध्यात्मिक, औषधीय, पर्यावरणीय, सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक महत्त्व की पौराणिक मान्यताओं को पुनःस्थापित करने के मिशन का संचालन असंख्य पर्यावरण प्रेमियों को जोड़कर कर रहे हैं। सैकड़ों अंतर्राष्ट्रीय, राष्ट्रीय तथा प्रादेशिक स्तर के सम्मान एवं प्रशस्ति पत्र पाने वाले श्री बघेल इस युग में ‘हरित ऋषि’ की भूमिका निभा रहे हैं। पेड़ों के प्रति अगाध आत्मीय संबंध रखने वाले ये लेखक वृक्षों के आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व को विज्ञान के साथ जोड़कर अपनी अनुभवी लेखनी का प्रयोग लोक कल्याण के लिए साहित्य लेखन द्वारा भरपूर कर रहे हैं। इस पुस्तक के सहयोगी लेखक श्री दिनेश वर्मा जाने-माने लेखक, समर्पित समाजसेवी, अपनी पुस्तकों के प्रकाशन के माध्यम से पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए निरंतर प्रयासरत रहने वाले एवं मानवीय गुणों से परिपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व के स्वामी हैं। वे हमेशा इस दिशा में प्रयत्नशील रहते हैं कि समाज में रहने वाले सभी व्यक्ति, स्वस्थ, शांत एवं प्रसन्नतापूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करें। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक भी इसी दिशा में किए जा रहे उनके प्रयासों का एक भाग है। इस पुस्तक के एक अन्य सहयोगी लेखक श्री विनय कंसल ‘पर्यावरण श्री (मानद उपाधि)’ एवं कई अन्य पुरस्कारों से पुरस्कृत तथा सुविख्यात पर्यावरणविद् हैं। आज धरती का प्रत्येक व्यक्ति किसी-न-किसी कारण से त्रस्त, परेशान तथा तनावग्रस्त है। इन समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए मनुष्य पूजा-पाठ, ज्योतिष, ग्रह-शांति आदि का सहारा लेता है। क्योंकि वनस्पति सहित सम्पूर्ण प्राणी जगत एवं ग्रहों सहित समस्त सौर-परिवार प्रकृति के ही भाग हैं, अतः वृक्षों से तथा ग्रहों से हमारा अटूट रिश्ता है।  
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  • If you are looking for some instant cost reduction ideas to implement at your company, this book is for you. These ideas are like plug and play. The ideas are battle tested and proven for their effectiveness; you just need to simply apply them in the context of your company's business.Moreover, each and every idea is proactive in nature, which ensures that the reduced cost doesn't come back. Chandan is a Chartered Accountant by profession and is co-founder of Blue Consulting. He is a Cost Reduction Specialist and an Outsourcing Expert. He has 20+ years of experience working with professionally managed companies in India. He is also an author of two best selling books. Chandan is a big fan of the system's approach to work and that's his strength too. He strongly believes in making highly simple systems, which are easy to use, and becomes part of habit.
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    5 Un-Beatable Strategies to Fast-Track Your Rice Rubber Roll Business

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.
    Fast Track your Rice Rubber Roll Business to become a Millionaire almost overnight! Written by the Industry Leader, through Practical Strategies backed by easy to understand Industry Case Studies, this Book will show you how to: • Quadruple your income in a short time effortlessly. • Identify the 5 secret causes of leaking profits. • Use the 5 Super Strategies to make more money with the same effort in less time. • Increase your Business Volume by 15% in just 7 days. • Learn how to make the most of your Investment in the Rice Rubber Roll business. • Bid Goodbye to Stress/Risk and welcome Lasting Profitability. If you are in the Rice Rubber Roll Business, you cannot afford to miss this Book! Jump to the Top Leagues and Multiply your Profits immediately! Pick up this Book NOW to change the course of your Business forever….. Amit Garg is the Director of the Hindustan Rubber Industries, one of the leading firms in the rice mill industry. A science graduate from the Hindu College, Delhi University,he received a Master’s Degree from the Indian Rubber Institute in the Technical Up-gradation of Rubber products. With his high technical qualifications and immense experience in leading his Business to the top league, he is India’s leading expert in this field. His mission is to help fellow manufacturers and dealers/distributors grow their business manifold by sharing the very same strategies that have helped him and his Business reach the top.
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    The Profitable Corrugated Box Code: Discover the Key to Zero Rejection, Increased Profits and World Class Quality

    Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,620.00.

