In a world filled with discounts and offers where consumers have become conditioned to ask for discounts, are you a brand looking to bring a premium product to the market and make it successful?
Do you wonder how to change the focus of your customers from cost to benefits offered by premium products?
That is where this book steps in—It shows you how to sell premium products in a market where customers ask what is the cost of the product before they ask what the product can do for them, how the product is beneficial, how it is sustainable, or how it reduces environmental impact.
This book will show you how to become a responsible yet profitable and successful marketeer by presenting products that are premium eco-friendly products in a manner that their audience starts loving, using, and benefiting from it.
A management graduate from the prestigious IIM Lucknow and a mechanical engineer from NIT Kurukshetra, “Abhinay Mittal” has been advocating environment-friendly lubricants for the sugar industry for more than 15 years. His ventures ANSWERS (Cenlub Systems) and LUBEMAN work for this by minimizing the consumption of lubricants using ALS and implementing new technologies of environment-friendly lubricants. He has 2 patents in his name
Product Details
Book:Selling Premium Products to Cost-Conscious Customer: How Top 5% Industrial Dealers are winning customers and building lasting relationships
Author:Abhinay Mittal
Binding:Perfect Binding
Publisher:Pendown Press
Number of Pages:48
Edition:First Edition
Publishing Year:6/22/2023
Category : Business, Business & Economics, Business & Self Help, Business Analysis & Strategy, Business Growth, Strategy & Management, Business Industries, Business Strategy and Management