Book & Author

Book :“Father Builds, Son Kills “by Mr. Prateek Agarwal

Success Tactics For Transfer Of Business To New Generation In 24 Hours

Every entrepreneur dreams that his family business grows and earns maximum profit not only during his lifetime but even after, when future generations are inducted to take charge of the same. However, in most cases, it doesn’t happen so. The fault for this situation does not lie with the generations but with the system which does not remain that much effective after one generation. If this system is made faultless then there is no reason why future generations can’t run it the same way or even better.

The book “Father builds, the son kills” by Mr. Prateek Agarwal is a real guide for all such entrepreneurs who want to ensure the success of their businesses by their future generations too. This book apprises the actions to be taken by the father as well as the son for the smooth running of the business by future generations. These include the things that an entrepreneur should learn and also the things he should unlearn to weave a system that is robust and fool proof and pave the way for smooth handling of all possible situations.

The book has been divided into nine chapters each one explaining one aspect of the strategy to be adopted for the above purpose. Chapter one of this book is, “Business Owner v/s Business Manager” where the author has distinguished between these two roles and suggested that the business owner should limit himself to certain specific roles and remaining activities should be delegated to the persons hired for the purpose. This would provide him with more time left for concentrating on more important areas.

Chapter two of the book, “System works, People don’t” describes the need for a system that is process-oriented, clear and in black and white. In this situation, even if a new employee joins, he just follows the written processes, actions, doable, and manages the post flawlessly. Hence the need for any fire fighting generally does not arise.

Chapter Three, “Teamwork -Works” illustrates that division of work is only possible when you have a great team. For that, you have to find and hire people who can replace you for certain activities. Besides, you should also have a properly established exit plan for your team to avoid any soar taste between the owner and the person leaving.

Chapter four,” Clarity leads to power” illustrates the need and process of division of work. In most of the SMEs, everything is dependent upon the business owner. This approach is neither good for the health of the business owner nor that of the company. This chapter clarifies in detail as to what are the various areas of any business and how can they be classified into various processes.

Chapter five, “Manage inflow to avoid your outflow” belongs to knowledge about the finances of the company. This area is generally neglected by the SMEs. Under this chapter, the book provides clear guidance about managing the cash flow of the company and also the concept of multiple streams of income.

Chapter six, “You are my genie” illustrates that the role of the business owner should not be that of a call centre for a team where he is busy round the clock in providing solutions to his employees. Under this situation, employees stop using their brains and keep on approaching the boss even for very small problems.  This situation is not a healthy one and has to be changed as per the guidance provided in this chapter.

Chapter seven, “Sale to sail” clarifies the difference between marketing and sales and specifies the importance of sales for ensuring the smooth running of the Company. Here the book suggests some practical and useful techniques for increasing the sales portfolio, which if applied carefully are bound to yield amazing results.

Chapter eight, “Travel the roads less travelled” emphasizes the importance of entering into those geographical areas which are not fully explored yet. In today’s scenario, competition is increasing day by day, so if you do not do new things, try new areas, it will become difficult for businesses to survive. Entering new geographies will enable you not only to sell your products to new people but also to enable you to explore the other needs of people thus opening the doors for product diversification too.

Chapter nine of the book is, “Bonus: How to induct your second generation in your business”. As can be seen from the title itself, here the author has described the problems of induction of persons from the new generation along with their practical solutions.

The book has been authored is such a way and in such simple words that the ideas and techniques suggested there can be easily grasped and implemented. Examples given under various chapters pertain to the real problems faced by the entrepreneurs and solutions suggested are also very practical. To make the book more comprehensive, action points have been given at the end of every chapter. Some interviews of eminent successful entrepreneurs given at the end of the book have played the role of definite value addition to the book.

The author of this book, Mr.Prateek Agarwal is an experienced entrepreneur as well as a business coach. He is on a mission to help business owners to build a simple, workable, and profitable business that can run and grow without them. His job experience in certain reputed companies has played a role in making this book a must-read.

You can get a copy of “Father Builds, Son Kills” by Mr. Prateek Agarwal from our authorized vendors as well as from Amazon.

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