    In this book we have squeezed our 37 years of learning and provided the information in a nutshell. If you can implement the suggestions made through the book, you can tremendously improve the quality of your products and grow at a phenomenal pace. You can leave your competition far, far behind.

    The book will certainly help corrugated box manufacturers like you break the quality myths, make more money, increase profits, build reputation, and avoid common mistakes in selecting the instruments and partnering with the right vendors.

    Vishal & Gaurav Malhotra are third generation technopreneurs with expertise in the Corrugated Boxes Quality Control, they have helped small, medium & large companies reach the next level of Quality.

    The government of India recognized their contribution & gave them National Award for Excellent Quality 2016-17.

    Their list of esteemed customers include companies like Amazon, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Cadburys, Flipkart, Reckitt, Unilever, P&G and many major brands.

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    Smart Plywood Buying Guide: Helping You Buy the Right Plywood for Long Lasting Woodwork and Years of Happiness

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.

    Plywood is an integral part of our lives. Be it our homes, offices, or other community buildings, Plywood plays a major part in the woodwork of the interiors. One wrong decision about Plywood can lead to a major loss of money, time, and peace of mind. Regrettably, we often choose incorrectly because there is so much to choose from and little to go on.

    All that stops with the 'Smart Plywood Buying Guide.' With this Book, you will have your personal Plywood Expert guiding you to choose the best.

    Written by India's leading Plywood Expert, this Book is guaranteed to save you: • Tons of money • Loads of precious time • A massive amount of hassle and rework

    But most importantly, it guarantees to keep you and your family smiling for generations to come. Every one of us needs this Book because we all need to buy Plywood at some point or another, and this Book lets us into all the secrets that only insiders and experts know.

    Akhilesh Chitlangia, India’s leading Plywood expert, is a 3rd generation promoter at Duroply Industries Limited. He joined the 60+ year old family legacy business in 2010 and ever since has been propagating the wonders of Plywood.

    Akhilesh holds dual degrees from Boston University, USA – Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts in Economics.

    He has worked innovatively and relentlessly to successfully increase his company's footprint in the market while simultaneously promoting Plywood in general. It is his mission to educate people on choosing the right Plywood to ensure that every home in India has quality woodwork.

    Akhilesh is based out of New Delhi. When not working, he loves to travel, especially hiking and trekking. Music is another of his great loves besides Plywood, and it helps him unwind. An active member of the Rotary Club, he is involved in many community projects.
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    यह पुस्तक विश्व के सर्वश्रेष्ठ बिज़नेस स्कूलों में पढ़ाए जाने वाले उन छह सुनहरे रहस्यों का खुलासा करती है कि उच्च नेटवर्थ वाले व्यक्तियों को बड़ी कीमत का इंश्योरेंस कैसे बेचा जाए। इस पुस्तक में लेखक ने उच्च नेटवर्थ वाले व्यक्तियों के साथ अपने अनेक वर्षों के अनुभवों का वर्णन करते हुए तथा उनके मन में गहराई से छिपी हुई इच्छाओं की जानकारी प्राप्त करके, आखिर में उन्हें ऐसे ऑफर देने के तरीकों को समझाया है जिन्हें मना करने की या उन्हें एक तरफ़ उठा कर रख देने की हिम्मत वे सच में नहीं कर सकेंगे।
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    Idea to Execution: The Ultimate 10 Step Guide to Goal Setting!!

    Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.

    Are you stressed and worried that you might be trapped in mediocrity forever without becoming Successful and Rich?

    Have you been running around searching for the Secrets to Success? You are running without winning because you are missing the Key Ingredient to Success and Wealth; Goal Setting Your search stops right here Through Goal Mentoring, the author gives you a complete step-by-step Roadmap to success.This book will teach you to:

    • Take Control of your Life • Set Smart Goals • Accelerate your Success journey through Goal Mentoring • Understand and Overcome your Limitations • Manifest Lasting Success and Wealth

    Written by Manuj Adlakha, a successful serial entrepreneur and motivational speaker, this book is the essence of his experiences in real-life situations. It is, therefore, full of practical and effective sharing.

    Everything is written in an easily consumable way. Reading this book will not only lead you to wealth and success but also lighten your life with infotainment. Success is the sequential achievement of one goal after another, and this book is designed to keep your journey to success smooth, speedy and sustainable!

