Physical Distribution (India & International)

Through Pendown’s World Class Global Distribution, your message through your book is ready to reach millions. Our partners are happily working with us for our mission of creating 10000 Authors by 2025, thereby impacting 10 Million lives, resulting in Credibility and Authority for our Authors at Global Level. Your book will be listed, dispatched, and printed from locations in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Australia. Our partners extended collaborations with print-on-demand suppliers in Poland, Germany, Russia, and Brazil, so you can reach readers worldwide without the administrative hassle of signing contracts with local printers, reformatting files, or paying for shipping costs or import taxes. Your book can be accessed through 30000+ physical stores internationally.
“Even one International Client can change the trajectory of your business for life. We Highly Recommend going for this. Even if you get a client or lead after a few years, it’s worth it.”
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