The just concluded World Book Fair has proved to be quite auspicious for Pendown Press. World Authority in InstaBook, Book on Mugs and now World’s Smallest Business Book, this publishing house has so many success caps in this year’s world book fair. World’s Smallest Business book is that of its founder and CMD Mr Dinesh Verma. His already-acclaimed book The Top 10 Reasons why you Must Write a book is creating curiosity from all quarters and this has already become the buzz in the business world.

World's Smallest Book 2023

The book is the first-ever business book in the world that can be put in a pocket and that too without folding. Importantly, the author of this book, Dinesh Verma is also a renowned book publishing coach. In this book, he has put his years of experience and brought the glory of the book to its readers in a form that seems to be too good to be true. It is quite rare to make a book too short without compromising its impact. This book is a unique concept wise and this is the reason, experts in the publishing industry feel that there would be more and more books in that shape and form.

This book, according to the Pendown Press source, is running Out of Stock as the demand for this book is heavy and the orders are placed in thousands almost every day. Authors, mainly those belonging to the business sector, are quite astonished to see a book that does not have any luxury of pages, but its impact is enormous. “The beauty of this book is its portability, you can put this book in your pocket and present/offer it to someone with effortless ease,” said an author while holding this book in his hand. He demonstrated how this book is portable enough to carry, offer, present and keep with

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