    Invite Success and Wealth into your life forever by Clicking on the Buy Button NOW

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    Awaken Your Good Luck: Know the Secret of Decoding Luck with Astrology

    Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹314.00.
    This book is a guide to Modern astrology with Luck activation remedies, based on Vedic sutras. Even though various descriptions of Vedic sutras are found in standard texts, the method of prediction and providing remedies are not given in to readers and to provide deep comprehensive Knowledge as well. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to ascertain whether you will get what you want in your life or how your immediate future is going to be. Right from the language to the astrological diagrams, no effort is spared to make this book reader-friendly. It is like a self-help book. You can take your horoscope with you and start making your Luck favorable. This book will not only make you learn Astrology, but will also help you in knowing Yourself, Your God Gifted Powers, your Lucky Gemstones, which will make your luck stronger.
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    Only the Companies with Deep Roots of Clarity will Grow in Future THE CLARITY FIRST is written with the sole objective of making its readers dispel all the darkness of doubts and paves the way for the clarity of their purposes. No doubt we all have something or the other that is in abundance—Money, Knowledge and Immense Information, Potential, Power, Skill, Experience, creativity, Motivation and Energy. But, almost all of us lack the ability to put our potential to optimum use. This book is written as part of a mission to make more and more people get benefited by making them clear about “what they should ask about”, “why should they ask about”, “What they will do once the desired thing becomes a reality” and “What they can do with this money, resource, expertise, etc. “to make this world a better place to live in. India’s #1 Business Clarity Coach, Amit Chawla, is on mission to transform lives of the decision-makers. He is an internationality proven software industry senior with over 28 years of extensive experience. During his stint as Country Head and Director in a FinTech MNC he helped it grow 10 times in 6 years! Later he transitioned from an IT professional career of almost 3 decades, to start his own business venture of business and executive coaching. Today, he uses his unique solution-focused & clear approach to help business owners strike balance between increasing profits, unlocking potential and creating visionary leadership. He coaches CXO’s Sr. Executives, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to attain absolute clarity to “what they really want.”
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    Through this book, the author has made every possible effort to describe the good and bad approaches to love relations and married life.
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    डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी ने अपने लंबे आध्यात्मिक जीवन के अनुभवों के द्वारा लोगों के सवालों के जवाब देकर मानव-जीवन की सफलता के गूढ़तम रहस्यों को उजागर किया है। डॉ. त्यागी जी ने कहा है, "मनुष्य अपनी उन्नति एवं अवनति के लिए स्वयं जिम्मेदार होता है। वह जिस प्रकार के संकल्पों या विचारों का निर्माण करता है, वैसी ही परिस्थितियों का निर्माण उसका अवचेतन मन (आत्मा) उसके लिए करने लगता है। अच्छे विचारों का निर्माण करके एवं उन पर ईमानदारी से अमल करके व्यक्ति देवत्व के शीर्ष पर पहुँच जाता है। किंतु यदि उसकी दिशा गलत हुई अर्थात् उसने गलत विचारों का चयन किया तथा उन पर दोषपूर्ण ढंग से अमल किया, तो परिणाम भी विपरीत ही प्राप्त होंगे।" "आपका अवचेतन मन या दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो आपकी आत्मा ज्ञान का भंडार है। अपनी आत्मा से संपर्क करके आप हर उस चीज के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, जिसकी हमें कभी भी और कहीं भी जरूरत होती है। आप जीवन में भरपूर समृद्धि और आनंद प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रमुखता से अधिकारी हैं और आप इसे सहजता से प्राप्त भी कर सकते हैं।" डॉ.मुरारीलाल त्यागी की कृतियाँ आज सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय और सर्वाधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली कृतियों में शामिल हैं। उनके द्वारा लिखित बैरिस्टर, ऊँची दीवार, म्लानमना, विदाई,बीमार कौन, दुःखान्त, संकल्पजयी, एक कदम और, वह कोई और, नया डायरेक्टर, मन उदास क्यों, बदलती लकीरें, हीरे मोती (संपादित), नई तालीम (नाटक), प्यारे बच्चों (नैतिक शिक्षा), सामाजिक सन्त पं. तिलकराज शर्मा, चिन्ता से चिन्तन तक आदि पुस्तकें बहुत लोकप्रिय रही हैं। वे गत 60 वर्षों से 'प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारीज ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े हुए हैं तथा ज्ञान में चल रहे हैं और धारणा युक्त जीवन जी रहे हैं। उनकी वर्तमान उम्र 87 वर्ष से भी अधिक है। वे गत 55 वर्ष से 'कल्पान्त' मासिक भी प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं जिसमें कवि, साहित्यकार, समीक्षक एवं अन्य विद्वानों की चर्चा की जाती है। यह कृति हमें सिखाती है- सुखी जीवन के चमत्कारिक रहस्य - तन-मन और धन के साथ आत्मिक शांति पाने का सहज और अचूक दिव्य ज्ञान, समस्याओं, निराशा, चिंता, आलोचना और व्याधियों से छूटकर समृद्धि एवं खुशियाँ पाने के सरल सूत्र। सत्प्रेरणा से परिपूर्ण एवं जीवन को आनंदमय बनाने का सतत् प्रवाह प्राप्त करने के लिए 'मेरा' सुख 'किसके हाथ प्रसिद्ध मनीषी एवं आध्यात्मिक वक्ता डॉ. मुरारी लाल त्यागी जी द्वारा दिए गए मर्मस्पर्शी सवालों के अनुभवसिद्ध जवाबों का अनुसरण अवश्य करें।  
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    शक्तिपीठ (Shaktipeeth)

