Exploring the precious gift of listening, Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta discusses the pressing issue in his book ‘Silent Epidemic.’ With WHO projecting one in four people to experience hearing loss by 2050, and 70 million people suffering from hearing impairment in India, the book emphasizes the need for prevention. Addressing the fact that 80% of deafness is preventable, it highlights the plight of 1 Lakh babies born with hearing deficits annually.
Dr. Gupta’s work advocates for awareness and steps to understand and support the struggles of the deaf community.
• Deafness means having trouble hearing. Approximately 466 million people worldwide experience some level of hearing difficulty.
• Only about 10% of deaf children in India have access to education, and even fewer receive proper language and communication support.
• Gallaudet University in the United States is the only university in the world designed specifically to cater to the educational needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
• Indian Sign Language (ISL) is not widely recognized or taught in educational institutions, limiting communication and educational opportunities for deaf individuals.
• The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPwD), passed in 2016, includes provisions for the rights of deaf individuals and mandates the promotion of Indian Sign Language.
• Deaf people can feel music and sounds through vibrations. If you put your hand on a speaker, you can feel the thumping beats of music – that’s how deaf people often ‘hear.

Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 1 cm

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.