No Architect can afford to miss this book. It shows how your book is an instant passport to credibility. It is your calling card, your resume, your referrals, and your portfolio all rolled into one.

It will help build your business exponentially and instantly establish you as an authority amongst potential clients, peers, and the architectural community.

This book not only shows you the enormous benefits of writing a book it also shares a path how to write, publish & launch your book globally in a record time of 7 days.


Dinesh Verma
Dinesh runs two award-winning prestigious publishing companies helping entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, consultants, and other professionals write, publish & launch their bestseller book globally in minimal time. Known for his proprietary writing tools, with his new he aims to impact One Million lives by 2025.

Ankur Hora
Ankur Hora is a Great Marketer, a spiritual geek turned Freedom preneur, a Pranic Healer and a Yoga Practitioner. He successfully runs 3 SAP Driven Manufacturing ventures. He is on a mission to serve 100,000 Freedom preneurs living a freedom-driven lifestyle.


Product Details

Book:Why Architects must write a book

Author:Dinesh Verma, Ankur Hora



Publisher:Pendown Press Powered by Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.66

Number of Pages:44



Publishing Year:2021

Category : , , , , , ,