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    हमारे तीर्थस्थल एवं पौराणिक देवी-देवताओं की मान्यताएँ इस देश की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर एवं समृद्ध परंपराओं की परिचायक हैं। 'शक्तिपीठ' हमारी इन्हीं परंपराओं एवं मान्यताओं का अभिन्न अंग हैं। मन की शांति एवं शक्ति प्राप्त करने के सिद्ध स्थल हैं-'शक्तिपीठ'। शक्तिपीठ वे पवित्र स्थल हैं जो त्रिदेवियों- महासरस्वती, महालक्ष्मी एवं महाकाली की सम्मिलित शक्ति अर्थात् देवी शक्ति (देवी सती का दिव्य स्वरूप) के अधिष्ठान के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। वास्तव में चमत्कारिक माहात्म्य से परिपूर्ण शक्तिपीठ देवी शक्ति के परम-प्रिय निवास-स्थल हैं। प्रारंभ से ही इन स्थलों की संख्या और भौगोलिक स्थिति के बारे में बहुत सारे मत-मतांतर हैं, जो इनकी गूढ़ता के ही परिचायक हैं, तथापि इनकी सिद्धता के बारे में किसी को भी कोई संदेह नहीं है। मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए प्रसिद्ध इन शक्तिपीठ स्थलों की संख्या विभिन्न स्रोतों, सूत्रों एवं लोगों द्वारा 108, 64, 52 और 51 बताई जाती है, लेकिन प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में महापीठपुराण के अनुसार कुल 52 शक्तिपीठों के बारे में शोधात्मक जानकारी धार्मिक पर्यटन की भावना के अनुरूप दी गई है, जिसका एकमात्र लक्ष्य लोगों को इन स्थलों के बारे में बताना है, न कि अंतिम मत प्रदान करना। गीतकार, स्क्रिप्टराइटर एवं 'शक्तिपीठ' पुस्तक के लेखक श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी हैं। पर्यटन-प्रशासन एवं प्रबंधन में यूजीसी-नेट उत्तीर्ण श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी ने सी.एस.जे.एम. कानपुर विश्वविद्यालय, कानपुर से पर्यटन में एम0बी0ए0 किया। मैनेजमेंट के बाद लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ से मास-कम्युनिकेशन में भी मास्टर्स की उपाधि प्राप्त की है। पूर्व में कानपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) में देश-विदेश के एक प्रतिष्ठित मीडिया संस्थान में बतौर कंटेंट राइटर 7 वर्षों से भी अधिक समय तक कार्यरत रहे श्री त्रिपाठी जी वर्तमान में कानपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) में ही 2 विश्वप्रसिद्ध | चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी शैक्षणिक संस्थानों (कानपुर-मुंबई) द्वारा निर्मित हिंदी की पहली ब्लॉगिंग एवं सोशल नेटवर्किंग वेबसाइट में कंटेट राइटर के पद पर नियुक्त हैं। श्री चंद्रेश जी एक सिद्ध-हस्त लेखक हैं। इनके द्वारा पर्यटन पर लिखी गई एक अन्य पुस्तक मैनेजिंग सेल्स एंड प्रमोशन इन टूरिज्म (एम0 टी0 एम07) विश्वविद्यालयीय छात्रों में अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय है तथा देश-विदेश में ख्याति अर्जित कर चुकी है। माता-पिता में ईश्वर का स्वरूप देखने वाले श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी की विचारधारा आधुनिकता के उस खोखलेपन पर तीखा प्रहार करती है, जिसमें वृद्धावस्था में संतान होते हुए भी असहाय की भाँति माता-पिता को वृद्धाश्रमों की शरण लेनी पड़ती है। आज के आधुनिक समाज को श्री चंद्रेश विमला त्रिपाठी जैसे प्रेरक एवं मार्गदर्शक लेखकों की नितांत आवश्यकता है।
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