But for some reason, with the multiplication and development of people’s relationships, a great degradation of morality, and misinterpretation of beautiful and useful man’s nature existed for years before and still exists nowadays.
‘Choogin Valeriy Vitalievich’ was born on 22nd October, 1937, at Sverdlovsk in Russia. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, a Professor in the field of Mechanical Technology of Textile Materials, and an Academician in the Ukrainian Technology Academy. In July 2010, Almighty lifted his consciousness above clouds and opened his mind curtains to expand his foresight, and charged to it. Similarly, in August 2013, has lifted his consciousness much above the clouds and removed restrictions from his brain in the direction of deepening the measure of comprehensive real living conditions of the person and all living beings. In October 2013, Almighty entered the 3rd contact with the author instructing him to behave with the utility level provided to him towards mankind without hesitation. Thus, this book is being published with the hope of the attention of many simple workers and citizens of all countries of the world.