‘’The Whispering Force’’ is a magnificent fantasy set in an intriguing land full of wondrous creatures and magical happenings. It is a book that reiterates the age-old values of friendship, love, bravery and wisdom in an exotic backdrop.
The twists and turns have been brilliantly written and keep the readers guessing. Ending in a thrilling climax, it keeps the reader hooked right through to the end in the battle of good v/s evil—a must-read for fans of the fantasy and thriller genre.
Rishith Singh is currently doing his IGCSE A level in Computer Science and English. He was inspired to write his first book, “The Whispering Force” out of his love for reading. He loves travelling, and when he is not writing, he likes reading Harry Potter books, watching Marvel movies, or playing Mario Kart.
Product Details
Book:The Whispering Force
Author:Rishith Singh
Publisher:Pendown Press Powered by Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Number of Pages:75
Edition:First Edition
Publishing Year:2021
Category : Children's & Young Adult, Crime, Thriller & Mystery, Fantasy, Novel, Novels, Fiction, Fantasy & Poetry
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